Monday, September 30, 2019
Darkness in Poe, Hawthorne, Melville and Dickinson Essay
E. A. Poe, Hawthorne, Melville and E. Dickinson’s works contain similar elements and images which can be related to the theme of darkness. These authors used these motives as their main subject throughout their works. Some of them led very gloomy and dark life so they used those experiences to utter their feelings by putting them on the paper. These poems and works can come across as kind of morbid at first sight so they will be thoroughly explained in the further text. E. A. Poe was labelled as immoral, crazy and depressive by his contemporaries partly because of his most famous poem â€Å"The Raven†. Many of them considered Poe’s behaviour insane when actually he was just a version of Romantic period moody hero like Byron, Keats and Shelly, yet today those â€Å"insane†people are called artists. His works were marked as spooky, spine-tingling and most importantly dark. Furthermore, a solid comparison can be made between 19th century horror writer Poe and 21th century horror writer Stephen King. Although centuries have passed the motif of darkness stays present. The Raven is a poem filled with dark, lonely and melancholic symbols. One of them to begin with is Gothic setting of the poem. â€Å"Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, / Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore†. â€Å"Ah, distinctly I remember it was in the bleak December;/ And each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor. †It’s almost like today’s readers can see in films. One can picture a small cabin deep in the woods on a cold December night with nothing but one candle and a man like shadow which can be seen through the window. Nevertheless, it is a perfect prelude to a horror movie or in this case to a horror poem. In addition to dark setting there is a dark protagonist, a young man suffering a great amount of pain, more precisely loss of a loved woman. Any human would start to question himself and talk to himself as he did in all of that loneliness and misery, but the only reply he got from the raven is â€Å"Nevermore†. That word is pretty devastating for the man on the edge. The Raven itself is a bad omen, dark one since it gives volume to a dark, spooky, ghostly atmosphere. His black feathers are traditionally considered to be a magic sign of something evil, rotten and ill. For the tone Poe is looking for, the raven is perfectly suitable bird. It looks just like the night it came out of. Yet again the night is another motif in poem which is entirely dark in physical and psychological sense. Night represents mysterious and slightly dangerous power of nature and it fits perfectly in the poem. Poe does not choose to write a horror of a sunny afternoon’s setting. One of the first things one can notice while reading The Scarlet Letter is enormous amount of hypocrisy. The society itself is hypocritical, nothing is white or black, people lie and everyone wears a mask, so that can be interpreted as dark motif. There are many examples of collision of light and darkness throughout the novel. Light is used to describe and emphasize good qualities of a human within or present state of emotions. And on the other hand, dark is obviously opposite of that. For example there is a scene when Pearl turns her head away from bright sunlight after stepping out in her mother’s arms from the dark, gloomy prison. This shows the contrast between light and dark and also evokes pity for the baby and her mother’s imprisonment. â€Å"She bore in her arms a child, a baby of some three months old, who winked and turned aside its little face from the too vivid light of day; because its existence, heretofore, had brought it acquainted only with the gray twilight of a dungeon, or other darksome apartment of the prison. †There is another example of light and dark in Hester’s description of Chillingsworth. She describes him as a devil-like figure with a black soul and eyes burning red like fire. Light and darkness represent change of behaviour and personality in a character and this is one of the best examples of that change. Chillingsworth becomes literally and figuratively dark and continues tormenting Dimmesdale. The forest in the novel is described as dark several times especially in comparison with the town. Everything happening outside of the town is considered to be dark which means sinful. For example, Hester who is a sinner in the eyes of society lives on the outskirts of town in the woods. Society dismissed her and marked her as an outcast. The fact she is living on a border of town and forest shows how certain people thought of her in certain situations. During the night she found refuge in the woods with Dimmesdale and during the day she was a sinner in the eyes of society in the town. The forest was seen as the place of evil by townsmen because it was unknown and mysterious. The wilderness of the forest is compared with the Hester’s moral wilderness. â€Å"She had wandered, without rule or guidance, in a moral wilderness; as vast, as intricate and shadowy, as the untamed forest. In Bartleby the Scrivener by Melville one can use doubling as a dark motif. The first example of doubles is Nippers and Turkey. They act like one person which is shown in the way they live their lives. Turkey is off in the morning because of the alcohol he drank the night before and Nippers is off in the afternoon because of his indigestion due to the lunch he had not so long before. They act like two faces of a coin. The second example and most important one is Bartleby. Melville is evoking him as a kind of phantom double. Descriptions of him represent him as either ghostly or a corpse, â€Å"cadaverous†. His indifference toward anything makes The Lawyer feel guilty and the act of understanding and helping Bartleby is just a way of satisfying his conscience. Isolation is also a dark motif in Bartleby the Scrivener. During the day Bartleby stares at the window facing the wall and during the night he sleeps in his office. In fact, this is a perfect picture of Wall Street and people who were really emotionally imprisoned because of their work. The last author to be explained is Emily Dickinson. She was beyond her time, left all alone in her world with nobody there to understand her. Her life was lonely and that, among all else, resulted in two nervous breakdowns. The poetry she wrote was full of dark and mysterious motives. One of her many poems called â€Å"I’m Nobody, who are you? †can explain the core of Dickinson. Although this poem has element of comic sense to it, it’s not quite as comical as it seems. Here Dickinson has a light tone, childish voice and she invites reader to come to her dark side. The main thesis in this poem is the loss of identity and personality. „I’m Nobody! Who are you? / Are you – Nobody – too? / Then there’s a pair of us! / Don’t tell! they’d advertise – you know! â€Å" She is explaining that there is a pair of them, nobodies and outsiders. The speaker fears to reveal their identity because they will not be anonymous free-thinking â€Å"nobodies†that they have chosen to be. It is not arguable that all of these authors were lonely and filled with pain due to certain tragedies but some of them felt it more than others. If every aspect of their lives is taken in consideration one should give a gold medal in darkness and despair to Poe and Dickinson. Nevertheless, all of them were human with real human emotions and their way of coping with pain was by writing it on a piece of paper. No matter how morbid and depressing these works are, they are works of art. It is important to remember how difficult it is to share your emotions publically and let every individual to interpret it in its own way, maybe even comparing it to its own life experiences. That is the beauty of it.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
How Plastic Surgery Affects Society Essay
Often viewed as controversial; plastic surgery has the capability to change lives of various individuals from diverse socioeconomic levels. Plastic surgery covers a broad spectrum of services which are included in reconstructive surgery, as well as, the popular aesthetic appeal of cosmetic surgery. Plastic surgery affects society both physically, psychologically, and emotionally. From Operation Smile to botox, accident victims to breast augmentation, and Little Baby Face Foundation to facelifts; plastic surgery can give hope and confidence to many people. Plastic surgery can be delineated as the branch of surgery concerned with therapeutic or cosmetic repair or re-formation of missing, injured, or malformed tissues or parts. (â€Å"Plastic Surgery† There is written medical evidence that some of the first plastic surgery procedures are dated back more than 4,000 years ago (â€Å"ASAPS†). â€Å"Physicians in ancient India were utilizing skin grafts for reconstructive work as early as 800 B.C†(â€Å"ASAPS†). In 1827, Dr. John Peter Mettauer performed the first cleft palate operation (â€Å"ASAPS†). This shows that plastic surgery has always had a very powerful impact on society. Even though plastic surgery is glamorized by the public eye there are a vast amount of instances where it is to truly help someone that needs it. Operation Smile is a prime example of how plastic surgery can improve the life of someone. They are an organization that helps children worldwide. Operation smile trea ts facial deformities such as cleft palates and cleft lips for free. â€Å"They have provided reconstructive plastic surgery to over 150,000 children and young adults in more than 60 countries†(â€Å"Plastic Surgery). Regardless of how much the media popularizes plastic surgery, you must not focus on that effect, but on the effect foundations like these have on society. If a woman were to be diagnosed with breast cancer there is a possibility that she will need surgery. At this time a mastectomy (removal of the breast) in order to keep the cancer from spreading (â€Å"Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstructive Surgery†). There are many different alterations in which there could be a portion of the breast taken away or even all of the breast ( â€Å"Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstructive Surgery†). This affects society in many different ways. This could strongly damage self-esteem as well as do much mental damage. Even though you are doing this procedure it could possibly be a life saving one. Another wonderful opportunity that plastic surgery can offer someone is repairing any damage done to a veteran while they were in active duty. Many hospitals will actually perform cosmetic surgery free of charge. Whether it was from a gunshot wound or grenade shrapnel effecting the face or body of a soldier, many â€Å"training†hospitals will pay for all the charges that would be given to the patient. There are various programs that offer free procedures that will help injured veterans attempt to continue their lives without embarrassing scars on their bodies. Plastic surgery has a very positive impact on the world. Although plastic surgery has much negative exposure, it still has a large portion of positive effects that are not often heard about. â€Å"Many of these benefits include confidence, health safety, post-accidental reconstruction and age-defiance, respectively (â€Å"What Are the Pos itive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery†). There are many different factors that contribute to a person’s happiness (â€Å"What Are the Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery†). If someone has something wrong with their body that they believe can be improved then he/she will be able to fix it which will in turn lead to a happier person with a better quality of life. However there are many health risks that can be fixed by plastic surgery. If someone were to be dangerously overweight then they could get liposuction or another procedure that would keep them from getting diseases such as heart disease, a higher blood pressure among other problems (â€Å"What Are the Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery†). There are even many instances where a tragic accident could leave a person physically deformed. In this case reconstructive surgery could be the answer and return the lives of patients to some sense of normalcy. Looking younger is now a popular trend among older and sometimes even younger people. This leads to a more positive outlook on life and is also used as a preventative precaution (â€Å"What Are the Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery†). Whatever the reason may be, plastic surgery has proven to be one of the most effective techniques to ensure a more positive outlook on life. There was an interview conducted by and Dr. Howard T. Bellin last year. In this interview many different questions were asked about self esteem and the appropriate age for plastic surgery. Dr. Bellin believes that a person’s self esteem can benefit significantly from plastic surgery. One of the major surgeries that he does would be the rhinoplasty. He does this operation on teens. There is a general debate about what age is appropriate to let your child have plastic surgery. Sometimes parents believe that their child may be too young or perhaps too immature to engage in surgeries that seem to be for adults only. Plastic surgery can fix some problems but is not a â⠂¬Å"cure†. Cosmetic procedures are becoming much more common among teens now a day and are helping them through everyday life and help them fit in. There will always be a debate on this situation but it is important to look out for the best interests of the patient (â€Å"An Interview with Dr. Howard T. Bellin†). There are many different mental diseases that relate to plastic surgery. These diseases do cause there to be a negative idea about surgery. â€Å"This is sometimes true, but there are some cases that this is not always a bad thing. Body Dysmorphic Disorder or (BDD) is described by the psychiatric Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders as a preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance†(â€Å"Body Dysmorphic Disorder†). Usually with this disease the person who has this disorder while mark the body excessively in one location which may cause it to become deformed. They will obviously want this to be fixed and will want to have surgery. If this go es untreated then the likelihood of suicide can increase so in order to prevent this surgeons will fix the problem which will hopefully keep the patient happy and able to continue on with life. Other times it is not that simple and they will need additional surgery to correct the â€Å"problem†that they believe is present. There have been studies conducted on patients post operation feelings. There are many emotional ties that go with getting surgery. â€Å"A study in 2005 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found that 75 percent of the respondents indicated that they chose plastic surgery to gain an improved appearance and a more active lifestyle†(â€Å"Emotional Changes After Plastic Surgery†). â€Å"Likewise, 70 percent sighted emotional and psychological rewards after surgery, with notable happiness and renewed self-esteem and confidence†(â€Å"Emotional Changes After Plastic Surgery†). â€Å"Equally impressive, 45 percent enjoyed the daily benefit of being more attractive†(â€Å"Emotional Changes After Plastic Surgery†). So you can see that in most cases there is an unambiguous change in a person’s perso nality after surgery. There are many benefits of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. This is a tool used by a fair number of the population in the world. It helps keep the status quo intact and also lets some feel accepted. With all of the glamours that television promotes about plastic surgery it may be hard to fit in. This is a way to keep everyone on the same page so to speak. It may have some negative effects on society, but the positive aspects definitely outway them. It improves the emotional status of the patients after surgery and statistics show that there has even been a direct link with a person’s personality and surgery. Whether it is organizations trying to help children have a normal and prosperous life or a â€Å"training†hospital operating on a veteran for free, these procedures have proven to be a very positive thing and improve lives. The emotional and physical health of people throughout the world have been positively impacted by this. There are many advances that are being made everyday in the medical field. There are even instances where you can not even tell that someone has went â€Å"under the knife†. Plastic surgery will continue to give hope to people and will also give people the courage and strength to deal with everyday life. Works Cited â€Å"ASAPS.†News Releases. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Body Dysmorphic Disorder.†Body Dysmorphic Disorder. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Breast Cancer and Breast Reconstructive Surgery.†WebMD. WebMD, n.d. Web. 01 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Emotional Changes After Plastic Surgery: What You Need to Know.†Emotional Changes After Plastic Surgery. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan. 2013. â€Å"An Interview with Dr. Howard T. Bellin – A Plastic Surgeon, Inventor, and Director of CosMedica.† N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan. 2013. â€Å"Plastic Surgery.†, n.d. Web. 31 Dec. 2012. â€Å"Plastic Surgery.†Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 22 Jan. 2013. Web. 25 Jan. 2013. â€Å"What Are the Positive Effects of Cosmetic Surgery?†HubPages. N.p., n.d. Web. 01 Jan. 2013.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Multiple Intelligences and Online Learning Essay
Multiple Intelligences and Online Learning - Essay Example This paper tends to explain the theory of MI in brief and explores its applicability in the emerging industry of online learning. Concept of Multiple Intelligences It was in 1983, the prominent professor and psychologist of Harvard University introduced his famous multiple intelligence theory, which thereby altered the educational perspectives of the entire world. Howard found that the traditional ways of testing for intelligence were not comprehensive enough or they simply biased to particular and rather small group of individuals. Evidently, the intelligence of learners is often measured based on their arithmetic skills and reading, writing excellence; and hence people with other areas of skills tend to lose attention and support (‘what are multiple Intelligences?’). Howard proposed ‘eight primary intelligences’ among which at least one or many can be found in every individual. He argued that a broader range of learning method is essential so as to det ermine the apt learning style for each individual regardless of his/her intellectual or physical weaknesses. The reason he found was that every individual may excel in one or more than one of the eight Intelligences, and therefore their skills are seldom inferior to that of others. At this juncture, a good educator is challenged to teach a child following the way it learns other than the way he (Tutor) preferred to teach. Howard’s intelligences include logical-mathematical, spatial, linguistic, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. According to Gardner, intelligence refers to the ability to find and solve problems and create products of value in one’s own culture†(cited in Kramer, 2002, p. 46). MI in Online Learning As mentioned in the introduction, applying MI concept while developing e-learning strategy would increase learner’s likeliness of experiencing positive result based on their MI potential. However, how to assimilate such an activity based program is the strategic challenge the educators have to meet in this regard. Varieties of technological applications have been invented to stimulate online learning interactions for the recent past. Evidently, designers have to be creative enough to apply the available tools appropriately. Although it is not possible to include specific activity for each learner, all learners would find some elements valuable if a variety of activities are well incorporated in the program. For instance, facilities like video conference, discussions, chats, interactive games, puzzles, use of music and spoken texts, graphs, visuals etc can be used to enhance the e-learning experience of the pupils regardless of their intellectual variance. To illustrate, in order for adding linguistic intelligence activities, tactics like online interviews, speaking tests, drafting e-mails, reading and writing articles, and writing literature reviews or book movie reviews can be cons idered. When it comes to online learning, selecting and evaluating MI software inventory is highly important. As McKenzie (2005) notes, by completing MI software inventory, one must be ‘able to determine the intelligence that each application supports’ and ‘identify those intelligences that need to be considered in future purchases’ (p. 63). The content, interface, design, and documentation features of the
Friday, September 27, 2019
Hooters restaurants need to just admit its adult entertainment and ban Essay
Hooters restaurants need to just admit its adult entertainment and ban children after 9pm. Agree or disagree - Essay Example But in the today’s times where a lot of insight and literature is available on business ethics, empowered by forces such as the media and civilian Watchdogs; ignorance is indeed not an excuse. Most of the literature available on ethics is dominated by rhetoric without accommodating the everyday practical situations that businesses deal with and without an adequate framework. There is also a wide array of ethical theories and explanations that are present, each one holding a particular merit, but the lack of uniformity and coherence makes it hard to standardize or decide on a single formula or framework to deal with such issues. Thus, this paper aims to critically assess an Ethical dilemma with a very objective outlook. This paper aims to systematically present the problem backed by facts and then present a legal and ethical analysis of the facts, without a bias towards either side. And ultimately using this analysis to present a very carefully constructed judgment. While incre ased globalization has opened up many new markets for trade, it has also increased competition among businesses to capture market share. Competition is naturally deemed as healthy, but it can also lead to practices that circumvent the existing socioethical status quos and thus lead to ethical dilemmas. 1 (Richard M. Locke, 2002) As per observations, increased competition leads to firms looking up for newer and more innovative ways to differentiate their products and services. Hooters, an American chain of fast food restaurants, is another such company that has made the use of a rather unconventional and unorthodox medium of differentiating itself, which in its case is female sex appeal. This strategy has been a source of debate and objection from many different circles but has also been successful in creating a market for Hooters. The extent of success and objections differs from place to place depending upon the demographic makeup of the respective locations. Our aim is to explore the many ways in which this eatery operates, analyze the potential sources of objection using legal and ethical notions and then ultimately form a judgment in context of normative ethics regarding what Hooters ought to do. To be specific, this paper will ultimately analyze the validity of the claim that Hooters is indeed an adult entertainment provider operating under the garb of a traditional fast food restaurant, and should consequently disallow the entry of children after 9 p.m. as per the usual legal norms. SUMMARY OVERVIEW: Hooters, since its inception in 1983 has openly admitted to using female sex appeal as a unique selling proposition. While doing this lies within its legal jurisdiction as protected by the American constitution and other governing laws throughout the world, the crux of the debate regarding Hooters lies in the company not classifying itself as an adult service provider. But once it does so, its market will be constricted mainly to adults, and this is what the company doesn’t want. The main attraction of the Hooters franchise are the Hooters Girls. The Hooters Girls are usually young, attractive females wearing a standard required uniform, the highlight of which is a White Hooters tank top and orange shorts. The clothes are meant to enhance the attraction of the body, but strictly without any nudity. The Hooters Girls are supposed to entertain and interact with the customers as part of the Hooters
Thursday, September 26, 2019
CJ summarize 6 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
CJ summarize 6 - Essay Example These police organizations are mainly derived from a punitive model of administration and control and here any deviation from the rules and regulations can lead to punishments based within ranks. The police organizations have three main services, i.e. line services, administrative services and auxiliary services. The main functions of the police department include protect public safety, enforce the law, control traffic, conduct criminal investigations and interpret the law. Considering the patrol elements of the job, there has been immense evolution from night watch systems, to motorized patrols, however in the recent times this has moved on to be more focused on foot patrolling thereby increasing the contact with citizens. To ensure the overall effectiveness of the patrolling system, the Kansas experiment was conducted. Here this included a normal group, which involved a car cruising, a proactive group, where there was a higher level of patrol and more number of cars and finally the reactive group where the police response was only based on requests. There was not much difference with the three groups and the presence or absence of the police was in no manner a deterrent to crimes. In terms of the detective force approach, the main focus includes identification, arresting criminal offenders, collecting and preserving physical evidence, locating and interviewing witnesses and also the recovery and return of stolen properties. However the overall proportion of arrests is relatively much lesser. There are however several other issues that are present, which includes abuses, reclassification, low clearance rates, etc. The police department however also have a number of specific types of enforcement situations which include surveillance, decoy operations, intelligence gathering, and other enforcement activities. There are also other assigned officers to SWAT teams which deal with high risk situations. Another group of police
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
My Nursing Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Nursing Philosophy - Essay Example The nature and aspect of taking care of other people in the field of health is an incredible phenomenon to most nurses. Personally, I consider it a calling to assist and aid people who are in need of medical assistance and care in this field. The care of individuals from all walks of life and the different circumstances that every one of them faces is what drives me to be better at what I do. In advocating and promoting for a safe environment in which individuals of all ages, sex, and backgrounds can acquire treatment and rehabilitation, I can say that this field offers me satisfaction, which makes me believe I am changing the world. This is even if it is in the smallest way possible. Nursing, in my opinion, is the use of clinical judgment to protect, advocate, and promote for an environment that allows people to heal and live their lives to the fullest. Health is one of the elements in nursing that aids nurses in trying to comprehend the manner in which patients are to be treated wh ile in their care. The use of every available power in the nurse’s repertoire is required in this case to allow the natural order of things to take control when caring for a sick person. It is the nurse’s duty to ensure that the patient is as comfortable as they need to be while providing them with the necessary help. This is in terms of clinical assistance that may allow them to go back to their natural state of health. Nightingale (1859/1992) claimed that the art of nursing is to â€Å"unmake what God had made disease.†This statement indicates that the primary goal of nursing should be the patient’s health, which should take precedence over everything else (Parker & Smith, 2010). Environment The environment in which most patients are exposed to may determine the existing health conditions. Poor and deteriorating environments can lead to poor health and a higher level of diseases. The doctors and physicians present in the healthcare environment need to be particularly careful when handling the sickly. Doctors may be the most crucial factor in the healing of sick people in the hospital. It is the belief of countless individuals that the doctor’s clinical and professional decision in the healthcare environment is final. Failure to abide by these decisions may lead to dire consequences. It is, therefore; crucial for most of the physicians in the field to be in a position to handle most of the cases that are reported in health facilities. Maintaining an aura of professionalism on the physician’s part can work toward preserving a patient’s dignity. This is what the medical environment should be all about, and nurses assist in making this a reality. Nursing It may be different from practicing medicine because nursing is all about care of the patient/client. Placing an individual in need of care, in the best conditions, is the principle element behind nursing. Promoting health through some of the activities in the nu rsing field is what brings out the caring aspect of nurses, which differentiates them from physicians and doctors. Creating the conditions that best suit the patient can be done by anyone, but nurses know what best to do in certain, if not all situations. The proper use of different elements in the health environment should help restore clients to their natural state. Elements such as; fresh air, cleanliness, quiet, and administration of proper diet are vital to the patient’s healing. Person The biological, spiritual, psychological, and social aspects of persons/clients/patients make them multidimensional. This makes every individual unique to their present situation, and how they might relate to their medical conditions. Dealing with all individuals, regardless of their age, is difficult. Take for instance a case where an individual may be dying from an incurable disease and has already given up and may not want treatment to help them cope with their situation. Such a case i s particularly difficult for nurses
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Looking over the varied strands of the American Women's Movement, Essay
Looking over the varied strands of the American Women's Movement, which approaches do you believe were the most successful, an - Essay Example Such movement’s priorities vary among the feminine from one region, nation, state, and continent. Feminine movement began in the western world in the early centuries and took on various forms. The initial form involved and addressed the issues concerning political equality and suffrage; the second form, partly arising because of the civil right’s movement provided forum for addressing and combating private issues such as sexuality, role in society, childcare considerations for working mothers, power inequality, social and cultural inequalities. The third form involved the rejuvenation of women influence in politics. All the issues spearheaded involve of are focused on women’s issues, and such movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equality in terms of the issues addressed. Feminine movements are always geared towards women empowerment and liberation by breaking the ties that bind and suppress their efforts (Macpherson, p.7). Successful approache s The American women movement succeeded in addressing numerous issues that were tying down the efforts of most of the women population in the past years. There were various approaches which pioneered and addressed such issues of ethnicity, regional differences, class, gender, and the transition from radical to electoral politics. Antislavery (Abolitionism) This was the first abolition movement of the American women, which was used for the campaigns to end slavery. The slavery had been in America since the colonial times, and slaves came to America because of the transatlantic trade between the oceanic countries and both the North and South America. The slaves were subjected to hard labor and harsh treatment from their masters and the foremen chosen to supervise their work. Such conditions prompted the formation of antislavery societies whose main agenda was to abolish the existence of slavery and the entire treatment of other persons as slaves. The antislavery society encountered ha rsh conditions and treatment from the slaveholders, who owned and treated slaves unfairly. The approach of abolitionism was successful because it resulted into the freeing of slaves, slave trade was stopped, slavery abolition Act was formed, and most of the enslaved population enjoyed their freedom rights. They started schools and libraries for the free blacks. (Schomp, p.12). Lobbying This refers to influencing the decisions made by government officials by other individuals, legislators, constituents, and other advocacy groups. It is a form of advocacy that is aimed at influencing the government on certain matters that concern a group of individuals or the entire society. The civil rights movement was concerned with the fight for equality Reform movements They were organized to carry out specific reforms in certain areas by changing elements of the system for the better. These were usually organized by reformist American women. Examples include the civil rights movement, women libe ration among other approaches. The civil movement addressed issues pertaining the equality of women in terms of political rights. This resulted in majority of the women gaining political mileage and having a voice within the system that was
Monday, September 23, 2019
[Art subject] Olympic Sculpture Park Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
[Art subject] Olympic Sculpture Park - Essay Example Two sheets of identical weathering steel make the curvy objects that are called Ws or Wiggles. In order to fully appreciate the transcendent beauty of the work, one needs to walk the spaces between the Ws. The space between the two enclosing objects will constantly morph to give a unique experience to the walker. I much enjoyed this novel idea of travel through space. Love & Loss is intended public utility. It is an aesthetically designed public sitting space. The seats and benches are crafted to the shapes of letters forming Love & Loss. Sitting there and simply gazing at the surrounding scenery is a relaxing experience that I quite enjoyed. This work of art was made by Roy McMakin and installed in OSP in 2004. Concrete, paint and enamel are the basic building material. The constant wear and tear of this construction has led to several refurbishing, which have taken the sheen off its original beauty. The Father and Son statue work installed in the midst of a water fountain is poetry and philosophy wrung into sculpture. This masterpiece by Louise Bourgeois is made of a conglomeration of metals steel, aluminum and bronze. The water fountain is conceptually the key, as it reveals and hides the statues of the father and the son to various degrees dynamically. Working to a pre-programmed schedule, the two fountains installed beneath the statues will rise and fall showing either the father or the son at a time. It attempts to symbolically show the innate difficulty in a father-son relationship, where strong bonds are seldom seen. Perhaps the Oedipal impulse in the boy-child never lets him connect strongly with the father. The outstretched arms of the two statues is a moment frozen for eternity and shall never consummate the underlying intent, namely to reach and hold the other figure. This work made me think a lot and I took pleasure in the intellectual stimulation it offered via the dynamic visual
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Use of Isotopes in Medicine Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Use of Isotopes in Medicine - Essay Example Majority of the chemical elements that exist on earth have multiple isotopes (Gagne, Leonard and Rivard, 2012). However, it is only that a single isotope gains dominance due to its abundant nature than the rest. Mostly, atoms are defined using their mass numbers (protons + neutrons) and this number is added to their chemical symbol as a subscript. Atom stability of the nucleus depends greatly on the protons to neutrons ratio. Isotopes have two classifications: the stable ones which do not change with time and the ones that possess a ratio that makes them unstable allowing them to change their mass numbers (Ling, et al, 2012). Stable isotopes have a constant concentration in the environment, though their distribution keeps on changing depending on the environmental preferences. Unstable isotopes decay with time through a process called radio-activity and assume different states. For instance, over a period of time it has been found that carbon – 14 decays into carbon – 1 2. Bonfils, et al., (2012) explains that some isotopes are more active than others and are more likely to decay faster than others until they attain stability. Fortunately, this rate of decay can be predicted or even measured hence can be used age determination. Used In Diagnosis Isotopes, especially radio-isotopes are widely being used in medicine to carry out nuclear examinations. Nuclear medicine is a scientific branch in medicine that employs the use of radiations to provide more information to the human body’s organic functioning or disease treatment (Jodal, Le Loirec & Champion, 2012). Through this information collected a proper and accurate diagnosis is given regarding a patient’s illness. Diagnostic techniques in most cases use tracers which are radioactive in nature for the body to release gamma rays. These tracers are short-lived but are judged with the role of checking particular physiological processes. The tracers can be administered orally or through inje ctions after which a camera is used to detect them. Gagne, Leonard, and Rivard (2012) assert that through the radiations being caused by the tracers, a doctor can examine the image produced by the camera and identify where the exact problem lies. Let us have a look at the PET scan where a radionuclide is injected into a body of a patient and concentrated in the tissue targeted (Jodal, Le Loirec & Champion, 2012). As the radionuclide decays, it emits positrons whose combination with electrons gives gamma rays emission that can be identified easily. Through the PET camera, their original direction can be studied and the affected organ be identified. The most commonly used isotopes in this study are fluoride- 18 which is used as an oncology tracer. It is the most effective method used in cancer examinations as well as heart and brain cell examinations. These scans have improved the diagnosis by almost 30%, providing critical information regarding the various types of diseases (Ling, et al., 2012). They can also be used to detect malfunction of organs through the speed of isotope movement. Use of Isotopes in Radionuclide Therapy (RNT) This is the art of controlling or even getting rid of the cancer tumor by using radionuclide radiations (Rana, et al, 2012). The tumor is irradiated through a process known as teletherapy, which is performed by emitting a beam of gamma rays from a radioactive source called cobalt-60. However, the
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Tuina Massage Essay Example for Free
Tuina Massage Essay Chinese massage (known as Tuina or Tui Na) stimulates acupressure points for healing energy to flow easily. Acupressure points have a high electrical conductivity at the surface of the skin and thus conduct the body’s energy effectively. Discover how to apply the same points and principles as acupuncture –using Chinese massage techniques and sensitivity of the human hand instead of needles. Learn to relieve a range of emotional complaints and common ailments such as depression, anxiety, headaches, backache, insomnia, nausea, carpel tunnel, and many more. Tuina Fundamentals Tuina and ancient Acupressure were developed in Asia over 5,000 years ago. Both are effective in the relief of stress-related ailments, in self-treatment and in preventive health care. Tuina releases tension, increases circulation, reduces pain and develops vibrant health. For more information on Acupressure, see Michael Reed Gach’s book, Acupressure’s Potent Points: A Self-Care Guide for Common Complaints from A to Z. ***** IT NEED TO BE IN 2SPACE FORMAT ***** NEED HEADING ON PAPER            Tuina or ‘Tui na’ is an ancient Chinese Bodywork Massage Therapy that is frequently being utilized along with another Chinese holistic technique known as acupressure. It was developed more than 2000 years ago, and harnesses the individual’s own internal energy known as ‘Qi’ (chi) to return them to a state of health and well-being. Through this technique, Qi is made to rhythmically flow into the natural energy channels of the body known as the ‘meridians’. This energy flows is considered to be the stimulating force for life. Manipulation, pressure, massage and traction provided during treatment, helps the body to naturally heal several disorders that affect the muscles, bones and the joints (such as sprains, arthritis, back pain, sciatica, etc); non-muscular skeletal disorders (such as those that involve the digestive system, respiratory systems and reproductive systems) and stress-related disorders (such as tension headache, carpel tunnel syndrome, anxiety, etc). Besides, it helps improve circulation and the general health and wellbeing of the individual. Several techniques such as gliding, kneading, percussion, friction, traction, rotation, vibration, rocking, shaking, etc, are utilized during therapy sessions. The meridians provide the life-giving energy to all the structures of the body such as joints, muscles, internal organs, tissues and the mind. Any disturbance in the flow of Qi can cause several problems. The Chinese have viewed disease as a condition in which the flow of Qi tends to get distorted. When the flow of Qi is well-regulated, the individual is healthy in mind, soul and body. During this technique, manipulations help to correct the energy flow. Various acupressure points may be stimulated in order to encourage the flow of Qi.            Acupressure is the technique in which pressure is applied to certain points in the body to treat any disturbance in the flow of energy (Qi). In acupressure, 12 meridians or energy pathways are manipulated. In actual Chinese medicine, 20 meridians exist; however, only 12 are considered important in acupressure that supplies energy to the tissues, organs and other structures of the body. 2 supplemental meridians (conception vessel and the governor vessel) are also manipulated sometimes. The 12 routinely utilized meridians include lung, pericardium, heart, large intestine, triple energizer, small intestine, liver, kidney, stomach, gall bladder and bladder. Once the energy flow is stimulated, any imbalances in the flow are corrected, and the individual feels energetic and confident. Along the 14 meridians, about 300 points exist known as the ‘acupressure points’ or ‘acupoints’. Each of these points is given an alphabet-numerical code, and is manipulated with the fingers, hands, wrists, thumbs, knuckles, and sometimes with blunt objects.            The area at which the pressure has to be applied should be explored with a deep probing pressure. Once the precise point is reached a stinging pain is felt, followed by a numbing or tingling sensation that migrates to other parts of the body. With experience the points can be more easily recognized, but the sensitivity to pain reduces with time. Once the point has been recognized, pressure should be applied over it for a few minutes. The procedure should be repeated on the other side of the body. Once the procedure is completed, the individual can experience a lot of relieve from stress and tension, and an improvement in the flow of energy is immediately felt. Sometimes, the symptoms may worsen following manipulation of the acupoint. In that case, the procedure should be stopped at that particular point.  If the treatment seems to be ineffective, the individual should search for other points lying close to the one manipulated. In case, the individual gets only transient relief, the procedure should be repeated again. The individual should remain relaxed, calm and concentrate during manipulation. Besides, finger pressure, rolling with a blunted object (like a pen), pressing with the knuckle or palms, tapping, kneading forces, friction, traction, etc, can also be tried out and reapplied if it seems to be effective. References: Boyd, K. T. (2007). The Online Acupressure Guide. Retrieved January 4, 2007, from Stanford University School of Medicine Website: CHIS-UK (2007). Acupressure. Retrieved January 4, 2007, from Complementary Healthcare Information Service UK Website: Gach, M. R. (1990). Acupressures Potent Points Guide To Self-Care For Common Ailments. New York: Bantam Dell. Health How Stuff Works (2006). â€Å"How does acupressure work?†Retrieved January 4, 2007, from How Stuff Works Website: Health Information Organization. (2005). Tui Na (tuina) Chinese Bodywork Massage Therapy. Retrieved January 4, 2007, from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Health Information Organization Website: Tuina (2007). About Tui Na. Retrieved January 4, 2007, from Tuina Australia Website:
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflective Analysis of personal Time Management and Nursing
Reflective Analysis of personal Time Management and Nursing An event that was meaningful to me as a nurse happened during my clinical time at St. Michaels Hospital when I did not wash my patient before 8:00 am in order to prepare her to go to a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. My patients 10:00 am Heparin administration was delayed by 45 minutes because she was being washed at that time. This event occurred because I did not prioritize the tasks I had to complete during the day properly, and therefore I learned the importance of time management while I work as a nurse on the clinical unit. Besides me, the people who were involved in the event were the registered nurse who I shadowed, my clinical instructor, and my student nurse buddy. At the beginning of the clinical day, while the events happened, I contacted my instructor, my nurse, and my student nurse buddy. The nurse and I sat down to look at the Kardex of patients and wrote down notes on our Personal Organizational Plan (P.O.P.). On the Kardex, my patients condition was the same as yesterday except she would have a plastic surgery appointment later on that day. Usually the patients husband would visit her daily around 9:30 am and provide care which including washing the patient and helping her to perform bowel elimination. My patient preferred that nurses leave them alone while her husband cares to her. On this particular day, the patients husband had an appointment and could not visit his wife in the morning, which meant it was my responsibility to wash my patient early so she could be ready for her appointment. I verbally informed my student nurse buddy that I would need her help to wash my patient but I thought my memory was good enough that I did not have to write down this specific task on my P.O.P. When I met with my patient, I concentrated on measuring her vital signs, completing the initial assessment, nursing activities, and interviewing my patient for the Roy Care Plan assignment as these tasks were originally listed on the P.O.P. I made sure I finished charting by 9:00 am. Once I finished charting, the nurse came up to me to see if I had bathed my patient and I replied no. From the nurses unsatisfied facial response, I realized I should have bathed my patient earlier in advance. My clinical instructor also asked my student nurse buddy and I the reason the patient had not been washed yet. I thought I could have washed my patient after I completed the charting as I knew the patient usually was washed around 10:00 am by her husband. I felt really bad and irresponsible because I did not wash my patient on time and prepare her for the appointment. My intuition told me there must be an essential task I had missed, but I just could not recall what it was since I did not write it down on the P.O.P. I thought my clinical instructor and the nurse must feel disappointed that I did not perform the task earlier as I remembered my clinical instructor stated clearly to check if any of our patients has special orders or tasks to be done at the beginning of the shift. I believe there are ethical and economic considerations to be taken into account about this event. If my patient was still in the process of getting ready while she received a call to go down to the plastic surgery unit, it would create unnecessary wait time for the plastic surgeon and other patients who would see the plastic surgeon later on. In order to compensate for the extra wait time, staffs at the plastic surgery unit may try to rush things and quality of treatment that patients receive may suffer. Staf fs may have to work overtime due to the delay and economic burden would be a result. In addition, delay of administering Heparin will increase patients risk of blood clotting and serious consequences such as pulmonary emboli, myocardial infarction, and deep vein thrombosis may be resulted. This will be considered as maleficence to the patient (Potter Perry, 2009). Moreover, I believe I should be accountable to my patient by providing safe and quality care to my patient which includes washing my patient on time. This belief arises from my nursing teachers constant reminders to us that it is very important to follow CNOs practice standards during practice. The key issue of the event is time management skills for clinical practice. If effective time management strategies were applied to my clinical practice, the chance of this event occurring would have been minimized and my performance of clinical practice will be improved. According to Chater and Litchfields study done on new graduate nurses who work in a neonatal unit at an Australian hospital (2007), five themes: knowing, planning, support, fulfillment, adapting and being flexible can be utilized to help student nurses and new graduate nurses to better manage their clinical time. Firstly, knowing is essential for nurses to manage time on the unit. The reason is if novice nurses do not know the condition of their patients, then they will not know what interventions they need to apply. More time will be spent looking up and learning about how to take care of the patients conditions. Therefore, obtaining nursing knowledge and familiarity with the daily routine care of the unit can help nurses handle their time on unit more efficiently. Having knowledge about the patients condition will also help novices feel less anxious, gain a sense of control, and raise their level of confidence (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Secondly, planning involves thinking about all the tasks which need to be completed as well as how much time each task requires. Proper planning can guide nurses through their day and ensure that important tasks will not be missed. Taking the time to think about required tasks also saves time because it allows the nurse to figure out what resources will be needed to complete a specific task and get everything ready in advance, rather than beginning a task and suddenly realizing something is missing and having to pause to figure it out. Thirdly, new nurses should not hesitate to obtain support from their preceptors and peers. Researching the right knowledge for a patients problem is time consuming but important, so nurses should not be afraid to ask for help since it is in the best interests of the patient. Also, talking to another new nurse peer will aid in continued development of time management skills. Moreover, when novice nurse are able to manage time and are able to complete all the routine care, they gain a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Finally, adapting and being flexible is essential to mastering time management skills. There are always unexpected and unpredictable events that occur during clinical and being able to adapt and find alternative ways to deal with various situations will help nurses feel less stressed when managing their time on the unit (Chater Litchfield, 2007). Besides the five managing themes stated above, prioritizing is a necessary tool for effective time management. Nurses have to prioritize tasks on their route and finish tasks from high to low priority order. For example, when starting a shift, a nurse should decide which patient requires the most care. The nurse can do this by checking in with each patient briefly to say hello but at the same time to assess their needs. After an assessment is done, it can be explained to the patients who do not need immediate care that they will be taken care of shortly while the nurse attends to those with urgent needs (Waterworth, 2003). In addition, nurses should be careful of some priority setting traps. The first trap is whatever hits first which means a nurse responds to tasks that happen first instead of thinking twice and then responding. The second trap is the squeaky wheel, a patient who is able to gather the most attention from a nurse to hear his or her urgent request may not be the one w ho is the most in need. The last trap is waiting for inspiration, nurses should not be wait to be inspirited to complete a task and they should actively think about what tasks have to be done while on unit (Vaccaro, 2001). I learned effective time management strategies to handle my time on clinical and I will definitely utilize the time managing strategies step by step from knowing , planning , prioritizing tasks, gaining support from other nurses, and being flexible with my tasks. My thinking has changed after analyzing the key issue. It now makes more sense to me the reasons that our instructor requires us to finish all the paperwork on Tuesday night even when we feel tired after spending the whole day on unit. In fact, completing the Diagnostic Complications Sheet and Medication sheet correspond to the knowing phase by gaining knowledge about our patients so that we can provide specific care to our patients, feel less anxious, and better manage our time on unit. By filling the detailed P.O.P., this correspond to the planning theme which helps student nurses organize their day and ensure tasks to be performed will not be missed. In my point of view, I would preserve the action that the register nurse comes to check on me to see if I bathed my patient. With this action, she is being responsible to the patient and also she is offering me support to help me take care of the patient. On the other hand, I would definitely change the way I organize my P.O.P and I would follow my P.O.P. with flexibility and do not just focus on the original task I planned for my patient. For example, once I found out my patient has to be washed before 8:00 am, I will write it down immediately so that I will not forget to complete the task. If a similar situation arises again in my practice, I would inform my student nurse buddy that I require her help to wash my patient before a certain time and ask him or her to remind me to finish the specific task in case I forget or become occupied by some other tasks. In term of recommendations, I think there is no better way than to come to the unit with preparation. For example, student nurses can build their well of nursing knowledge by reading the nursing interventions related to a patients specific condition from the Canadian Fundamentals of Nursing and the Medical-surgical Nursing in Canada. Also, Pharmacology for Canadian Health Care Practice can help student nurses build up their knowledge in medication. The more a student nurse comes prepared for their clinical time, the less anxious he or she will be and can apply the five time managing strategies mentioned above to handle their time on unit more effectively.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Three Contributions Of Chinese Immigrants Essay -- essays research pap
Three Contributions Of Chinese Immigrants      The Chinese started immigrating to the United States in 1849. They left China in search of a better life. Life in China in the 1800's was very hard. There wasn't enough food, money and the cities were overpopulated. They heard about the United States and believed there was an opportunity to start over again. They hoped to find jobs on the railroad or to strike gold. When they arrived in the United States, life was difficult. Laws were made which discriminated against them. However, eventually they became a respected part of our society. They are responsible for many contributions which are part of American life today. This essay will describe three of these contributions: two products, ginseng and tea, and one method of medicine, acupuncture.      Ginseng is a perennial herb grown in China and other Asian countries. It is also grown in North American, but the Asian variety is thought to be more valuable. There are many legends and superstitions surrounding ginseng. The Chinese have long believed that the ginseng is a cure for many aliments and can even make one live longer. However, Western researchers are have been unable to prove this. Today, many manufacturers add ginseng to such products as hair tonics, shampoos, skin creams and even soft drinks. Also ginseng can be bought over the counter in drug stores under such names as â€Å"Ginkoba†and â€Å"Ginsana†. â€Å" Ginkoba†is supposed to... Three Contributions Of Chinese Immigrants Essay -- essays research pap Three Contributions Of Chinese Immigrants      The Chinese started immigrating to the United States in 1849. They left China in search of a better life. Life in China in the 1800's was very hard. There wasn't enough food, money and the cities were overpopulated. They heard about the United States and believed there was an opportunity to start over again. They hoped to find jobs on the railroad or to strike gold. When they arrived in the United States, life was difficult. Laws were made which discriminated against them. However, eventually they became a respected part of our society. They are responsible for many contributions which are part of American life today. This essay will describe three of these contributions: two products, ginseng and tea, and one method of medicine, acupuncture.      Ginseng is a perennial herb grown in China and other Asian countries. It is also grown in North American, but the Asian variety is thought to be more valuable. There are many legends and superstitions surrounding ginseng. The Chinese have long believed that the ginseng is a cure for many aliments and can even make one live longer. However, Western researchers are have been unable to prove this. Today, many manufacturers add ginseng to such products as hair tonics, shampoos, skin creams and even soft drinks. Also ginseng can be bought over the counter in drug stores under such names as â€Å"Ginkoba†and â€Å"Ginsana†. â€Å" Ginkoba†is supposed to...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Technological Impact :: essays research papers
Technological Impact.  · Changes in market demand  · Marketing strategy: - As a company devpelopes and matures it will have to changes it's marketing strategy to compete and grow with other companies that are challenging the present company. I will take the car industry for an example. In the industry group there are many different competitors. Weather large or small they are all fighting for a piece of the nation and international market. The larger companies will have just as much trouble adjusting to change as a smaller company. This is because a small car company that does not produce many cars will find that to advertise a car on a small scale will probably take the same percentage of profit as a large company that needs to advertise on a large scale to keep the company going. In the car industry, manufactureres will be bringing out new models and varieties of cars all the time due to the intense competition to be at the top. There are seasonal changes in market demand; these become apparent when looking at car sales figures. There are highest sales of cars when the new registration plates for cars used to come out in August. This large demand for new cars was due to people wanting to have the newest cars available to them and they can show them off as people tend to notice the new letter at the beginning of the registration. The government has tried to stop this large demand for cars with new registrations by changing the registration twice a year, the letter also changes in March of each year as well as August . This may in theory have been a good idea but in practice it does not seemed to have paid of as most people that are buying a new car will tend to have it for a year before changing it for a different car. This is mainly because of the large amounts of money that is needed for road tax and car insurance and so people will not want top fork out more money for a new car as well as tax and insurance. As new models come out onto the market from other companies, this will cause demand for the present models of cars to be reduced because of the interest in the new model that not many other people have.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Corporation Responsibility and Ethics
Corporation can be explained as an association of individuals, created by law or under authority of law, having a continuous existence independent of the existences of its members, and powers and liabilities distinct form those of its members. The corporation may exist for the purpose of profit or non profit oriented. By the early 18 century, corporations are owned and control by government authorities. At the late 18 century, the old economic policies and theories are eliminated with the work of Adam Smith and other economists.And the corporations are transformed from being government affiliated entities to public and private economic entities. The main two ideas behind this transformation was that a business corporation should not be directly tied to any public policies, and the corporation is a by-product of the people’s right of association, not a gift from the state. However, with the given freedoms, they still exist within the legal system and considered as legal person, who has morally responsible for their actions. These morale responsibilities are classified as narrow and broader view.Narrow view primarily concerns for the interest of shareholders, obligation to other stakeholders are evaluated within the range of satisfied demand implied by shareholders. Whereas, broader view mainly concern for the stakeholders with all those affected by the corporation’s action, shareholders represent only one set of multiple responsibilities that are weighed in decisions. Though, the specified statements in a question â€Å"corporation’s obligation to their stakeholders comes before its obligations to the rest of society†were construed narrowly to cover only the shareholders interest.The main economist who supports the narrow view of corporative responsibilities was Milton Friedman. The Milton Friedman (1970) in an influential article argued that when corporate manager are consideration was given for social responsibilities to influence their decisions, they are violating the obligations to the corporation’s owners. He believes that only employees of the corporations have a responsibility to meet desired requirements of its owners.The desired requirements are in most case to maximizing the wealth of the organization. He argues by saying â€Å"if we wish we can refer to some of these responsibilities as ‘social responsibilities. ’ But in these respects he is acting as a principal not an agent; he is spending his own money or time or energy, not the money of his employers or the time and energy he has contracted to devote to their purposes. If these are ‘social responsibilities,’ they are the social responsibilities of the individual, not the business.†Further Friedman’s added â€Å"the situation of the individual proprietor is somewhat different. If he acts to reduce the returns of his enterprise in order to exercise his ‘social responsibility,’ he is spen ding his own money, not someone else’s. If he wishes to spend his money on such purposes that is his right and I cannot see that there is any objection for doing so. †Friedman’s interpretation towards corporative responsibilities are seems too narrow to accept and adopt in today’s business environment.Business Corporation’s who stick with those narrow view become a challenge to sustain in a competitive market economy. In today’s business environment, public expectations towards the business organizations are high and it becomes a basic requirement for the organization to fulfill those expectations to building positive corporative images and sustainable relation to achieving economic results. To justify my argument I have used narrow and broader view of corporative responsibility theories and some success stories.2. THE NARROW VIEW OF CORPORATIVE RESPONSIBILITYThe narrow view theorist believes that honoring commitments to shareholders is more valuable than responding to the demands of other stakeholders. Such theories includes; pure marketplace ethics, libertarian marketplace or shareholder theory, and social marketplace ethics. The theories and examples are explained as follow;2.1 PURE MARKETPLACE ETHICSPure marketplace ethics theory believes that there is no such way to generate money. If it is good in economically than it is good in ethically. When it comes to money there is no right and wrong, everything is ethical. The theory is egoist approach to produce profit, not considered social and environmental initiatives.2.2 LIBERTARIAN MARKETPLACE / SHAREHOLDER THEORYAdam Smith, Milton Fridman, and Friedrich Hayek, are the main economists who follow Libertarian marketplace theory or shareholders ethical theory. The theory suggests what’s good ethically is doing well economically within the law. The theory stands that organization made up for the motive of profit, social responsibilities can be handled by non-pr ofit organizations in the area of concern or respective government authorities. Many economists have been criticizing Adam Smith and Milton Fridman argument on social responsibility.2.2 SOCIAL MARKETPLACE ETHICSShareholder theory and social marketplace ethics theory is very much similar. Unlike shareholder theory, it highlighted the social responsibility in some extent. However, their view in social responsibility as economic wealth that employee get, since the organization is effective to generate profit. They believe that individual employees work hard to get maximum profit for the organization than employees do affect their social welfare. This theory also criticized many economists by questioning what extent does society as a whole benefit when improving employee’s welfare. There is one interesting case â€Å"Coca-Cola and Water Use in India†as the implication of this narrow view.In March 2004, Coca-Cola company in Karala state in India was shut down because of fa rmers and community claim that high utilization of water by Coca-Cola crates sever water shortages and polluting the groundwater and soil, this could destroying farms by draining them out completely. There are many allegations against the Coca-Cola Company. Such as health effects, poor environmental consideration, monopolistic business practices, and questionable labour practices.3. THE BROADER VIEW OF CORPORATIVE RESPONSIBILITYThe broader view theories suggest that aggregated demands of stakeholders are more valuable than honoring commitments to shareholders. Such theories include; shared value theory, stakeholder theory, progressive corporate social responsibility, and sustainability theories. These theories are explained in detail as follow;3.1 SHARED VALUE THEORYMichael Porter and Mark Kramer (2011) proposed Shared value theory, in his theory of corporative responsibility states that the purpose of any business entity is to pursue profits, to do that organization also requires t o value social and environmental welfare. When organization pursues wealth it’s necessary to engage with the social and environmental. The core vales of this theory is respect for laws, regulations and commonly accepted codes for operation, social and environmental welfare hold autonomous value independent of bottom line concern, but are pursued only within the profit making operation, only insofar as they create profit.Such example of shared values includes Nestle, Nespresso combines a sophisticated espresso machine with single-cup aluminum capsules containing ground coffees from around the world. The product offers quality, convenience and the environmental blight of mountains of spent aluminum pods. To get reliable supply of specialized coffees is extremely challenging for the Nestle. The coffees are grown by small farmers in poor rural areas of Africa and Latin America, who are trapped in a cycle of low productivity, poor quality, and environmental degradation that lim its production volume.To address these issues, Nestle redesigned procurement. It worked intensively with its growers, providing advice on faming practices, guaranteeing bank loans, and helping secure inputs such as plant stock, pesticides, and fertilizers. Nestle established local facilities to measure the quality of the coffee at the point of purchase, which allowed it to pay a premium for better beans directly to the growers and thus improve their incentives. Greater yield per hectare and higher production quality increased growers’ incomes, and the environmental impact of farms shrank.Meanwhile, Nestle’s reliable supply of good coffee grew significantly. Shared value was created. Nestle’ found a societal need-poverty in rural coffee producing areas and developed a two sided initiative, anti-poverty and improve coffee supply. This theory has some negative and positive point of views, such as the theory accepts that the organization main intention should be inc reasing profit, and social responsibility implies when organization are profitable.3.2 SUSTAINABLE THEORYJohn Elkington (1997) in his book of Cannibals with Forks: Triple Bottom line of 21st Century Business. He described that corporative responsibility lies with the stakeholders rather than shareholders. This theory suggests businesses hold three principle obligations to produce sustainable results, which are social, environmental and economic fields. Each of the three values is pursued autonomously and businesses should tabulate and present results for each of the tree categories individually. Economic Sustainability: the traditional accounting concept of profit was eliminated in sustainability theory. In a sustainable framework, the â€Å"profit†is considered as the maximum benefit enjoyed by the society as whole.Social sustainability: Corporative responsibility lies to the fair and beneficial practice towards the labour and the community. The theory highlighted that no i ndividual within the community will be neglected. Economics in a metropolitan area, a reality where all executives are hauling down millions a year ultimately becomes unsustainable when other workers can no longer afford to live near the city and so aren’t available to do the supporting work necessary to keep the executives going.Humanity: political unrest and violence may erupt in regions or entire countries where a society’s health concentrates in a narrow demographic. (The fair trade movement may be understood as expression or sustainability in both economic and human senses.) Environmental sustainability: Environmental sustainability requires stewardship of our natural surroundings; use balanced by preservation to enable continued use. A brewery dripping industrial waste into the soil fails the test of sustainability when the toxins infiltrate the water table and poison the groundwater the brewery needs to make its beer.3.3 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITYArchie B. Carroll theory of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) highlighted four kinds of social responsibilities. Which are economic viability, compliance, doing right be fair and support community welfare. These corporative responsibilities are considered as values. These four categories are explained as follow. Economic Responsibilities: A narrow view theory suggests that business entities are created primarily for profit motives. CSR suggest business is considered as basic economic unit in the society where its role was to produce goods and services that consumer desired with the acceptable profit.The old idea of profit motive was changed into a notion of maximum profits. Legal Responsibility: Corporative Social Responsibility theory suggests the business should operate under the legal framework. Ethical Responsibility: Ethical Responsibilities represents ethical norms fairness and justice, ethical responsibilities embrace those activities and practices that are prohibited by societal m embers even though they are not codified into law. It also includes those standards, norms, or expectations that reflect a concern for what consumers, employees, shareholders, and the community regard as fair, justice or keeping with the respect or protection of stakeholder’s moral rights. Imperial Sugar Company can be a good example of CSR, the entire company was burn to ground, but the John Sheptor, CEO decided to maintained employees payroll through the reconstruction process.3.4 STAKEHOLDERS THEORYThe most vital contribution for the broader view of corporation obligation and their ethical responsibilities was highlighted in the Stakeholders theory. The theory suggests businesses are fundamentally obligated to respect the rights and welfare of all those affected by its operations. The obligations are identical in kind, though they may very in degree. The key values of this theory are the welfare of all those individual and organizations affected by the business. (Cardin al stakeholders typically include: shareholders, workers, customers, suppliers and community taken to incorporate broader humanistic and environmental concerns).The main responsibilities are stakeholders’ interests are acknowledged and respected when making decisions: the interests are weighed alongside and according to the same logic as obligations traditionally associated with shareholders (profit) interests. As opposed to the idea that a business is first an economic entity that operates in society and so acquires broader responsibilities, the idea here is that a business is fundamentally a social and ethical operation, and economic activity is only one facet of its existence. The theory starts with a business and looking out into the world to see what obligations the organization exist, stakeholder theory starts in the world. it recognizes those individuals and groups who will be affected by or affect the company’s actions and ask; what are their legitimate claims on the business?What rights do they have with respect to the company’s actions? What kind of responsibilities and obligations can they justifiably impose on the business? One of the most important and well known examples of stakeholder’s theory is embedded in the Mexican Constitution. When the indigenous people overthrew the Spaniards and claimed independence in the early 19th century, what they especially detested were the absentee landlords. The Spanish owned the farm lands, but lived in the cities, leaving locals to do the work.As a response to the indignation, the new constitution stipulated that those who work the land own it. Ownership and control over land, in other words, is not guaranteed through time. Instead, it depends on the extent of ou personal interaction with the soil. Legal ownership would be like that: essentially owned by those who are affected by it. (Note: Contemporary reality has faced modification of the Mexican constitution. Still, in the pr ovinces people are reluctant to rent properties for long terms because courts away from the capital occasionally recognize the original, institutional stipulation.)4. CONCLUSIONMy argument is totally against the statement of â€Å"Corporation’s obligation to their stakeholders comes before its obligations to the rest of society†. I don’t believe corporation obligation comes prior to their stakeholders, because the corporation is exists because of their stakeholders. Without stakeholders support it is difficult to keep up the business. Such example can be Indian Coca-Cola Company.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Characterization of Lydia Bennet Essay
In Pride and Prejudice, the character of Lydia Bennet is characterized as someone who is immature, critical, and foolish. Lydia is a young, spoiled teenager who is accustomed to getting what she wants and is a favorite of Mrs. Bennet. Through over-indulgence on the part of her mother and neglect on the part of her father, she has been allowed to grow to be â€Å"vain, ignorant, idle and uncontrolled.†This characterization is revealed through both direct and indirect characterization. Through the use of description, dialogue, and actions the overall meaning of the novel is conveyed. Lydia is characterized as being a very immature young girl. Lydia goes shopping with her sister and tells everyone that she wanted to treat them all to lunch, but they would have to lend her the money because she spent all of hers. She then continues to say, â€Å"I have bought this bonnet. I do not think it is very pretty; but I thought I might as well buy it as not. I shall pull it to pieces as soon as I get home, and see if I can make it up any better.†She also says that there were much uglier ones in the shop and that this one is tolerable. This statement shows that Lydia is very immature in how she spends her money and is a spendthrift. Lydia Bennet’s dialogue shows that she is very critical of other people. Jane and Elizabeth tell the waiter that he doesn’t need to stay. Lydia then laughs and says, â€Å"Aye, that is just like your formality and discretion. You thought the waiter must not hear, as if he cared! I dare say he often hears worse things said t han I am going to say.†She then says that he is very ugly and has such a long chin and that she’s glad he’s gone. Lydia also says that her news about Wickham is too good for the waiter. Elizabeth then tells Lydia that Wickham is safe because Mary King is gone to Liverpool. Jane says, â€Å"But I hope there is no strong attachment on either side.†Lydia says, â€Å"I am sure there is not on his. I will answer for it he never cared three straws about her. Who could about such a nasty little freckled thing?†Through Lydia’s conversations we see that she is a critical person. Lydia is also a very foolish person. She is very concerned with the militiamen. She is very happy to hear that they are in town for the summer. Lydia tells Elizabeth, â€Å"They are going to be encamped near Brighton; and I do so want papa to take us all there for the summer†¦ Only think what a miserable summer else we shall have!†Lydia only seems to care about flirting with the militia. She thinks that she will be miserable all summer if she doesn’t go to see them. Elizabeth says, â€Å"Good Heaven! Brighton, and a whole campful of soldiers, to us, who have been overset already by one poor regiment of militia, and the monthly balls of Meryton.†When Mary says, â€Å"Far be it from me, my dear sister, to depreciate such pleasures. They would doubtless be congenial with the generality of female minds. But I confess they would have no charms for me. I should infinitely prefer a book,†Lydia rarely listens to anyone besides herself for more than a minute, and never listens to Mary at all. Lydia seems to only be concerned with the little, unimportant things that happen. Through the dialogue between Lydia and the other characters, the character of Lydia is clearly described. Lydia is constantly obsessed with the officers in the regiment, and sees no purpose to life beyond entertainment and diversion. She lacks any sense of virtue, propriety or good-ju dgment, as well as maturity.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Digging deeper will bring to light many groups coming together under the belief that the state church was no longer leading and teaching biblical theology. There were groups that popped up all across Europe in the wake of reformation lead by Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Lurch Zinging. Even before the time of the Anabaptist movement there was a high level of persecution for those who stood against the state church and the pope. There was a difference between what the reformers were doing and what the Anabaptists were doing. The Reformers aimed to reform the old Church by the Bible; the Radicals attempted to build a new Church from the Bible. †There are also many great leaders from this radical group of Christians that need to be studied to know where this group was coming from. There is much more to this radical group known as the Anabaptists than meets the eye. Looking at the roller of the Anabaptist faith It Is seen as diverse and persecuted across Europe, seeking to build a biblical church and freedom from religious persecution. Anabaptist Beginnings look unto their origin.Anabaptist with the most literal definition means re-baptizes â€Å"from Go. ;v; and Paint(w). †;v; meaning each or in the midst and meaning to â€Å"make whelmed (I. E. Fully wet)†Ultimately they received their name because they were Baptizing their converts even if they were already baptized as Children in the state church. Cornelius Dock breaks down the way each country at the time defined Anabaptists as he states â€Å"Anabaptist, which means re-baptizes, was a sixteenth-century spiritual, moral, and social renewal movement in Western Europe.In German-speaking lands its adherents were referred to as Taffeta– meaning Baptists or baptizes because they practiced believers' baptism. In The Netherlands they were called Depositing– baptism-minded†Dock goes on to point out that while the Anabaptists were beginning to pop up at the tail end of the reformation hey are generally connected with the Radical Reformation because the Anabaptists didn't think there was a way to reform the state church from within. They wanted to start from the foundation that the apostles used when building the church from the New Testament.Second we will have to look at the theological beliefs of the Anabaptists. The Anabaptist movement really followed in the footsteps and work of the great Protestant Reformers, biblical studies conducted by humanism leaders of the day, social and political fighting, the exploitation of people conducted by the state church, ND a deep urge to be spiritually fulfilled by the church. Bag shows how much influence their church model was able to gain in a short amount of time during their beginning.He states â€Å"the course of the Anabaptists was so swift, that their doctrines soon overspread the whole land and they obtained much following, baptized thousands and drew many good hearts to them; for they taught as it see med naught but love, faith and endurance, showing themselves in much tribulation patient and humble. †Most of the people that fell into the Anabaptist group also believed that the end of the world was coming to an end in the near future. Denny Weaver claims that theology of the Anabaptists is not unique to the Anabaptists that surfaced in the sixteenth-century.He believes at the root of all the theological beliefs sits a set of beliefs that can be found throughout the ages. He points out, â€Å"The central themes from the description of the Anabaptist-Mennonite tradition do not belong to Anabaptists and Mennonites alone. Rather, they depict an outlook running thought the entire history of Christianity sometimes as a motif within the dominant church, sometimes gaining expression though the structural alternative to the established church. So in the eyes of the Anabaptists at the time they were not coming up with new theologies, they were bringing the church back to its origin als roots.The state church has gone so far away from the Biblical teachings they saw no way to fix the church from the inside and sought reform through starting anew. Shining a light on the basic theological views of the Anabaptists we find any of the main staples you would find common in most protestant theologies from the time period. â€Å"When it comes to the tenets of Protestant theology, most Anabaptist groups adhered to sound teaching on the Scriptures, the Trinity, Justification by faith, and he atonement of Jesus Christ. They found Christ to be the center of their salvation Catholic Church had been presenting for such a long time. They also believed in the infallibility and inherently of scripture. This allowed them to build the rest of their theological beliefs from the Word of God placing a firm foundation for most of their core beliefs. The Anabaptist did not share all the same beliefs and basic tenets with the Protestants, which placed a target on their back for both C atholics and Protestants to aim at. They faced persecution from both religious groups because of some key preferences in core theology.The first major difference in beliefs comes in when talking about believer's baptism. They outright rejected infant baptism, as they saw no evidence in scripture of this practice. Both Catholics and Protestants practiced infant baptism and Catholics were under the belief that without being baptized you couldn't enter into heaven even as a child. â€Å"Their denial that infant baptism was true baptism led to the nickname. †Bag shows that the Anabaptist took their rejection of infant baptism a step further claiming the Anabaptist taught â€Å"that infant baptism is of the Pope and the Devil†The second major difference was their belief in the separation of Church and State. They wanted no part in any state church; instead they were made up of small individual churches much of what we see today in many churches. They wanted the community t o be involved in what they were doing and the government to stay out, keeping the politics separate as well. The first person to push for separation from the Church of England was Robert Browne and many feel that his Separatist group had many common beliefs with the Anabaptists that were forced to meet in secret or not formally meet at all in England.The key difference seems to be that the separation from the state was meant to be temporary in order to allow the church to get back on the right path and then have the state come back in. This was not the case in the Anabaptists view; they wanted permanent separation, as they didn't believe the church could be fixed with the state attached to it at all. Many of the Anabaptists fled the country moving across Europe to avoid religious persecution. The Third was a push for Christians to live in community with one another sharing material possessions with all others within the community.As most Anabaptists thought the end was coming soon t here was not real need to hoard material things for any length of time. Bag states that â€Å"Their repudiation of all personal property was emphatic; they preached barefooted and in coarse garments, wherever they went. †At times they would only travel with their clothing, a staff, and money to fulfill their calling to preach the Word of God to the elect. It should also be noted that in the early days of the Anabaptist in Switzerland they did not set out to be radically sectarian, but this was something they slowly moved to.They were pushed to this addict ideology because of the political hostility and a strong leadership from the sectarian movement. There is a general agreement among scholars today is that the communities of Anabaptists were small simple communities of re-baptized believers. The sign of brotherhood was a commitment to the community and being baptized into the body of Christ. Each community had a lead known as a shepherd and was typically chosen by the broth erhood of believers.His Job was teaching, exhortation and prayer for the it such as breaking of bread, community bible reading, and helping the community in alluding and upkeep. Anyone outside of these communities were considered to be heathen and an abomination. There were many small groups that had different beliefs on what the community should focus on and different rules the community was to follow. There were groups like the Silent Brothers that held to the belief that preaching was no longer needed and abolished it. They believed that the Apostle Paul taught there would be a time to be silent and they were in that time.They wouldn't answer any religious questions even if pulled aside and asked specific questions, â€Å"they would be silent and give him owe answer†. There was also a group called the Separate Spiritual Baptists that tried to take themselves out of the world and become monks. This group made all kinds of rules, from eat and drinking to standing and walking . They would scold anyone that was happy in the name of the Gospel. Many more groups existed under the title of Anabaptists that held to weird and quirky beliefs that never caught on in the larger groups.One group in particular has stretched the Word of God so far from its original meaning they appeared to be Just as far gone as the state run church. They were now as the Free Brothers and they held on to their Christian liberties and they took the freedom in Christ in the most literal sense. They thought it to be unchristian to tithe to the church and did away with the concept of debts. They also persuaded women to believe that it was impossible for them to enter into heaven without giving up their virtue.They taught that God would only let those who were willing to sacrifice everything they held dear into the gate of Heaven. Further they taught they shame and disgrace must be taken on for Chrism's sake, â€Å"for has not Christ said that he publicans and the harlots should enter f irst into the kingdom of heaven, before the righteous, by which was plainly meant that women should become harlots†. They taught that sin as impossible for those who were baptized as adults and having intercourse with the other members of the community was not sinful because of the spiritual bond they shared.This brings us to what Denny Weaver tells us about the group as a whole, â€Å"Because of the variety of backgrounds, sixteenth century Anabaptist could not, and did not, develop as an entirely homogeneous movement. †So because of all these different sects they were unable to fully connect all the groups united in faith and doctrine. Fourth many of the Anabaptists groups preached both pacifism and strict forms of Church discipline. Internal pressures to conform to the rules that the group had set up ruled many of these smaller sects or communities. Their pacifism also played a role in the conformity that was seen in the Anabaptist faith.This has stood the test of t ime and remained a key part in the Mennonite faith. Each of these key parts of the Anabaptist faith shows the major distinctions between Anabaptists and other Christian groups. The Founders of the Anabaptist Movement Because the Anabaptist movement was so diverse and wide spread across Europe there are a multitude of influential leaders that spanned across Europe. Weaver backs up with this point saying, â€Å"The Original cast of Anabaptist players included a noblemen- who reflected an equal variety of religious backgrounds and came from a variety of regions of Western and Middle Europe. With knowing there are so many influential leaders in the Anabaptist movement there needs to be a focus on what lead to the persecution of the Anabaptists Just a few to remain focused. Starting with the radical Swiss reformer Conrad Grebes who helped found the Anabaptist movement. Grebes was a well-educated man who was working in Zurich Switzerland looking forward to Zinging coming to town. He was able to Join up with Felix Mans and Zinging in studying the Greek New Testament, with the plan to bring the reformation to the city. He began to grow impatient as Zinging slowed on the issue of infant baptism.At this point he was already to give up on the state church and begin again, this made him wonder if anyone would really follow him. Jumping over to Mans, one will find another well-educated man who Joined Zinging n 1519. Mans quickly came to reject Zinging as the ultimate authority in the reformation of the church. â€Å"He believed that the church must be made up of only those who have true faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. †He threw his support in favor from Grebes and they began to work together towards re-baptism of true believers in Christ.Grebes and Mans gather his followers up in January 1525 and took the first step in separating from the state run church by baptizing their first convert. The state run church did not take kindly to this as one might expect and th ey tried to stop this event before it got out of Zurich. They did slow the spread in Zurich but they didn't stop it from spreading to other parts of the country. Three days after he gave his sermon on refusal of infant baptism many of the leaders received notice to leave their position in the church within the next week.By taking on believer's baptism and entering into this new community, Grebes, Mans and their followers were cutting themselves off from the rest of Christianity. Zinging was not ready to Jump off the deep end with them but he did understand their position much better than Luther or Calvin did. While in modern time this doesn't seem like a huge undertaking at the time it put this small group against the rest of the world. Bag show how big of a deal this really was when he says, â€Å"The change, slight as it seems to us, has an electrical effect. Their message was something original as no other party was suggesting getting rid of infant baptism and people really seem ed to connect with this new doctrine. The people of Zurich who jumped into the Anabaptist camp saw their city much like Nineveh, which was lost and broken city that would not listen to the Prophet Joana. Seeing their city Just as cost and broken aided in the spread of this doctrine in the city and beyond. This electric response to this new sect of Christianity is what lead to the persecution beginning.While it seemed to the state church that going after these new converts would silence the Anabaptist it had quite the opposite effect. The most persecution that was faces the more followers seemed to get behind their cause. Persecution of the Anabaptists Throughout history we see different level of persecution within the Christian faith. Many of the original disciples were killed for their faith so persecution is not something new to Christianity. What as new was how much internal persecution new group of radical reformers and at least up to this point reformers like Luther wanted to c hange the church from within.This allowed Luther to avoid such server persecution that the Anabaptists faced. Even before this time we know that re- baptizing someone or being re-baptized was punishable by death. According to Erwin Flashbulbs Beginning in â€Å"the 5th century, repainting could be punished by death, and the code of Justinian (527-65), which was still in effect in much of Europe as late as the 16th century, demanded for conviction only that the fact of repainting e proved. †The state run church did not quickly Jump to killing the Anabaptist but they did swiftly kick them out of Zurich, which lead to them forming the small communities covered previously.The state run church did not remain peaceful for long and Anabaptist began dying for their faith. While what the state run church was doing was wrong they were well within their legal rights to go after the Anabaptists with everything they had. In the sad reality of life they did give it all they had, â€Å"By 1 539, in German-speaking territories alone, the Anabaptists had recorded 780 arts. †It did not start out they harsh, it started most notably in the church of SST. Laurent. Both Grebes and Zinging went to debate their respective sides on infant baptism and ultimately they sided on Single's side.This was only after openly hearing from both sides and allowing each side to present their arguments and counter arguments. They agreed to forbid re-baptism, making it punishable by imprisonment and banishment for those who were baptizing and a large fine for those who were re- baptized. Banishing these pastors and leaders within the church only furthered their each as a church as they wouldn't stop preaching as they were sent to a different country. This helped lay the foundation for all of the small sects of Anabaptists that were popping up across Europe.It took a couple of years to really get things moving but as Bag points out, â€Å"By the end of 1527 the new propaganda has done its work. The process or absorption was complete, and the great Anabaptist movement had entered upon its changeable and exchequer career. †1527 really kicked off a server level of persecution for the Anabaptists. Bag provides a vast amount of detailed accounts of death because people would not recant their actions. In Salisbury in 1527 there was a plan to kill all of the priests monks and ex-priests.Over 40 people were caught and of those that were caught three priests refused to recant and were burned alive. A group of five others were killed by the sword. Two women wouldn't recant and they were drowned in the local horse pound and burned afterwards. A nobleman wouldn't recant shortly after and he was burned. The strongest showing was when they burned a girdle-maker and a shoe-latched maker in the public square to make an example out of them. Yet time after time there would be those who wouldn't recant their decision to be re-baptized. They knew what was coming and were wil ling to die for their convictions.The number of Anabaptist Martyrs in the five years spanning 1 525 to 1 530 is estimated to be around a thousand in Tyro and the territories surrounding the area. Six hundred is the number slain in the southern area of Austria and the peak being sixty-six being killed in a six week time period. There were leaders such as Duke Wilhelm of Bavaria who â€Å"gave the order that all those who recanted should be beheaded, whilst those Pockets of reformed territories like Gangling and Lutheran began popping up and hill the persecution did not start out as sever there were the same number of Anabaptist facing persecution.There was a certain level of tolerance that could be found in the early stages of the Anabaptist movement in these areas but that quickly gave away to prison time and executions. Felix Mans was still in Zurich, which fell under Single's teachings when he was put to death by drowning. â€Å"He was bound, carried to a boat, and thrown into t he river Limit near the lake, Jan. 5, 1527. He praised God that he was about to die for the truth, and prayed with a loud voice, â€Å"Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit! Much like Mans, Grebes faced persecution on many level because of his faith.He was â€Å"rearrested, and charged with communistic and revolutionary teaching. †Grebes was sure to use his time in prison to his advantage as he sought to carve more detail into his personal beliefs and defenses for baptism. He was one of the few leaders of the Anabaptist movement that did not die a martyr's death. He was able to escape from prison and went to go live with his sister where he died shortly there after in 1526. With their deaths more and more converts were accepting believer's baptism and the Anabaptist faith was spreading.
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