Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Environmental Terrorists (Development or Destruction?) – A proposal for a 40 minute documentary
After decades of methodical environmental damage, it has become apparent that our vital life support system (Mother earth) is getting worse and in a general state of decline. One question on the minds of many people is: What happens at the end of this decline? We are often told that we can adapt to the present state of the environment. But this assumption is increasingly being shown up to be false, as we observe the effects of global warming, the pollution of the eco-systems, potential changes in the food supply, ocean currents, costly weather changes, the destruction of raw materials (such as timber) and much more. In any effort to educate the public and politicians towards action concerning the environment, three questions must be answered honestly and convincingly: ? Are we heading for a collapse of the world's ecosystems that sustain us? ? What are the effects of man made environmental damage on local and global communities? ?Can we restore the environment and work alongside Nature instead of against Her? For some, the answers to these questions are fundamental to their very existence. How long are we prepared to wait and watch as the environment rebels and fights back against Nature's ‘terrorists'; whilst people, communities and populations are destroyed by mankind's insistence on taking more than we are willing to put back? In this verity documentary my team and myself, will focus and examine the devastating effects environmental neglect and over consumption of raw materials has had on a small village on an Indonesian Island named Bukit Lawang. Background On the 2nd November 2003, a flood hit Bukit Lawang, North Sumatra. Approximately 300 people have been killed, with 1400 made homeless. The village was a popular tourist destination, close to Sumatra's main town, Medan, known for a relaxing friendly atmosphere, and famous for the orangutan rehabilitation centre. The flood hit in the evening, around 10pm, while many people were asleep prior to their 4am awakening for Ramadan. The rain had been falling for a couple of weeks, and the river was already high. However on the evening of Sunday 2nd November the waters began to rise sharply, giving some people precious seconds to get onto higher grounds. For most people, however, there was no time to escape. A torrent of water came flooding down mixed with debris and uprooted trees from the constant illegal logging in the jungle, leaving the village in ruins. Bukit Lawang is now unrecognizable. The entire bank of the river has been destroyed, simply washed away, along with many of the inhabitants, and tourists unfortunate enough to be caught up in it all. It has been commonly reported that the flood was the direct result of illegal logging, in an area were people rely on the river to provide their drinking water, bathing and sewage system. Film I would like to shoot the film using classic verity style, with the use of interview (interpreter required), narration voiceover and music (where relevant). Our aims are to educate the viewer on the wider implications of acts against the environment/nature, and the local/global consequences of these actions. By highlighting the hidden dangers often overlooked or disregarded by governments, companies and individuals, we aim to produce a piece that will illuminate the necessity to cooperate with Nature and its Laws. Or face a backlash that may result in a very live threat to the very existence of mankind. We will attempt to take a comprehensive, observational journey through the country and its terrestrial surroundings, highlighting the rich environmental and cultural diversity within the Island/village. We will explore the anthropology of the village (and near by villages) and it's inhabitants in an attempt for the audience to get a feel for the way of life of the populace and also their reliance and subsistence of Nature. (For example: the use of timber/plants for building homes, fishermen and their activities within the rivers, the use of plants for medicinal purposes, their Spiritual/symbolic beliefs, their farming/hunting/cultivating techniques and economic systems. Example scenes: We follow a group of fishermen out one dawn onto the rivers .A fisherman is cut whilst out casting nets into the river. We see how the men/women of the village use leaves and barks as an antiseptic, as opposed to westernized medicine. A young couple in a nearby village are getting married. We see the preparations being made and the different roles undertaken by the males and females of the village. We also get a look at the symbolic nature and spiritual aspect of the festivities. The next phase of the documentary (will be observational, but include narration) focusing on the rapid destruction of Indonesia's forests, and the local effects of ‘logging' on the environment. The area is hit by floods every year, but environmentalists claim that illegal logging has stripped the area of much tree cover and other vegetation which would normally protect and absorb water during rainy season. We will attempt to define and clarify what ‘logging' actually is (using computer generated graphics and on-site filming) and also interview both legal and illegal loggers (through the use of an interpreter) if possible. We shall also contact and get the views of local and global environmentalists and environment scientists to give views, research and scientific evidence to support any claims made. We then progress to the actual flooding of Bukit Lawang, using archive video footage (with permission) from BBC News, CNN and Lonely Planet of the tragedy. This first section will be heavily narrated, and will include video footage, newspaper clippings, sound bites and photographs (again with permission) of the event. Example scene: Video footage of total havoc and devastation: the villagers piling the bodies of the dead high into a pile. Children crying, clinging to mothers, homes being washed away and destroyed in front of the very eyes of the owners, and the clean up operation undertaken by the army in trying to rescue survivors. (The mood will be very somber and frightening; the music chosen will also reflect this.) Footage will be included of Environment Minister Nabiel Makarim claiming the disaster was â€Å"Exacerbated by extensive illegal logging in the hillside area.†And also describing the illegal loggers as â€Å"terrorists, with the consequence of the disaster being as dangerous as a nuclear bomb!†This will also be tied up with filming the effects of the flood on the villagers who have lost family and loves one's in the flood, children who have been orphaned, schools destroyed and homes lost (1400 people are believed to be homeless, although the kindness of the families and others means that most have somewhere to stay). This section will also include narration and interviews with those willing to talk on camera. (Voice over will be added in post production). I have discovered three eye witnesses to the event; a Mr Anthony Hurford, who was living in Bukit Lawang for the last two months doing volunteer work, Mr Agun Jungle (and baby daughter), who is a villager and one of the survivors of the flood, who is now trying to make a living organizing trekking trips around the Island, and Dutch tourist, Leo Zwetsloot, staying at the Bukit Lawang Cottage Hotel. I endeavor to interview the subjects and get their similar or contradicting (as the case may be) experiences of the flood, who/what they felt was to blame for the tragedy and the after effects on their lives. Example scenes: (Voice-over alongside archive video footage) Eye-witness and survivor, Anthony Hurord, gives his live account of the panic, terror and devastation of the flood. â€Å"Houses, people and trees were swept down the river†¦A massive pile, maybe the size of a football pitch; of huge tree trunks personal belongings, bodies and the odd tin roof†¦There simply is no village.†We speak with one of the ‘Elders' of the village, an old man, who survived the flood by quick thinking and helpful neighbors, who dragged him up the village and into safety. The man used to survive on his son's income from illegal logging, and now must rely on the kindness of the other villagers, as his son's have both been killed in the disaster. We see his shame at having played a passive role in the disaster, and the other villager's reactions and treatment of him since. He valued the income at the time, but was oblivious to its catastrophic consequences. We get a sense of the community's resentment at the Government (and the ‘elder!'), for not doing enough to stop the illegal logging trade which benefited a few, yet ultimately cost him the lives of many. A council is also called to decide on the fate of the known illegal loggers and their supporters within the community, (These scenes will be spread out to conclude during the duration of the documentary.) The film will progress (using observation, narration and interviews about the immediate and government aid necessary for the up building of the village. The attempt of the community to rebuild itself, its schools, homes, environment and economy. An attempt will also be made to conduct government interviews with the environment Minister and the President and get their opinion/views on the current situation. (We will aim to ask hard hitting questions about the government's knowledge of the illegal logging trade. Asking who knew of these activities and why wasn't more down to police the issue? Who benefited most from this illegal trade? Does the government feel even partially responsible for the deaths of hundreds of its populace? And question what it intends to do to prevent a situation like this occurring again? Example scene: President getting increasingly uncomfortable at the barrage of questions, resulting in a refusal to answer anymore and the termination of the interview. Resolution We will conclude with the final statements of the environmental scientists, and their opinions for the future, of not just Bukit Lawang, but of the globe in general. Scientific evidence for greater action is becoming clearer, but it is yet to become incorporated into an effective economic action plan for preserving and restoring the environment. In fact we seem to be going in the opposite direction, while environment researchers continue to gather evidence indicating that powerful action must be implemented at all levels of government and in communities all around the world. Using computer technology we will visually replicate images of the deterioration of the planet if we continue on our present course. We will use facts from various environmental agencies on the present state of affairs globally, and their predictions/solutions for the future. Example Scenes Our last shots are of a ‘council of elders' debating, and finally reaching a decision on the future of the illegal loggers within the community, and of Agun Jungles attempts at attracting tourists onto his tours (with little success). Agun realizes he has to leave the village if he is to carve out a life for himself and his young daughter. We see him on a small boat traveling to nearby Malaysia, waving goodbye to his bith land. We see the pain in his eyes, but also the steely determination to provide a better life for his child. The elder previously interviewed has been granted pardon of responsibility and allowed to live within the village, provided he actively participates in the rebuilding of the community. Whilst the illegal loggers are allowed to stay within the village on the condition they help the army (and other environmental agencies) in their attempt to re-forest the land.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Commercial surrogacy Essay
Commercial surrogacy refers to a process in which a couple or individual pays a fee to a woman, a surrogate mother, who agrees to carry and give birth to a baby on their behalf. It is an option for couples and individuals who wish to have a child, but due to circumstances, cannot have one. Surrogacy may be commercial, where the surrogate mother is paid for her services; or altruistic, where there is no payment and usually the surrogate mother is related with the commissioning couple or individual. Commercial surrogacy must be brought to an end and made illegal worldwide! Why you ask? Firstly, do those who support commercial surrogacy really take into account how dangerous it can be for the baby? Or the possible issues that may occur if something goes wrong? No, they definitely don’t! Surely if they did they wouldn’t pay a surrogate mother to do so! In addition to that, the surrogate mother are usually women who choose to be a surrogate mother living in harsh conditions within developing countries, where I will specifically be talking about women in India who are being exploited due to their unfortunate lifestyles. Finally to drive the point home, I will highlight the gruelling reality of commercial surrogacy caused by corrupt organisations that control poor women going through all the hardship in developing countries. A controversial issue in the news within the past year concerning commercial surrogacy involved this adorable little boy – which you can see in this photo – of baby Gammy, a Thai boy who is one of two twins born in India by a surrogate mother. His biological parents were Australians who claimed that they didn’t abandon him when finding out he had down-syndrome. Although, Mr and Mrs Farnell (Baby Gammy’s biological parents) claim that â€Å"they didn’t know about the other baby†which is false because, in truth there is concrete evidence that when the surrogate mother discovered she was carrying twins, the biological parents offered an additional $2,000 Australian dollars for the twin, however, when it was discovered that one of the babies had down-syndrome, the Australians told her to abort the affected twin. Just because he had a healthy twin sister, Baby Gammy was abandoned by his heartless and cruel biological parents as they refused to ta ke him back to Australia. Now, when we hear about terrible things like this happening to a child, our natural reaction is usually to demand better protection with the hope that we can prevent situations such as this from occurring again. Because Baby Gammy was diagnosed with down-syndrome, it gives no excuse or right justification for his parents to abandon him! He may be born through surrogacy but these heartless Australians are still his biological parents, who yearned for a child and once they had their wish fulfilled, they cruelly left him. Parents who are capable of giving birth to their own children would most definitely never abandon their child after finding out they have down-syndrome. So what gives this couple the right to abandon Baby Gammy? This situation really comes to show how largely unregulated commercial surrogacy is and this is why commercial surrogacy should be made illegal in all countries. We all must bring an end to awful situations such as this from ever occurring again. Not to mention, in the future when baby Gammy grows up he would also be affected mentally, emotionally and most likely be very unstable as well due to his down-syndrome, as well as having to hear and accept that he was abandoned by his biologicals parents. Not only did this issue cause a racket as to awareness for this poor child but this issue is also seen as child â€Å"I think that is going down the wrong path as a society if children become a commodity that you can buy.†Another concerning issue involves the surrogate mothers, who are often living in developing countries with circumstances that are extremely harsh and very much unethical. The poor, illiterate women of rural backgrounds are often persuaded in such deals by their spouse or middlemen for earning easy money. These women often have no right nor better options with regards to their own body and life. In India, there is no provision of psychological screening or legal counselling and often after recruitment by co mmercial agencies, these women are shifted into hostels for the whole duration of pregnancy on the excuse of taking antenatal care. The real motive is to guard them and to avoid any social stigma of being outcast by their community. These women spend the whole tenure of pregnancy worrying about their household and children. Only being able to see their family once a week on Sundays. The worst part is that in cases of unfavourable outcome of pregnancy, they are unlikely to be paid, and there is no provision of insurance or post-pregnancy medical and psychiatric support for them. Rich career women who do not want to take the trouble of carrying their own pregnancy are resorting to hiring surrogate mothers. There are a number of moral and ethical issues regarding surrogacy, which has become more of a commercial racket, and there is an urgent need for framing and implementation of laws for the parents and the surrogate mother. Lastly, as a poor surrogate mother gets very much needed money, an infertile couple gets their long-desired biologically related baby and the country earns foreign currency, but the real picture reveals the bitter truth. Due to lack of proper legislation, both surrogate mothers and intended parents are somehow exploited and the profit is earned by middlemen and commercial agencies. There is no transparency in the whole system, and the chance of getting involved in legal problems is there due to unpredictable regulations governing surrogacy in India. Some people may argue that surrogacy benefits a number of individuals such as parents, surrogates and the agencies who organise such arrangements. This is NOT the case. As previously stated, not all the third word women benefit adequately and furthermore commercial surrogacy involves the marketing of babies as commodities, to be bought and sold in a commercial transaction. This may have negative psychological consequences for the child in later life. The consequences of being treated as a commodity are still not known so it is unreasonable to take such a risk. Having everyone believe that women in India and other developing countries are being paid by carrying and delivering the baby is purely untruthful and deceiving towards society, deep down it’s the organisations that get all the benefit and profit. There are incidences where the child given to couple after surrogacy is not genetically related to them and in turn, is disowned by the intended parent and has to spend his life in an orphanage.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Challenges Faced by Immigrants
Challenges faced by immigrants Thousands of families have left home due to the changing environment of all ages. Regardless of whether you are forced to make such a decision or not, all immigrants must bear the physical and psychological challenges encountered in the process. Talking about the experiences of all these different people using the same idea and example would be very inaccurate. However, they all have to experience similar circumstances and deal with similar problems. One of the first challenges faced by immigrants is the cost of immigration. Because many immigrants are looking for a better economic situation in a new country, the cost of emigration can be enormous for them. It is not unusual for immigrants to liquidate their assets (which can cause a lot of losses), and that move can afford. Furthermore, during immigration control, many people do not have a job, so they have to find a job after they settle down. Most of the issues related to immigration are related to t he absorption of life in the recipient country. Many immigrants receive low-wage jobs until they adapt to society, get houses, and receive education. Immigrants must learn a new way of life and be acquainted with the language and laws of the recipient country. Many immigrants leave their country to escape persecution, but host countries may face discrimination and even racial discrimination. As the number of immigrants increases, many countries face the challenge of building citizens' identity and accepting immigrants. In some countries, we are making comprehensive efforts to raise immigrants' sense of belonging to host countries. For example, Canada has the highest permanent residency in the world. The Canadian government encourages immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to Canada and promotes the concept of more comprehensive national identity, including those born in Canada and immigrants. In some countries it is not very comprehensive. For example, Russia experienced two maj or immigrants, the 1990s and 1998 and beyond. Immigrants are deemed negative by Russian citizens and are considered unwelcome and insulting customers. Immigrants are considered outsiders and are excluded from sharing the identity of the citizens of Russia. Challenges Faced by Immigrants Challenges faced by immigrants Thousands of families have left home due to the changing environment of all ages. Regardless of whether you are forced to make such a decision or not, all immigrants must bear the physical and psychological challenges encountered in the process. Talking about the experiences of all these different people using the same idea and example would be very inaccurate. However, they all have to experience similar circumstances and deal with similar problems. One of the first challenges faced by immigrants is the cost of immigration. Because many immigrants are looking for a better economic situation in a new country, the cost of emigration can be enormous for them. It is not unusual for immigrants to liquidate their assets (which can cause a lot of losses), and that move can afford. Furthermore, during immigration control, many people do not have a job, so they have to find a job after they settle down. Most of the issues related to immigration are related to t he absorption of life in the recipient country. Many immigrants receive low-wage jobs until they adapt to society, get houses, and receive education. Immigrants must learn a new way of life and be acquainted with the language and laws of the recipient country. Many immigrants leave their country to escape persecution, but host countries may face discrimination and even racial discrimination. As the number of immigrants increases, many countries face the challenge of building citizens' identity and accepting immigrants. In some countries, we are making comprehensive efforts to raise immigrants' sense of belonging to host countries. For example, Canada has the highest permanent residency in the world. The Canadian government encourages immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to Canada and promotes the concept of more comprehensive national identity, including those born in Canada and immigrants. In some countries it is not very comprehensive. For example, Russia experienced two maj or immigrants, the 1990s and 1998 and beyond. Immigrants are deemed negative by Russian citizens and are considered unwelcome and insulting customers. Immigrants are considered outsiders and are excluded from sharing the identity of the citizens of Russia. Challenges Faced by Immigrants Challenges faced by immigrants Thousands of families have left home due to the changing environment of all ages. Regardless of whether you are forced to make such a decision or not, all immigrants must bear the physical and psychological challenges encountered in the process. Talking about the experiences of all these different people using the same idea and example would be very inaccurate. However, they all have to experience similar circumstances and deal with similar problems. One of the first challenges faced by immigrants is the cost of immigration. Because many immigrants are looking for a better economic situation in a new country, the cost of emigration can be enormous for them. It is not unusual for immigrants to liquidate their assets (which can cause a lot of losses), and that move can afford. Furthermore, during immigration control, many people do not have a job, so they have to find a job after they settle down. Most of the issues related to immigration are related to t he absorption of life in the recipient country. Many immigrants receive low-wage jobs until they adapt to society, get houses, and receive education. Immigrants must learn a new way of life and be acquainted with the language and laws of the recipient country. Many immigrants leave their country to escape persecution, but host countries may face discrimination and even racial discrimination. As the number of immigrants increases, many countries face the challenge of building citizens' identity and accepting immigrants. In some countries, we are making comprehensive efforts to raise immigrants' sense of belonging to host countries. For example, Canada has the highest permanent residency in the world. The Canadian government encourages immigrants to develop a sense of belonging to Canada and promotes the concept of more comprehensive national identity, including those born in Canada and immigrants. In some countries it is not very comprehensive. For example, Russia experienced two maj or immigrants, the 1990s and 1998 and beyond. Immigrants are deemed negative by Russian citizens and are considered unwelcome and insulting customers. Immigrants are considered outsiders and are excluded from sharing the identity of the citizens of Russia.
Transportation regulation and public policy by land, sea, and air due Essay
Transportation regulation and public policy by land, sea, and air due to the Deregulation Act of 1978 - Essay Example (Moses, 1989) One of the main reasons for passing regulatory reform bills was to make the lawmakers realize that increased competition would lead to more efficient operations that would not only lower rates in the air, land and sea industries but would also not compromise upon safety issues or quality of service. "Some changes in quality of airline service were, in fact, hoped for. It was commonly believed that after deregulation 1978, the suppression of price competition by the Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) would foster competition in service quality variables that would be highly uneconomical, such as too early replacement of aircraft and departures at major airports that were excessive in light of existing load factors. It was also asserted that such quality competition would drove the costs up, which would led to proposals to the CAB for relief in the form of fare increases. However, the positive effects of such increases (which were almost always granted in the past before deregulation) on t he profitability of airline operations were soon dissipated by another round of quality competition and increased in costs of operation". (Moses, 1989) In the rail industry, nevertheless, the essence of the regulatory transition problem was never summarized and the expectations were not fulfilled. Presently, the rail industry is subject to substantial sunk costs, since assets are long-lived and specialized to certain geographic markets. Much of the traffic is subjected to effective competition from competing railroads, modes of transportation, origins and destinations, or products. Some shippers, however, are successful in transporting commodities for which rail have a substantial competitive advantage over competing modes, even if they are available in principle. Further, after 1978 deregulation Act these shippers have sunk considerable costs in specific locations or signed contracts with customers or vendors, which make them captive to individual railroads. The difficult problem in the transition is to permit maximum leeway for competitive forces while maintaining a substitute for the regulatory protection that was relied upon by captive shippers when they sank costs. These long-term investments were initially made by the shipper with the presumption of continued regulation and thus without the usual contractual protections against "opportunistic behavior" by the carrier in such circumstances". (Baker et al, 1991, p. 12) "In the rail industry, after 1978 the ICC does not now assume jurisdiction over rates unless it has made a determination that the rail carrier possesses market dominance over the traffic. Section 4 addresses issues in market dominance determination, particularly the role of the revenue/variable cost ratio". The history of railroad regulatory policy may be largely summed up as an attempt to resolve the conflicting objectives.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
WalMart's profile of computing and network infrastructure Essay
WalMart's profile of computing and network infrastructure - Essay Example So our ties to Bentonville, Ark. - where Sam Walton opened the first store that bore the Walton name and where Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., is still based - give us our foundation. Another goal - providing easy access to more Wal-Mart - is evident in the more than 1,000,000 products available online and in the innovative businesses that continues to develop, such as Music Downloads and 1-Hour Photos, which gives customers the convenience of ordering products online and picking them up at a local Wal-Mart. In short, is passionate about combining the best of two great worlds - technology and world-class retailing - to give customers a wide assortment of their favorite products, Every Day Low Prices, guaranteed satisfaction, friendly service, convenient hours (24 hours, 7 days a week) and a great online shopping experience. According to Mark Schmidt, senior director for information services at Wal-Mart, the installation of NCR System 3000 processors -- which began last month in the Springfield, Mo., stores -- is the second phase of a systems upgrade at the chain that began in August 1990 with the installation of Hewlett-Packard's HP 9000 Model 375 system. The retailer chose to purchase both systems so that "we have two vendor partners to bank on," said Schmidt. Approximately 800 of Wal-Mart's stores will use the HP system and the other 800 will use the NCR system. Both models are open-system computers and both use the UNIX operating system, allowing intercommunications and compatibility. "We can take data tapes from one to the other if we had to," Schmidt added. Tony Fano, vice president of NCR Retail Systems Division, said, "The NCR 3445 support of UNIX V.4 matches Wal-Mart's UNIX open systems strategy. Because it is based on industry standards, the NCR 3445 can provide enterprise-wide computing solutions based on open systems components and cooperative processing." NCR's System 3000 is a seven-level family of scalable, compatible, general purpose computer systems that support the industry-standard operating systems -- UNIX V.4, SCO UNIX, OS/2 and MS-DOS. Wal-Mart had been using the IBM Series 1, which was installed in 1979. "It is a proprietary system. We wanted something more open, so we could be independent of a vendor if we needed to be, said Schmidt. "We needed a system with more capacity. We wanted one that was open and scalable -- to go in relatively small and then grow," said Schmidt. The installation of the HP 9000 Model 375 was completed last month, according to Schmidt. He said the chain is aiming at Aug. 1 completion of the NCR installation. The NCR 3445 will provide connections between NCR and non-NCR point-of-sale controllers and pharmacy systems with Wal-Mart's central computer in its headquarters in Bentonville, Ark. The NCR and HP systems are configured to support up to 16 terminals in a Wal-Mart store. According to Schmidt, the systems currently are doing traditional applications, such as payroll, general accounting and merchandise reorder. Potential applications include financial management, sales analysis and labor management (Tahmincioglu, 1991). Wal-Mart has signed a multimillion
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Realism and Romantism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Realism and Romantism - Essay Example The core idea of the American Dream, would be the individual citizens ability to achieve a level of existence, that would enable them to live their live to the fullest. To not only provide for themselves but also, include the opportunity to be able to provide for their families as well. As it stood for many, the attitude towards the American Dream would be one of a wistful state. Many would desire it and hope to achieve it. On the other side of the equation, there would be those that felt the elements of the American Dream would be nothing more, than a capitalist viewpoint and the encouragement of a mentality that promoted greed through mass acquiring of products. In the earlier days of the nation, the assessment of the American Dream would take on the appearance of an innocent and romantic idea, something that would have taken such an appearance if documented by those writers of the Romanticism era of literature. As literature would enter into the more realistic era of time, those e arlier thoughts would in fact be adjusted to be more in line with the time period around them. During the period of the romantics, well known authors would have included Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Walt Whitman, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Edgar Allen Poe. As for motivations during this period, "American poets like Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Edgar Allen Poe were inspired by nature, patriotism, and religion to create inspirational and experimental poetic works," (Lombardi, p.1). With such relevance placed upon the notions of being patriotic in this instance, individuals such as Whitman, Dickinson, Emerson and Poe, would have found their beliefs of the power of the American Dream, to be heavily influenced by the period which they would have been writing. To have such a level of patriotism running through their respective veins, it would have only seemed natural to assert the benefits and strength of the nation and what it would offer to anyone who lived within it. With the inherent power that lies within the written word, the ability of an author to ai de in the influence of ideas and discussion, would have been present and used by the very authors who published during the era itself. Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson and Mark Twain, among others, would also be mentioned within the period of realism, thus bringing light to the varied level of period ability that each would have had, as it came to producing works during those points in time. As it came to literature and the element of romanticism, it would have been, "The period between the "second revolution" of the Jacksonian Era and the close of the Civil War in America saw the testings of a nation and its development by ordeal. It was an age of great westward expansion, of the increasing gravity of the slavery question, of an intensification of the spirit of embattled sectionalism in the South, and of a powerful impulse to reform in the North. Its culminating act was the trial by arms of the opposing views in a civil war, whose conclusion certified the fact of a united nation dedicated to the concepts of industry and capitalism and philosophically committed to egalitarianism," (Harmon, et. al., p.1). Heavily emphasized morals and a predominant level of
Friday, July 26, 2019
Cap-and-Trade Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Cap-and-Trade - Assignment Example This approach is based on credits which are issued to corporations by governments or a set authority. A corporation is issued with a set limit of the pollution level that they can cause in a given region. If it can achieve that, they can transfer their credits to another company for a given fee (Burney, 2010). Therefore, cap and trade approach creates a marketing system for those companies that are better or are able to reduce their emissions and at the same time is punishes those companies that can not be able to do so financially. On the other hand, carbon tax is a tax imposed on carbon fuels. This approach offers corporations and governments a cost effective way of reducing greenhouse emissions in to the atmosphere. Carbon tax approach is mostly applied in OECD countries based on energy products and motor vehicles (Burney, 2010). There has been increased opposition to this approach citing concerns that it can lead to firms relocating and people losing jobs. On cap and trade approach, there are no emissions costs but the influence is on the broader economy. Therefore, this approach favors the corporations. That means that whenever anyone at a personal level does any mistake he or she will not be involved. On the other hand carbon emissions are always monitored by the carbon in the fuel (Burney, 2010). I also find that very far fetched because homesteads emit as much greenhouse gases as corporations. Therefore, in my opinion I believe these measures are not enough to combat climate
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Sport Team Brand Identity Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Sport Team Brand Identity - Case Study Example Brand identity takes on a more specific meaning when relating to sports team brands thanks to the degree to which individuals tend to identify with their favorite teams. As is suggested by Birrell (1981), sport in today's society has, in many ways, taken on the importance of ritual from ancient societies and provides the individual with a means of connecting with the rest of the community, something that seems increasingly lacking in other areas of postmodern industrialized life. While brand identity is an integral part of the branding concept and of the business as a whole, much of the existing research regarding this issue has focused on the ideas of brand association rather than identity. Brand associations are essentially the component parts of brand identity. They can include various attributes, such as 'consistent', 'fun' or 'trustworthy', particular images, such as the brand logo, a particular jingle or any number of different means by which individuals begin to associate with the brand. Numerous theories have been brought forward regarding the particularities of brand identity in the sport team setting, several of which will be examined. By examining the relationship between brand identity and brand associations, it is possible to trace how brand associations contribute to and become a part of brand identity. By measuring brand associations in team sport, elements of brand identity can be discovered. Branding ha... 194). The term itself has undergone an extreme transformation in recent years. Although once identified as simply the swoosh on the side of a Nike athletic shoe, the term 'brand' has grown to encompass many aspects of a company. "Brands are not simply products or services. Brands are the sum totals of all the images that people have in their heads about a particular company and a particular mark" (Scott Bedbury, CEO of Brandstream, a Seattle-based marketing consultancy, quoted in Kalin, 2001). The term has come to refer to not only the images a company produces in order to call their product or services to mind, but also the products sold, the services rendered, the building in which the company is headquartered or even the country in which it originated as well as the methods used to project these ideas and images to the broader public - the brand identity. To remain competitive in the world today, just about anything can be identified with a brand if it is so chosen - companies, mu seums, hospitals, even individual people. According to Aaker (1996), strong brands work for the company to help them develop a strong consumer base through broad recognition of the brand identity. This recognition then further works for the company by serving as a weapon to counter growing competition in a shrinking market (Barwise & Robertson, 1992). Corporations can then further use this position to help launch new extensions, such as a line of athletic clothes for Nike or a new flavor for Toblerone (Aaker & Keller, 1990). However, this kind of recognition has also come to imply a much greater responsibility on the part of the company to ensure all aspects of their business are strong. There are four
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Evidence-based Assessment of ADHD in Children Essay
Evidence-based Assessment of ADHD in Children - Essay Example negatively affect the child’s academic performance and self-esteem including the child’s relationship with family members and friends (Hoza et al., 2005; Hazelwood, Bovingdon, & Tiemens, 2002). ADHD can also lead to behavioural problems which often make the child unable to socialize with other people (Kerns et al., 2001). In rare cases, Fleischmann et al. (2005) found out that approximately 20.8% of the suicidal cases in young people have disruptive behaviour disorder which is related to ADHD. In the absence of proper treatment such as medicine and behavioural therapy, children with ADHD could cause behavioural problems not only at home but also in school, work, and relationship with the opposite sex. Eventually, the negative effects of ADHD could cause a child to become depressed, frustrated, or engage with the use of illegal drugs if left untreated. To effectively provide children with ADHD with proper treatment, early detection of ADHD is important. Concerning the increasing number of ADHD throughout the United Kingdom, this study will focus on assessing some of the evidenced-based assessment method used in detecting ADHD in children. In the process of going through the main discussion, evidences behind the psychological assessment of ADHD in children will be evaluated. As part of assessing whether a child has ADHD, medical professionals would often use analogue methods such as conduct an interview with the child, go through the patient’s medical history which includes issues related to social, emotional, educational, and behaviour of the child, physical exam, and the use of behaviour rating and/or checklist in detecting ADHD (Kooij et al., 2008; Parker & Benedict, 2002; ; Forbes, 2001; Barkley, 1991). Likewise, laboratory measures such as the Conners’ Continuous Performance Test (CPT) and Gordon Diagnostic System – a self-contained computer device can also be utilized in detecting symptoms of ADHD (Kelley, Noell, & Reitman, 2002, p. 28; Barkley,
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Conflict in the Central African republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Conflict in the Central African republic - Essay Example The number of people that need humanitarian assistance on immediate basis exceeds 2.5 million (â€Å"United Nations†). Innocent civilians are losing their lives in this conflict. Rather than being collateral damage as a result of rebel groups’ fighting, these civilians are being purposefully killed because of their religious or community associations and for their identities. While the ex-Seleka victimize Christians, people that are the most vulnerable are the Muslims. More than a million people in the country have been displaced and the homes of many of them have been burned to deter them from returning (â€Å"United Nations†). What is setting in is a de facto partition of the CAR between the Muslim and the Christian population. This separation is setting the stage for conflict that might continue for generations. Capital of the Central African Republic, Bangui, has a long history of lack of reliability of its public utilities. But since December, the Red Cross has been rendering its services to collect human bodies intact or chopped up. There exists a divide of two neighborhoods in the Avenue de France. Most of the dead bodies belong to people who have strayed too far in the wrong direction. Foot traffic is not allowed on the road so people do not have to bury the dead bodies and instead leave them to rot in the sun. The neighborhood toward the north of the line is occupied almost exclusively by the Christians as a result of massive killing or exile of the Muslims from the region.
Social Norm Violation.Entering one’s Apartment without Knocking Essay Example for Free
Social Norm Violation.Entering one’s Apartment without Knocking Essay Social Norm Violation.Entering one’s Apartment without Knocking Introduction Barkow, (1978) defined social norms as behaviours that the society expects from its habits. Therefore, when people demonstrate these social norms in the public, the society observes them with satisfaction and acceptance. Consequently, when the social norms are violated or confused, people react strangely or become annoyed. For the social norm violation assignment, I had a pool of ideas, walking on the wrong side of the footpath, reading in the elevator, eating sloppily and so on. However, my desire was to violate a norm that will make me act in the most casual way. However, for this assignment, I decided to violate the social norm of entering into people’s apartment without seeking their welcome or without knocking at their doors. Typically, in my society people knock at the door and waits patiently for a response from the owners of the apartment. Ideally, one will wait until someone responds â€Å"come inn†before stepping inside the apartment. Therefore, I made up my mind and entered the apartment without knocking. Besides, I decided to act comfortably like the residents or tenants of the apartments that I could make myself at home. So, to make sure that I could not be accused of trespass or entering someone’s home as a stranger, I decided to ask my friend Daniel to keep me company. Previously, I had visited his apartment on one occasion with another classmate for a dinner. At this moment, it was obvious that I was not a frequent visitor of the apartment to comfortably feel at home or walk in without knocking at the door. When I decided to implement my experiment for the anthropology class, I decided to take to his apartment. As I approached his door, I was a little bit shaken of what will transpire once I was in the house. Furthermore, his blinds were shut and, therefore, it was difficult to predict whether he was at home or I would find Sam, his friend whom they stay with. After a standstill outside on the door for a couple of minutes, I managed to summon adequate courage and finally entered.My experience when I entered was astonishing. Immediately after I stepped inside the house, the room went on a silent mode. It seemed that his family members were in the middle of delicate or confidential information and had no signs of continuing in my intruding or presence. I had kept for a couple of seconds before I inquired if Daniel was home. Luckily, he was in the backyard sorting some staff. One of his family members rushed to get him as I remained seated with the rest of his family members. Notably, they still wore a shocking look on their faces because I kept myself at home by comfortably getting seated on the pew. Honestly, they appeared quite annoyed as I could observe from the experience reflection point of view (Holy Stuchlik, 2006). When Daniel approached, I had already prepared a question to ask him and depart the awkward apartment. Throughout the experiment, my experience remained awkward, and I remained ashamed of my act. In truth, I was idealess that violation of such a small societal norm of knocking before entering to one’s apartment could severely upset people or the inhabitants. However, I was confident because my friend Daniel was well aware of my intentions. Later in the evening, I called him and requested him to explain to his family members that it was a course experiment for my university studies. I hope he explained the situation to and the information for this assignment to his family members so that my reputation can be rehabilitated in their minds and salvaged.At the end of the experiment, I realized that people get terribly annoyed, confused and even show their anger if you enter their apartment without their knowledge, a sentiment equally observed by Hamnett, (2007). Even though I felt weird breaking the social norm, I concluded that my weird feelings represented all that was happening t han the specific act of violating the norm. I have to confess that it was not enjoyable at first, but it did assist me realize how people in my society value the protection of their social norms. It is something I would never attempt to do by choice, and if I spot someone doing the act, I will feel so weird and disappointed in him or her. Conclusion It is comparative to mention that the experience of violating the social norm through entering into Daniel’s apartment without knocking was uncomfortable and embarrassing. However, I enjoyed the experience after the family members of the apartment salvaged my reputation. When I went back on a normal visit, we revisited our experiences with lots of fun. Honestly, I later learned that the experiment was enjoyable. It is interesting norm in my society that is well safeguarded for ethical purposes in the society. Overall, it was a virtuous experience, planning it made me anxious and nervous but once I implemented it I gained the experience. References Barkow, J. H. (January 01, 1978). Social norms, the self, and sociobiology: Building on the ideas of A. I. Hallowell. Current Anthropology.Hamnett, I. (2007). Social anthropology and law. London: Academic Press. Holy, L., Stuchlik, M. (January 01, 2006). Anthropological data and social reality. Anthropology in Theory : Issues in Epistemology. Source document
Monday, July 22, 2019
The Young Man Has Changed Essay Example for Free
The Young Man Has Changed Essay As I was stabbing out the cigarette with my foot I was standing leaning against the dusty black wall, which was blocking the view of the railways. Next to me was my best friend Salim who was carefully watching me and then imitating every minute movement and action. To some extent without boasting I was the leader and Salim was the follower. Just then a young girl wearing a tight body top and a short silky black mini skirt was walking past us and Salim was beginning to whistle at her. As she was disappearing into the main road we were both sniggering loudly. By the reflection on the glass door that had a varnished wooden border I was seeing myself holding a mobile phone, wearing a brand new pair of Reebok trainers, Georgio Armani jeans, and the latest v-neck GAP jumper. In my pocket I was carrying at least fifty pounds that I had made on the streets by doing a few dodgy deals. But even though having all this, deep inside I was feeling no peace, no buzz as if something was missing. Living the life of Islam was the answer to all my difficulties. At the time I knew this but I still could not do it as it was asking me to leave all the things I loved and this was including girls and music. However the weakness which was making me follow my desires and not the way of Allah did at last leave my life. It was one cold summers evening when I was sitting in an alley with a gang of friends planning which club to go to that night. All of a sudden everyone flickered their eyes at the muddy and dirty entrance. There two youngsters with glowing faces walked in. They wore pure white robes and Arabian caps. They greeted us in just the right way Safe boyz. The shorter brother told us that they came from Manchester and that they were here to remind the Muslims about their faith. Everyone including Asim who everyone called The Big Boss was silent and showed both of them lots of respect. The taller brother came in the centre of us and started to talk about Islam. As he said every word and every sentence, the idea that this world is only a test and the life after death is the real place for excitement became a strong feeling inside me. His voice was like a power flowing inside me making me feel peaceful. The things he said and the way he said them made me realize for sure that he had been through what I was going through. When he had finished talking and when both of them had left, all my friends had their eyes towards the floor and all of them were absolutely silent. But then one idiot had to lift his head and crack a joke. And guess what? All of them began to laugh! It was as if the devil snatched away the important advice from their hearts. I was really angry at their behaviour and straight away left them. As I was walking home that evening I was deciding it was time to change. Inside me was born a new feeling that I would be a failure in life unless I began to follow Islam fully. The following day was a big test for me as it was the day I was going to show my changed life to the world. I rolled my trousers up just above the ankle, as this was the teaching of the prophet Muhammad and wore a topi on my head. Like this I walked into school and in the playground everyone was so shocked to see me dressed in this way and their wide opened eyes were glued to me. Some girls when walking past me would look at me with a weird face as if I was some sort of alien. However those of my friends and other people who knew why I had changed were happy for me and were pushing me to carry on. At first when I would be around a lot of strangers and especially girls I would feel really shy but I was not allowing this to stop me from practising my religion because I had faith in Allah that He gives ease after every difficulty. Within a month, every thug on the street knew that I had changed and I was beginning to get respect from everybody in my area, youngsters and grown-ups. Even the people I did not know were greeting me. Now I was feeling a deep satisfaction and as if that something which was missing was found. At present I go to college which I find really different to school mainly because there are more girls around me and I have more freedom to do what I want to do. I feel that Allah is testing my faith in Him by testing me with these young girls. I need to crush my feelings towards them so that I do not get attracted to them and this is hard. But I am coping and when I see girls I try to look down and when I do this I feel as if a wave of ecstasy is swirling inside me and I believe this to be a reward from Allah for listening to Him. The thoughts that make me do this are the images of heaven and hell. They alarm me every time I am about to do something bad and so far these are my strongest motivators in life. Now death has become something I think about a lot. The other evening when I was coming back home from college I was waiting for a train on the Blackhorse Roads filthy platform and this was making me think that I am like a traveller in this world and soon I will leave it. When the train was coming and as it got nearer it stared at me with its beaming eyes and roared even louder and this was making me feel scared, as it was reminding me of the Angel of Death who takes away everyones life. On the same evening after reaching Woodgrange Park station, I was walking home using a different route and by chance I was passing the old, dusty, black wall and it was bringing back my shameful past. I whispered to myself, What an idiot you were. Topi is a hat worn by Muslims.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Literature Review of US Foreign Policy
Literature Review of US Foreign Policy Background America’s 1930s foreign policy was based on the realist school of thought. It emphasised international trade in order to achieve economic rejuvenation, whilst its security strategy demonstrated the practical restraints of Hans Morgenthau’s classical doctrine of realism through withdrawing its military’s international presence. Post-WW2 America’s role within the world hierarchy altered significantly as a direct result of internal structural and technological developments that led it to being a world superpower. American foreign policy encompassed both realism and liberal internationalism in its attempt to defeat communism. The 1970s signified a dramatic change in the foreign policy decision-making process; no longer were Presidents able to operate imperialistically making policy decisions without consulting Congress. Despite being internationally recognised as the victor of the Cold War, America lost its international footing somewhat. Political analyst Kenneth Waltz supports this assertion and argues in the article ‘Is Anybody Still a Realist?’ that foreign policy in a pre-9/11though post-Cold War era, aside from the widely accepted notion that States â€Å"at a minimum, seek their own preservation,†(Waltz, Kenneth. 1999: P.14), realism no longer played a leading role in foreign policy and national security decision-making. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell argue that US foreign policy and National Security Strategy since 9/11 has mirrored that of former powers on a colonisation mission. A key example used to demonstrate this was Bush’s desire to install a National Missile Defence (NMD) system in Europe. They ascertain that it was part of the regimes neoconservative, imperialistic agenda to impress upon the world American exceptionalism through attempting to colonise the globe by having a military capability world-wide under the notion of ‘national security.’ (Burbach, Roger Tarbell, Jim. 2004). The US government opposes such a claim maintaining that its actions are part of an assertive-realist security strategy seen previously within the Cold War era which confronts threats to America. They argue that like America’s proactive response to the attack on Pearl Harbour, the last time America had suffered such devastation on US soil, that 9/11 warranted a similarly aggressive response. Benjamin Frankel supports this and argues in ‘Realism: Restatements and Renewal,’ that it is neo-realism, not neo-conservatism which recognises â€Å"the ultimate concern of states is not for power but for security†¦states seek maximum security not maximum power.†(Waltz, Kenneth. 1988. in Frankel, Benjamin.1996: P.91). President Roosevelt’s description of the attack on Pearl Harbour as a â€Å"date which will live in infamy,†(Roosevelt, Franklin D.A Date which will live in infamy: FDR ask for a Declaration of War), have been echoed since 9/11. Bush proclaimed the â€Å"world has changed†(Cramer,Jane K. Thrall, A. Trevor. 2012: P.30) as a direct result of 9/11 and therefore had to adapt his leadership style and policies accordingly. Literature Review This dissertation has used many sources to gain valuable information such as facts, figures, diagrams and the opinion and analysis of distinguished politicians, historians and authors. US foreign policy is a broad and complex subject which can be approached from multiple angles. Due to the restrictive word limit, this thesis has confined itself within certain boundaries which specify what direction this thesis is going to approach the title. Through critically analysing these sources, it has been possible to develop a deeper understanding of the topics examined and have helped greatly in contextualising the arguments found within the background and contemporary research. This has played a crucial role in the final conclusion reached. These boundaries are that the time scale used will be between the 1930s to the end of the George W Bush presidency. This time frame has been selected because of the opposing military policies that were used and the economic, social and international implications that such directions were to have; one being isolationist and the other being expansive. Chapters two and three have also been divided in a two-part manner. Chapter two addresses the mentality behind the decision-making process as well as the actions taken in the years preceding Bush’s presidency. Chapter three examines the mentality and actions taken during Bush’s reign. These boundaries have been drawn up in such a wa y that allows for analysis of events in a chronological order. Additionally, the ‘mentality’ has been chosen because it allows for the thesis to address multiple arguments and through thorough analysis determine if the mentality behind the decision-process has been altered and if so, has this affected the actions taken. These boundaries provide a clear sense of structure which is augmented with the aid of the many sources examined. There are a select few sources which will now be addressed due to their crucial role in initiating key arguments and theories throughout the thesis. In his article ‘The Stability of a Unipolar World,’ William Wohlforth provides an important analysis regarding the impact of the structural and technological advancements experienced in the US. Wohlforth argues that it is’ because of â€Å"a decades-old policy of harnessing technology to the generation of military power†¦The US combination of quantitative and qualitative material advantages is unprecedented, and it translates into a unique geopolitical position.†(Wohlforth, William C. 1999: P.17-18). This thesis supports this assertion and uses it as a key argument throughout to provide explanation behind America’s actions and the mentality with which such actions were conducted with. This dissertation comprises a variety of theoretical debates, all attempting to provide clarity and reasoning behind America’s actions both pre and post 9/11. Richard Rose’s ‘The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World’ is used to provide support and elaborate on this thesis’ suggestion that after 1991 the â€Å"United States has lost its former position of dominance in the international system.†(Rose, Richard.1988:P.237). This was primarily because it could no longer justify having an expansive foreign and security policy to develop its sphere of influence through either hard or soft means as there was no longer an apparent enemy. Craig Snyder provides support for this assertion and further adds a theoretical argument in his book ‘Contemporary Security and Strategy’ that the influence of realism endured a significant decline during this period of relative peace in its use in international relations as well as national foreign policies. (Snyder, Craig A. 1999: P.65). No thesis which incorporates political theories and realism in particular, would be academically justifiable without the thoughts of world-wide acclaimed political analysts Kenneth Waltz and Hans Morgenthau being examined. Morgenthau’s work has been used when analysing the traits of classical realism to see how, if at all they relate to Bush’s actions. This thesis has paid particular attention to the work of Waltz, the founder of the concept of neo-realism, to argue that as opposed to the realist based expansive foreign policy agenda that existed during the Cold War era, States have since pursued neo-realist policies in which they aim to achieve: a sense of continuity in long-term goals, policies which are compatible with the ever-globalising international arena, clear objectives with simple directions to achieve them whilst maintaining a certain degree of flexibility to allow for adaptation to the fluid nature of the international stage. (Waltz, Kenneth.1999). Post-9/11, US foreign policy has often been interpreted as some of the most controversial around the globe. This is because they have been perceived as part of America’s apparent neoconservative agenda devoted to establishing an Imperial America. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell are two academics who support such a notion and argue in their ‘Imperial Overstretch: George W Bush the Hubris of Empire’ that the impact of 9/11 provided Bush’s regime with the fuel to pursue his extreme neo-conservative goal of creating a US Empire. The critical and negative wording of the title is such that even without reading any of the actual book, Bush is already portrayed as a leader who has been corrupted by the desire to create an empire. Therefore, in order to maintain academic legitimacy, this thesis recognised that Burbach and Tarbell are obviously biased against the Bush administration. This is not to say that their work should be dismissed, because it shouldn’t, but rather caution should be – and has been – applied when selecting what information to use from their book in this dissertation. Particular attention has been given to George C. Herring’s ‘From Colony to Superpower: US Foreign Relations since 1776.’ This is because this book provides a great insight into US foreign policy history and does so whilst exhibiting thorough analysis of events throughout this time. It has helped this writer significantly in developing a deeper understanding of events that have occurred and placing them in the relevant context. Articles, quotes, resolutions and speeches by Bush’s administration and even himself are all examined in this thesis. This is because they provide raw clarity and reasoning behind the decisions made post 9/11.As president of the world super-power, the American people looked to Bush to act and respond to this terrorist assault. In an address to the nation on 9/11th he stated that America â€Å"will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.†(Bush, George W. quoted in Kean, Thomas H. 2004. P.326. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.). Such a statement sets the rigid and uncompromising tone with which Bush was to significantly adjust his foreign and security policies to deal with the situation. Understanding the mentality behind Bush’s decisions is of vital importance to this thesis because if the mentality is proven to have affected the manner in which foreign policy was decided a nd implemented, and if this is different to the various American administrations, then this will playing a determining role in answering the dissertation question. It is for this reason that Bush and his teams’ speeches, articles and resolutions are analysed in great depth throughout this thesis.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Touch Of Evil Essay -- essays research papers
Touch of Evil Director: Orson Welles Producers: Rick Schmidlin, Albert Zugsmith Director of Photography: Russel Metty Writer: Orson Welles Editor : Aaron Stell, Walter Murch Poduction Designer/ Art Director: Robert Clatworkth Alexander Golitzen                                             AVF 10 –      5/1/05           In Orson Welles’ classic film noir production Touch of Evil, a Mexican police officer named Mike Vargas (Charlton Heston), becomes the target of an American police officer named Hank Quinlin (Orson Welles), when Vargas attempts to expose Quinlin framing a murder suspect. Quinlin, a celebrity among police officers has become corrupt in his practices and is willing to go any lengths including committing murder to uphold his reputation. Vargas is an honest man who faces Quinlin’s corruption to protect the rights of the accused. In doing so, he puts his wife in danger, who ends up the victim of a plot against Vargas. Although Vargas appears to be the hero, the viewer experiences frustration with his character due to his negligence concerning his wife. Caught between the accuser and the accused, American deputy Pete Menzies (Joseph Calleia) is loyal to Quinlin but later helps Vargas when the truth is revealed.      The tension between Mike Vargas and Hank Quinlin begins very early in the film. The scene in which the two meet for the first time, at the scene of the explosion, establishes Quinlin as a well-respected man whose appearance is larger than life. Quinlin’s arrival to the scene is much awaited based on the conversation between the other officers. When Quinlin finally does arrive the camera immediately jumps from one mans line which is shot at eye level, to a shot of Quinlin exiting his car from very low to the ground, accentuating his size. Quinlin is shot from below in this way for the majority of the film.      The scene edits back and forth from the scene of the explosion to Vargas’ wife who has been led into danger following her dismissal to the hotel. The fact that... ...he antihero die in his own filth. Quinlin at the point of his death has made his way down the bottom of a bridge and is surrounded by garbage. Tanya who had predicted Quinlin’s impending doom shows up as Quinlin dies.      The film stays in line with classic noir in many ways. The usage of dark sets and high contrast lighting, which creates heavy shadows on the actors faces, makes the movie feel like it all happens at night and in dark alley ways. The story focuses on the inhumane parts of human nature. Each of the main characters experiences some kind of tragedy. For Vargas his tragedy was in dealing with Quinlin who has set out to frame him and his wife. For Quinlin his entire life represented a man consumed with darkness who lives his life with a â€Å"Touch of Evil.†Menzies was a hopeful man who looked up to Quinlin but was let down. For the viewer, film noir represents truth, even if it is not a truth that all people would like to hear.                                   Â
religious policies of England and France from 1603 to 1715 :: essays research papers
Describe the religious policies of England and France from 1603 to 1715. Why do you think rulers feared religious toleration so much? When discussing why the rulers feared religious toleration and how their fears affected what religious policies were enforced, one must first look at what events transpired through the years to get a full understanding of the word â€Å"stubbornness.†During the early years, the English church was dividing into a conservative camp that wanted to retain the religious ceremonies and the hierarchy of the church and a radical, Calvinist camp called Puritans who wanted to "purify" the church of everything not contained in the Old and New Testaments. The Puritans demanded that the English church abandon the elaborate ceremonies and flatten the hierarchy of the church into something more closely resembling the voluntary associations of the Calvinist church. King James, however, would have none of the Puritan argument and declared, in 1604, that he was fully in the camp of the religious conservatives. This division between the monarch and the Puritans, which would be continu ed by his son, Charles I, lit the fire that ignited the English Civil War. Charles sided with the religious conservatives against the more radical Puritans. The archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, was particularly hostile to the Puritans' complaints and Charles allowed him to freely take any measures to stifle their dissent. In 1633, Charles forbade Puritans from publishing or preaching, and in 1637, they tried to bring Scotland under the fold of the English church. The Scots had, for a long time, a Calvinist church based on a flattened hierarchy and the purification of the religion of all non-Biblical practices. The imposition of the English church--which included the English prayerbook, church hierarchy, and rituals and sacraments that were derived from Catholic ceremony--was too much for the Scots to take. So they rebelled. The English Civil War started as a conflict between Parliament and Charles over constitutional issues; it fired its way to its conclusion through the growing religious division in England. The monarch was supported by the aristocracy, landowners, and by the adherents of the Anglican "high church," which retained the ceremonies and hierarchy so despised by the Puritans. The Parliamentary cause was supported by the middle class, the Puritans, and the radical Protestants. The king's forces roundly beat the Parliamentary forces for almost two years and the Parliamentary cause seemed all but lost. In 1642, however, Parliament reorganized its army under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell, who was a landowner and, in religious matters, an Independent. religious policies of England and France from 1603 to 1715 :: essays research papers Describe the religious policies of England and France from 1603 to 1715. Why do you think rulers feared religious toleration so much? When discussing why the rulers feared religious toleration and how their fears affected what religious policies were enforced, one must first look at what events transpired through the years to get a full understanding of the word â€Å"stubbornness.†During the early years, the English church was dividing into a conservative camp that wanted to retain the religious ceremonies and the hierarchy of the church and a radical, Calvinist camp called Puritans who wanted to "purify" the church of everything not contained in the Old and New Testaments. The Puritans demanded that the English church abandon the elaborate ceremonies and flatten the hierarchy of the church into something more closely resembling the voluntary associations of the Calvinist church. King James, however, would have none of the Puritan argument and declared, in 1604, that he was fully in the camp of the religious conservatives. This division between the monarch and the Puritans, which would be continu ed by his son, Charles I, lit the fire that ignited the English Civil War. Charles sided with the religious conservatives against the more radical Puritans. The archbishop of Canterbury, William Laud, was particularly hostile to the Puritans' complaints and Charles allowed him to freely take any measures to stifle their dissent. In 1633, Charles forbade Puritans from publishing or preaching, and in 1637, they tried to bring Scotland under the fold of the English church. The Scots had, for a long time, a Calvinist church based on a flattened hierarchy and the purification of the religion of all non-Biblical practices. The imposition of the English church--which included the English prayerbook, church hierarchy, and rituals and sacraments that were derived from Catholic ceremony--was too much for the Scots to take. So they rebelled. The English Civil War started as a conflict between Parliament and Charles over constitutional issues; it fired its way to its conclusion through the growing religious division in England. The monarch was supported by the aristocracy, landowners, and by the adherents of the Anglican "high church," which retained the ceremonies and hierarchy so despised by the Puritans. The Parliamentary cause was supported by the middle class, the Puritans, and the radical Protestants. The king's forces roundly beat the Parliamentary forces for almost two years and the Parliamentary cause seemed all but lost. In 1642, however, Parliament reorganized its army under the leadership of Oliver Cromwell, who was a landowner and, in religious matters, an Independent.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Computer Viruses :: essays research papers fc
Computer Viruses      A computer virus is an illegal and potentially damaging computer program designed to infect other software by attaching itself to any software it contacts. In many cases, virus programs are designed to damage computer systems maliciously by destroying of corrupting data. If the infected software is transferred to or accessed by another computer system, the virus spreads to the other system. Viruses have become a serious problem in recent years, and currently, thousands of known virus programs exist (Reed 85-102)b.      Three types of viruses are a boot sector virus, file virus, and Trojan horse virus. A boot sector virus infects the. When the infected boot program executes, the virus is loaded into the computer’s memory. Once the Virus is in memory, it can spread to any floppy disk inserted into the computer. A file virus inserts virus codes into program files†¦ The virus then spreads to any program that accesses the infected file. A Trogan horse virus (named after the Greek myth) hides within or is designed to look like s legitimate program.      Some viruses interrupt processing by freezing a computer system temporarily and then displaying sounds or messages. Other viruses contain time bombs or logic bombs. A time bomb is a program that performs an activity on a particular date. A logic bomb is a program that performs an activity when a certain action occurs, such as an employee being terminated. A worm, which is similar to a virus, copies itself repeatedly until no more memory of disk space remains.      To find computer viruses, anti-virus programs have been developed. Besides detecting viruses, anti-virus programs also have utilities to remove or repair infected programs and files. Some damaged files cannot be repaired and must be replaced with uninfected archive files. The table below outlines some techniques used to protect computer systems. Table Techniques for virus Protection and System Archive Using Virus Protection Software     Backing Up Your System Install virus protection software on every computer system     Develop a regular plan for copying and storing important data and program files. Before use, scan every floppy disk with a virus scan program to check for viruses.     Implement a backup plan and adhere to its guidelines.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest
The only constant is change. It is inevitable that every person throughout their life will transform in some wayâ€â€for good or for bad. Changing for the better usually starts with a selfish, egotistic person who is trying to be less interested in him/herself, and more interested in others. In the novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest by Ken Kesey, this type of transformation is easily recognized. â€Å"When we quit thinking primarily about ourselves and our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness~Joseph Campbell. McMurphy parellels the previous quote by Joseph Campbell, and by examining his actions and relationships, the reader is able to see that he is transformed from an originally selfish man into a self-less hero. Randal Patrick McMurphy is introduced as an extremely selfish man who will do anything to benefit his own personal gain. This is evidently displayed through the description of his past actions, and also through the w ay he treats the other patients on the ward. Motivated by self-interest throughout his life, McMurphy’s past can not only be labeled as that of a criminal, but of an egotistical criminal who completely disregards the feelings of others repeatedly. â€Å"McMurry, Randle Patrick. Committed by the state from Pendleton Farm for Correction. For diagnosis and possible treatment. Thirty-five years old. Never married. Distinguished Service Cross in Korea, for leading an escape from a Communist prison camp. A dishonorable discharge, afterward, for insubordination. Followed by a history of street brawls and barroom fights and a series of arrests for Drunkenness, Assault and Battery, Disturbing the Peace, repeated gambling, and one arrestâ€â€for Rape. †(Kesey 44) The charges that Randall proudly displays while he is introducing himself manifests that his character is irresponsible on account of his behaviour for Drunkenness, violentâ€â€shown through Assault and Battery charges, and deranged which is evident in his arrest for Rape. Each of these characteristics that make up his criminal personality can be associated with that of an extremely selfish and negligent man. Furthermore, McMurphy displays his mercenariness when it comes to his repetitive gambling. Not only was McMurphy charged for this in the past, but his disregard for the rules and his lack of sensitivity for the well being of others allow him to continue to gamble with the patients in the Oregon asylum. McMurphy is constantly hassling the patients to gamble with him on subjects such as poker, the Chief lifting the control panel, and McMurphy driving Big Nurse insaneâ€â€with the knowledge that he is going to win. Many of the patients in the ward are in debt because of McMurphy. â€Å"How much did you lose, Bruce? Mr. Sefelt? Mr. Scanlon? I think you all have some idea what your personal losses were, but do you know what his total winnings came to, according to deposits he has made at Funds? Almost three hundred dollars. †(222) Treating his fellow patients like this and disregarding the consequences that they will face due to his gambling, McMurphy show’s the reader that he is only there to benefit himself. The once selfish personality that McMurphy heavily displays in the beginning of the novel is starting to undergo change. The fishing trip that McMurphy plans for the patients is a distinct event where the reader is able to see a transformation because he shows characteristics of his selfish side, but also of his new self-less personality. Before going on the fishing trip, McMurphy cheated the other patient’s by charging them too much money. â€Å"Seventy dollars? So? I thought you told the patients you’d need to collect a hundred dollars plus ten of your own to finance the trip Mr. McMurphy. †(197) Big Nurse questions McMurphy until it is completely obvious that he was making money off of taking the patients on this trip. Contrasted to this act however, while on the boat McMurphy helps each of the men to act for, and stand up for themselves. He teaches them to laugh, fish, and act like a man even though they have been suppressed from their ability to do so with Big Nurse. â€Å"They could sense a change that most of us were only suspecting; these weren’t the same bunch of weak-knees from a nuthouse that they’d watched take their insults on the dock this morning. (215) McMurphy set aside his time to help these men because he could tell they needed to learn for themselvesâ€â€it was only then that they would be able to stick up to Big Nurse. He is becoming more and more aware of the responsibility he has on teaching and leading the men. Another event where both sides of Macks’ (McMurphys’) personalities are displayed is thro ugh the simple action that he takes by standing up to the Nurse. Cheswick takes great pride in McMurphy’s actions and starts to follow them. However, when McMurphy finds out he is committed, he completely disregards the importance of his status, nd stops helping Cheswick who commits suicide right after he says â€Å"I do wish something mighta been done though.. †(151) After this incident, McMurphy’s rebellious nature goes from self-interest to devotion of helping the other inmates, and he enshrines himself in being an example for them so that nobody ever gets hurt like Cheswick did. Once McMurphy realizes how important the power and responsibility that he has put on himself is, the transformation from a self-interested criminal into a respected hero was complete. He dedicates his time, and well-being to aid the others patients who could not do so for themselves. McMurphy was their hero. In the showers one day, Georgeâ€â€a germophobeâ€â€was having a tough time with the black boys and could not defend himself. In seeing this, McMurphy stepped in: â€Å"I said that’s enough, buddy†(229) McMurphy repeatedly argued, and fought with the boys’ until he was taken away by aides of the Disturbed ward. The punishment: Electroshock Therapy. In this situation, McMurphy was not previously aware of the consequences, but still gave himself to helping another. Following this incident, McMurphy is well aware of the consequences he would faceâ€â€but still made a conscious decision to do all that he is able to for his friends. A hero is considered to be a man noted for nobility and courage; especially one who has risked his life. McMurphy is a hero; a martyr; a figure of Christ. After Billy had slit his throat due to the tyrannous power of the Nurse, McMurphy attacked her. Knowing full well that this action would result in a lobotomy, he did it anyways for Billy and the others on the ward. Even though he sacrificed his own life, he stood against oppressive powers and displayed to the others his bravery and loyalty. â€Å"We couldn’t stop him because we were the ones making him do it. It wasn’t the nurse that was forcing him, it was our need that was making him push himself†¦ It was us that had been making him go on for weeks, keeping him standing long after his feet and legs had given out, weeks of making him wink and grin and laugh and go on with his act long after his humour had been parched dry between two electrodes. (267) Easily compared to Christ, McMurphy acted as a saviour and saint to his fellow men. His death was dignified, and it was for other people. A truly heroic transformation was completed throughout McMurphy’s commitance at the Oregon State Asylum. He started out as a self-involved criminal who was treating the fellow patients poorly, and slowly became more herioc as he showed signs of helping the men, mixed with his old self ish ways. Ending off, Randal P. By examining his actions and relationships, McMurphy is finally seend as a man who sacrificed himself for a greater cause; he evolved into a hero. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a Classic American novel that is filled with correlating events that portray women as monsters through misogynistic actions and language. Throughout time, society advocated that man was the dominate role that was in charge in almost every aspect, while women stayed at home and were inferior figures. However, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest shows how society acts misogynistic, or shows hatred towards women, when there is a reversal of these stereotypical gender roles; women are instantly depicted as monsters and uniformly terrifying. McMurphy’s actions in the ward, Kesey establishing women as over-oppressive, and women being portrayed as terrifying figures all illustrate how society acts misogynistic when there is a reversal in the roles of men and women. The man figure thrives off being dominant and in control, and when that power is threatened or not in place, male figures instantly bash the women society. McMurphy’s actions towards the nurse, such as disrespecting the nurse, indicate misogynistic qualities as it signifies women do not deserve respect. When McMurphy is enrolled in the hospital, Nurse Ratched has a set of rules set forth that everyone is to comply to so they can become healthy. However, McMurphy being the misogynistic character that he is, starts a war between the nurse and himself as he finds the rules overbearing. McMurphy then shows a hatred of women as he disrespects the nurse and fails to comply to the rules she set in place. He begins by being loud and obnoxious and disrupting the peace in the ward, and when the nurse asks him to quiet down he only becomes more difficult by showing his naked body. The nurse goes to confront him about being loud and â€Å"McMurphy steps out of the latrine door right in front of her holding that towel around his hips†(86). The nurse states that he cannot run around the ward revealing his body, but only laughs in her face and gets a kick out of her being uncomfortable. By lacking the wherewithal to comply to such simple rules that were established by the women work force reveals a sense of misogyny in the novel. He is not only disrespecting and establishing his hatred for the nurse and the women in the hospital, he is teaching the other patients that it is okay to have a hate for women. When McMurphy is forced to attend the meetings that are meant to help each patient get problems off their chest, he states that â€Å"she’s a bitch and a buzzard and a ball cutter†(54) for bringing up Harding’s issues with his wife. Nurse Ratched sees that the issues that Harding experiences with is wife are part of the reason why he is wrapped up in a mental ward, and McMurphy only uses misogynistic language to describe the nurse. McMurphy continues to show his misogynistic characteristics has he disobeys the rules of the ward at a higher level; he physically harms another patient. When McMurphy is trying to be restrained for fighting he only â€Å"drove a fist square in the center of the white, starched chest†(237) of the aide that worked for the nurse. The fight in the shower only further signifies the hatred of women that McMurphy had. He decided to disrupt the peace in the ward and not only make the life difficult for the nurse but difficult for her workers. Kesey strengths the idea of misogyny as he establishes the nurse and other female characters, such as the nurse, as over-oppressive figures who emasculate the male characters. The purpose of the ward is to enable patients to receive treatment that will help them get better so they can function in society. However, Kesey implies that women are merely characters who are detrimental to the male’s as they castrate them. For instance, Chief Bromden’s mother is portrayed as this overbearing character who turned his father into a weak alcoholic from a big strong chief. The chief’s father was a big man and married a women from Dallas, and he signifies that the emasculating began as his mother made them take on her last name, Bromden. The Chief proceeds to portray his mother as an emasculator as he states, â€Å"my mother made him to little to fight any more and he gave up†when the government was trying to take away his tribe and land (188). Thus, a sense of hatred is brought forth as the Chief is stating that women will turn you form a big, strong man into a weak alcoholic, just as his mother did to his father. Similarly, Billy Bibbit’s mother will not let him develop sexually and treats him as an infant to be watched over by the nurse. When Billy goes and has sex with Candy, the prostitute, he gains this sense of manhood and dominance. However, the nurse is portrayed as an emasculator as she threatens to tell Billy’s mother that he has had sex; ultimately taking away the manhood he briefly gained. The nurse states, â€Å"Mrs. Bibbit’s always been so proud of your decision. I know she has. This is going to disturb her terribly. You know how she is when she gets disturbed, Billy; you know how ill the poor women can become†(271). Scared of loosing his mother’s love Billy’s voice â€Å"scraped the white, bare walls of the seclusion room†and he â€Å"lifted his chin so he was shouting at the moon of light in the ceiling†(271). After Billy commits suicide over the situation, and everyone suggests that the nurse is the reason Billy killed himself. Thus, the idea of misogyny is further noticeable in the text as Kesey is applying that women are these over bearing individuals that strip men of their manhood. Within in the novel, Kesey illustrates the demeanor of the women character as terrifying and almost monster like. This creates a misogynistic undertone within the text as women are not being portrayed as a nurturing figure, they are these terrifying people that the men are afraid of. Right away the image of the nurse is depicted as this huge monster like an image that punishes for any wrong doing. In the beginning of the novel the aides of the nurse are slacking from their job, and as the nurse sees them mumbling together in a group Chief Bromden indicates that she is going to â€Å"tear the black bastards limb from limb†and that she â€Å"blows up bigger and bigger, as big as a tractor†(5). The nurse is being portrayed as this beast like figure that takes on this hideous form whenever she is unhappy with people and their actions. Fundamentally, there is a misogynistic setting being set forth as the Chief is indicating that a women in power, such as the nurse, takes on these hideous qualities. Rather then being depicted as upset or annoyed with the aides, any nurturing and loving qualities are instantly stripped as she is described as a creature. In a sense women being terrifying figures is further evident as Harding, a patient in the ward, proclaims, â€Å"We are victims or matriarchy here, my friend, and that doctor is just as helpless as we are. He knows all Ratched has to do is pick up that phone you see sitting at her elbow and call the supervisor and mention, oh, say, that the doctor seems to be making a great number of requisitions for Demerol†(56). Ultimately the Nurse is being portrayed as this terrifying figure that must be obeyed, and when disobeyed she can have it so you are addicted to the strongest drugs possible. A misogynistic undertone is being established as it is evident that Kesey is attempting to insinuate that women in the text are centralized on having complete and utter control rather then on helping patients get better. Another character that underlings the misogynic undertone in the novel is Billy Bibbit’s mother; she is a terrifying figure in the eyes of Billy. Billy has dreams of going to college and looking for a wife, however, when he brings these topics up with his mother â€Å"she only tickled him with the fluff and laughed at such foolishness†(254). Thus, women are being presented as these terrifying figures that will not let you escape from their grasp. They want to have complete control so they can always establish the rules. Society is based of the status quo of men and women; men love being in control over the women and dictating the rules of a society. However, when a women seizes power in a particular culture there can be a sense of misogyny that is established. Such examples of McMurphy’s barbaric actions in the ward, Kesey establishing women as controlling figure, and women being noted as feared all underline misogynistic qualities that a society takes on when males are upset with a women in power. These qualities all are detrimental to the women society; they are not being illustrated as caring and loving, they are presented as people who create a struggle for everyone else. Just as the society of the mental ward has a hatred for Nurse Ratched, they take on these qualities in attempt to force her to leave, so they can be set free from her grasp. They want a new leader for the ward and by being misogynistic they believe that it will cause the nurse to leave as no one wants to live hated in a society. Furthermore, the ward acts with misogyny as they strive to tire the nurse out from all the stress being created so that she will eventually break down and give up her position. One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest One flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a tale of rebellion against the obvious authority cloaked within the walls of an insane asylum and redemption through it. The setting is one played out many times before in various hero stories. A man enters a foreign place, meets oppressed indigenous people, decides to help them see the light, and gives his life for the greater good. In this case the protagonist is not the narrator, but rather McMurphy, a con-man and gambler who fixes his way out of hard labor and into a seemingly cushy hospital setting. Little does he realize he just signed his freedom away to Gestapo dressed as nurses. From the moment he steps into the hospital his freedom is questioned. The nurses acting as dictators, especially Nurse Ratched, try to take complete control of every patient, of every aspect, and the more one struggles the harder their life becomes. For McMurphy what is a challenge to established sanction in the beginning, becomes a fight for the freedom of all patients in the end. The power of the nurses dictatorship runs in three themes throughout the book; false diagnoses of illness, women emasculating men, and social destruction of natural impulses and drives. The emasculation of men is a theme found through out the entire novel. Not only are the men weakened through embarrassment, but also destroyed through castration. Seeing the men gathered for their talks with the nurses was just one of the many ways the men were destroyed emotionally. Bromden himself commented on this torture of patience which in a sense took their balls. The struggle there is not against just one woman but an entire system. A matriarchy set up with easily controllable subordinates to Ratched and watchdogs who are the men full of anger working underneath her. This power struggle is not an unknown phenomenon to the men there as most of the patients have had controlling women in their lives before. One great example of this is the mother of the narrator who is a woman that took control just as the women of the hospital. Bromdens mother turned his father into an alcoholic weakling and even made him take her last name further weakening the chief. Another example came later in the novel when McMurphy commissioned a prostitute to sleep with Billy. This form of therapy did seem to help him recover, however Nurse Ratched threatened to tell his mother because of which he committed suicide. This idea of suicide was not the only one as another of the patients castrated himself and others commented that all a man had to do was wait a bit. Moving further into the oppression of men we step into the realms of the destruction of impulse. The novel makes a strong distinction between the natural and the mechanical. Bromden, being a man of the land and the son of a Native American chief, is the embodiment of nature trapped within social confines. He is born free as he hunts with his father as a child until the government buys out the land and so starts his battle to regain his place in nature. The hospital and the staff are all seen as agents of the unnatural. The staff is described as consisting of mechanical parts and the hospital it self has is a machine at the control of Ratched. Bromden goes on to describe a fog machine that is used to fill the hospital and cloud the vision of the patients. This of course is symbolic for the clouding of judgment and in effect the manipulation of sanity as a mind unable to see clearly will not be one to make sound decisions. McMurphy’s entrance into the hospital is a representation of natural impulse and raw sexuality clashing directly with the mechanical. As he walks in he laughs and Bromden comments how that is the first real laugh he has heard in long time. Later in the novel McMurphy brags about his conquests of a young girl which led to his incarceration adding to social constraints presented in the story. As the novel nears end McMurphy does free many of the patients which symbolizes the return to the natural and a weakening of authoritative grip when they walk out of the hospital. This however, is directly tied in to him loosing his mind via lobotomy. This brings the final theme for the subjugation of freedom found within the story; false diagnosis. Sometime before McMurphy ever stepped foot in the asylum there was a rebel before him. Though this man did not seem to challenge the system as harshly as McMurphy he was not a roll over either. He did, however question the process which is evident from his inquiry to the medication he was taking. He was treated via intense electro shock therapy and lobotomy from which he lost his ability to reason, his fighting spirit, and indeed his personality. The man became a human cow for which he was later released and praised as cured by Nurse Ratched. This was an erroneous diagnosis as the man was perhaps as healthy as most. The issue was brought up in the novel stating that a man of sound mind questions, however it is insane to do so at the challenge of authority as majority rules. The case was very much the same for McMurphy. When he rebelled he was not seen as a man rebelling but a patient loosing a grip on reality. Though, it is unclear whether Nurse Ratchet really saw it that way, it would seem that she was too concerned with having absolute control to care for the peoples well being. This in turned caused to the patients treated inhumanly within the hospital and leant to the fear of leaving. What happened in the hospital was tragic and in many ways analogous to a dictatorship of a nation. When a dictator has absolute control of a country the people must have a fear instilled in them in order to remain in control. This is how the hospital operated with Ratched unchallenged based on the fear of what she may do to the men there. This was the case until McMurphy showed them to live out side the confines of a mental prison of fear.
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