Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The First Major Crisis Of Slavery - 890 Words
Many historical factors such as the abolitionist movement changed the pro-slavery movement from the period of the American Revolution up to the American Civil War. The first major crisis of slavery began during the American Revolution. The American Revolution was a war among the American colonies and Great Britain starting in the year of 1775 and ending in the year of 1783. The American civil war began in the year of 1861 and lasted until the year of 1865. Their goal in the Pro- Slavery movement was to keep slavery because thought slavery was the only reason they were still profiting and surviving during that particular period. To begin with, Frederick Douglass, a former slave wrote and spoke about the establishment of slavery and southern culture based on his youthful experiences as a slave. Douglass is a powerful speaker for the abolitionist movement and became a leader of the anti-slavery movement. One of the main reasons for his writing of the Narrative was to prove to critics that such a well-spoken and expressive man could not have once been a slave. Douglas eventually gains the resources and convictions to escape to the North and wage a political fight against the institution of slavery. I believed that his most inspirational saying was when Douglass said, â€Å"I would unite with anybody to do right and with nobody to do wrong.†I would like to mention how the Grimke Sisters, who were named Angelina and Sarah Grimke was known as one of the very first women to speakShow MoreRelatedEssay on Cause of the American Civil War1732 Words  | 7 Pageslife. Yes, slavery was a cause of the war, but that was not one of the central causes that popular belief has engrained in us all, however, the role that slavery had will be discussed. These reasons all-fed off each other, which eventually resulted in the bloodiest war in American history and affected almost every single American family. The first cause, that was most the popular belief for the cause of the Civil War, was the idea of slavery. Thomas Jefferson believed that slavery was, â€Å"RockRead MoreThe Civil War1126 Words  | 5 Pagesbetween the two ‘colonies’. Looking at all the events that did lead to the Civil War I have come to the conclusion that there were three broad causes which lead to the Civil War. The three major causes of the Civil War are the challenges over: political disputes, slavery, and tariffs. The Election of 1860 was a major political event. The four presidents running were Abraham Lincoln, J.C. Breckenridge, Stephen A. Douglas, and John Bell. Since Abraham Lincoln was the only Republican amongst the four runningRead MoreThe Worsening Crisis, By The Dred Scott Decision `` And `` The Panic Of 1857 ``1243 Words  | 5 PagesThe Worsening Crisis Hist 1301 Sadhana Malla Thakuri The Worsening Crisis, it occurred between the period of 1857-1861 during the presidency of James Buchanan. It includes â€Å"The Dred Scott Decision†and â€Å"The Panic of 1857. In addition, it also talks about the Lecompton Constitution and the Lincoln-Douglas Debates. This documents mostly covers the South and North issues during 18s. In the Worsening Crisis record, it involved the â€Å"Dred Scott Decision†which arose different conflicts whether the slavesRead MoreThe American Civil War1418 Words  | 6 Pagesand the Compromise of 1850. The Missouri Compromise dealt with the crisis in 1819 over Missouri entering the Union as a slave state. The compromise was â€Å"the first major crisis over slavery, and it shattered a tacit agreement between the two regions that had been in place since the constitution. Under the terms of the agreement, the North would not interfere with slavery in the Southern States, and the South would recognize slavery as an evil that should be discouraged and eventually abolished wheneverRead MoreCauses of the American Civil War Essay1118 Words  | 5 Pagesand surrendered on April 9th, 1865 but not before the war had caused 618,000 deaths, more than any other war in U.S. history.(1) In truth, many believe this horrible war was fought purely over the issue of slavery. Nothing could be further from the truth. I am not denying that slavery was a major cause and issue of the civil war, but social and economic differences as well as states’ rights were just as important issues and I will be discussing all three. Why were the southern states so dependentRead MoreThomas Paine, an American Philosopher1267 Words  | 6 PagesMagazine. His first article of the Pennsylvania Magazine was about the African Slave Trade and was called â€Å"African Slavery in America†( This article was written based on the slavery issues that were occurring in the United States at the time. Paine would later write many more works on controversial issues such as the revolution against Britain’s government and the independence of the American people. Some of Paine’s most famous works included Common Sense, The Crisis, and AgeRead MoreThe Abolition Movement1079 Words  | 4 Pagesidea of these goals distinguished abolitionists from the broad-based political opposition to slavery’s westward expansion that started in the North after 1840 and raised issues leading to the Civil War. Yet, these two expressions of hostility to slavery were often closely related not o nly in their beliefs and their interaction but also in the minds of southern slaveholders who finally came to consider the North as united against them in favor of black emancipation. Although abolitionist feelingsRead MoreEssay on The Failure of James Buchanan 1375 Words  | 6 Pagesdid not prove to be this leader. Instead, his platform was based on a deliberate failure to lead. Due to James Buchanan’s position that supported popular sovereignty in the expanding United States, the country divided even further over the topic of slavery to the point that the Civil War became inevitable. One of Buchanan’s most significant failures came in regards to the Dred Scott case. Although he had good intentions in how he wanted to handle this case, he did a terrible job. Phillip AuchampaughRead MoreImpact Of LOuverture On The Haitian Revolution1514 Words  | 7 Pages Among the many men, women, and children that had a major influenced the revolution and its outcome by causing a conflict against the French government, was Mr. L’ouverture. L’ouverture was a freed slave that grew up as a plantation slave with an educated parent who thought him to read and write as a child, which would eventually help by mowing what treaty said and how to read and write messages during his time of command. He had a major role and influence on the outcome of the revolution, asRead MorePolitical Figures Henry Clay And Andrew Jackson1232 Words  | 5 PagesJackson and Clay also played major roles in the â€Å"creation of America’s two party system†during the growing tension over Democracy (Watson 1). As individuals, the men appealed greatly to the ordinary voters wants for America’s future as well as promoted economic development. During the mid 1800’s, many changes were happening in the nation. To start off, economic development was a major concern. The Cotton Kingdom was becoming dominant in the Southern economy and slavery was still expanding. Andrew
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analysis Of Letter From A Birmingham Jail - 981 Words
Learning from â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail by Dr. King†Dr. King wrote â€Å"Letter from a Birmingham Jail†when he was in jail for holding a desegregation protest in Birmingham, Alabama in April, 1963. As a leader of the civil-right movement, Dr. King found that it was an urgent need to take action in Birmingham where the worse segregation and racism brutality happened. However, Dr. King was criticized by eight clergymen that the protest was an extreme action. The letter was the response from Dr. King to their criticism. This essay will briefly summarizes what the letter was about, then discusses about the main arguments in the letter and why Dr. King’s fighting process was remarkably a great lesson to learn from. Even though being†¦show more content†¦However, he hoped the clergymen and he could celebrate as brothers in God once the segregation is ended (Dr. King). Throughout the letter, Dr. King eloquently stated the philosophy behind the SCLC’s protest in return of the clergymen’s criticism. The first argument was he had both the authority and right motivation to come to Birmingham. This is the answer to the clergymen’s accusation that Dr. King was an â€Å"outsider†. Firstly, he was invited by his allies. Secondly, even if he was not invited, he still had to come to Birmingham since racial segregation was excruciating there. Not only were color people prohibited to enter the public parks, stay in motel, or to go to the white church, but also faced violence from bombing and police brutality. Innocent children could not be able to understand why they could not play at the park, or why they were treated badly. If this situation was acceptable in Birmingham, then it could have might spread to other places throughout the nation as well. Therefore, Dr. King had to take action to change the painful racism situation in Bi rmingham. The second argument was why a direct action was crucially needed and why nonviolent protest was not extreme as accused by the clergymen. Dr. King thoroughly explained the four steps process of a nonviolent campaign: to identify if the problem was there, to negotiate, to self-purify, and finally to take action. Obviously, racial segregation happed badly inShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail1074 Words  | 5 PagesAn Analysis of Letter from Birmingham Jail Martin Luther King Jr. In 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. was serving a prison sentence in a jail in Birmingham, Alabama for nonviolently protesting through sit ins and marches.. It was during this time that King, outraged by the criticism of his methods of nonviolent direct action, wrote one of the most thoughtful arguments for civil disobedience and direct action against unjust and immoral laws. King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail was a poignant rebuttalRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail1052 Words  | 5 Pagesdiscrimination is? A Rhetorical Analysis of Letter From Birmingham Jail It is known to all that Martin Luther King is a famous person in America, who strongly goes against the racial discrimination all the time. Here, in this letter, Letter from Birmingham Jail, it is easy for us to realize that racial discrimination appears and the non-violence action is still serious at that time. As a matter of fact, this letter is coming from the people in the Birmingham jail, stating their inner thoughts aboutRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Letter from Birmingham Jail1517 Words  | 7 PagesPonder Eng291-001 13 September 2013 Rhetorical Analysis Rhetorical Analysis of â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail,†by Martin Luther King, Jr., is a letter in which King is writing to his â€Å"fellow clergymen†in a response to their recent criticism of the actions he was leading in Birmingham at the time. The letter was written in April of 1963, a time when segregation was essentially at a peak in the south. Birmingham, in particular, is described by King as â€Å"probablyRead MoreAnalysis of Letter From Birmingham Jail773 Words  | 4 Pagesfulfill our inherent duty to our nation by correcting the error that â€Å"we†have made. Through the pronoun â€Å"we†, king evokes a sense of urgency and duty-bound obligation as a concerned patriot to make a change. The question â€Å"What can be done?†arises from King’s freshly tilled ground of emotion, as he sows the seeds of solution in the now fertile soil of his audiences mind. To further nourish the new sprouts of persuasion, King makes a second and even more potent appeal by the mention ofRead MoreAnalysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail1542 Words  | 7 Pagesto defend yourself? In â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail,†Martin Luther King, Jr. addresses fellow ministers’ criticisms on his movement by eloquently expressing his views on the fight to end segregation in an incredibly organized manner. He calmly and directly shoots back a compelling argument to those who question his authority to lead protests on the subject. Overall, King uses examples and accurate representations of history to show the need for change. MLK Jr.’s letter embodies the rightful cryRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Analysis1172 Words  | 5 Pageswrote too. This is displayed in professional fashion in the Letter From Birmingham Jail. Martin displayed a circus of statements in response to the Clergymen in the Letter From Birmingham Jail. H e did this by analyzing their statements and responding with his own in an argumentative manner. He demonstrated this through persuasive statements, answering quotes from the community, and used a past leader as an example. Through this letter, Martin proved he could hold his ground in the line of fireRead MoreCritical Analysis: Letter from Birmingham Jail1191 Words  | 5 PagesCritical Analysis Essay â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail†In arguing, writers use different techniques to effectively convey their message to their intended audience. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham Jail was a response to A Call for Unity by eight white clergymen in which King’s presence in Birmingham and his methods of public demonstration were questioned. King’s letter was not only a response to his presence in Birmingham, but he also used the opportunity to address theRead MoreLetter from a Birmingham Jail Analysis1025 Words  | 5 Pagesâ€Å"A Letter from Birmingham Jail†by Martin Luther King Jr. was written in the margins of a letter posted by the clergymen of Alabama at this time that sparked his interest and while he inhabited the jail cell for parading around without a permit. This time allowed him the ability to respond wholeheartedly to this cynical oppressing. King’s letter addresses specific points presented in the Clergymen’s and this direct response distinguishes Kingà ¢â‚¬â„¢s strong points through his powerful writing. UnethicalRead MoreAnalysis Of Letter From Birmingham Jail1197 Words  | 5 PagesDr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s â€Å"A Letter From Birmingham Jail,†depicts the fight for equality by African Americans during the civil rights movement. In this letter, King uses tone, rhetorical questions, and allusions to discuss the racial segregation sweeping the nation. King’s letter is a response to â€Å"A Call For Unity,†a condemning message written by eight white clergymen who frowned upon the peaceful protests conducted by many African Americans. Although Dr. King is presently seen as an AmericanRead MoreLetter From Birmingham Jail Analysis1617 Words  | 7 Pagespeaceful protests in Birmingham, Alabama, he was jailed on accounts of â€Å"parading without a permit†(King 3). While in jail, Martin Luther King, Jr. wrote a response to â€Å"A Call For Unity,†written by eight white clergyme n of Birmingham, regarding King’s actions as â€Å"unwise and untimely†(King 1). This famous response soon came to be known as â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail,†and is currently regarded as one of the best pieces of rhetoric ever written. Dr. King’s â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail†is thoroughly
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Select Three Poems And Compare Each Poets View On Love Essay Example For Students
Select Three Poems And Compare Each Poets View On Love Essay Love poetry is an expression of a poets real emotions. Its a way a expressing your emotions without actually talking to anyone. I believe that love is a feeling that is needed to be human, without it there would be emptiness, and loneliness in our hearts, and is the key to survival in life. Whilst some individuals may believe that love has nothing to do with us being engaged in a relationship with someone, but by their physical appearance. However that might partially true I think that also a common interest has to be shared. The definition for Love in the Oxford dictionary is, feeling a strong emotional, and sexual attraction to someone. It is a feeling that cannot be fully described in words, but by an invisible bond that connects that special someone to you. In this essay I will be explore the view of love from different poets. The three poems I will be comparing are, First Love by John Clare, Villegiature by Edith Nesbit, and A Woman to her Lover by Christina Walsh. I will compare each poets view on love by examining the subject, tone, imagery, form, and feelings used by the poets. At the beginning of First Love John Clare tells us his feelings of his unrequited experience at the sight of his first love. He tells us his feelings by making us imagine that the reader is him by using a happy tone. The poet describes the girl he loves as, love so sudden and so sweet to emphasise the perfection of her beauty. Every line makes me believe that the situation Johns in is very realistic, and it helps us understand his reaction towards love. Whereas in Vigillature Nesbit is expressing her feelings towards love as a more of disgust, and that love is something that is a waste of time. Also, what pretty things you said Nesbits explanation of love is that how when given the right mood, location or state of mind we can sometimes forget what we really think and feel. However in A Woman To Her Lover Christina Walsh if expressing her herself by saying that she is, no doll to dress and sit for feeble worship, meaning that she is not a trophy wife who is only there to be looked at, and not listened to. Her meaning o love is easily interpreted in the poem as she says to her lover that she wants to, live and work, to love and die together, but will not let herself fall in love unless her lover agrees to these conditions. Each poet is talking about different types of love from different viewpoints and experiences. In First Love John is talking about how it feels to be in love for the first time. However in Villegature, Edith Nesbits understanding of love is wasting time, and that there no point to it. However Christina Walsh does believe in love, yet wants more than just love she wants equality between her, and her lover, this is probably said, because of the time she was in, and how women were inferior to me, and were not at all treated fairly. This shows to me that love is complicated, and that each person has there own view of it. Clare is the only poet to have a different view of love, as he is confused about what he is feeling, so he uses rhetorical questions to question himself, and maybe love itself, Are flowers the winters choice? The use of these rhetorical questions really makes me understand the feelings of confusion that are going through John Clare. However Christinas view on love stays the same through out the poem, and leaves us in doubt that she was in a time of radical prejudices against women, Do you come to bend me to your will, and As conqueror to the vanquished show how Christina longs to be freed from the dominance held by the male in that time period. .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .postImageUrl , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:hover , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:visited , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:active { border:0!important; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:active , .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7d59c7fcc30ad94a3880ec706792a31a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Belonging represented in Peter EssayAlso the same goes for Villegature where although the story starts of as a typical romantic love poem with lots of classic, almost clichà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d, love poetry turns out to be a twist, when we are given the impression that the ghost is not quite the perfect love object that the poem leads us to believe. And also the last line, Remember how you always bore me! leaves us in no doubt that the ghost is a bore and the poet does not love him. The three poems each have a main image. First Love exposes John Clare as a novice when it comes to love at first sight as this beauty has such a great impact upon his whole being. However in Villegature, Edith Nesbit makes reference to a love story, And yet you found Romeos wayand kissed me. Shows that she likes the ghost a lot if given the right mood or place, yet it changes as she finds out that the ghost is, Deep in dull books, had hardly missed her. And in A Woman To Her Lover Christina Walsh contradicts the views held by men at that time of how women should act, To bear your children, wearing out my life In drudgery and silence shows that they do not have any privileges except to bear children, take care of the home, and they cant have any jobs except for a teaching. The language, and tones that have been set out in these poems also change as the poems progress. In First Love John Clare uses personification to give a human like characteristic to his heart, and stole my heart away. Also the repletion of the word love (love so sudden and so sweetand loves appeal to know) indicates sureness of emotion that he is in love. In all as the poets tone changes from happy to confusion, and is indicated by rhetorical questions, is loves bed always snow? and Are flowers the winters choice? including these language devices the poet has a simple poem so uses uncomplicated punctuation devices. And he form of the poem is in an abab rhyme scheme, which indicates restrictions or boundaries. In Villegature the language devices that are used are alliteration to emphasises the slowness and boring of love, Your solid self. Nesbit uses a metaphor, By the pear tree to my room, Your ghost last night climbed uninvited. The room is a metaphor for the womans mind and the ghost is a metaphor for her lover. The ryming scheme for this poem is again in abab, which again indicates restrictions. Also in A Woman To Her Love, military images such as, conqueror..bondslave are used to show the dominance role held by the male at that time. A wingless angel is a methapor which scorns for women all thmesleves to be dominated. And the repetiton of if that creates an aggressive tone. Along with the language devices the form is written in free verse, and hints no limits/boundries, and also each stanza gives different views of aspects of romance. In conclusion the poets I have discussed in this essay all talk about love in different viewpoints. Some of them give off positive, and negative views on love due to their experiences. This tells me that love can be really good or really bad, it also shows me that love is different for everyone, and that love does not have any favourites.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Iraq`s Problems Essays - Iraq And Weapons Of Mass Destruction
Iraq`s Problems The topic I choose was Iraq and its past and still ongoing problems with the United Nations. The reason I choose this topic as oppose to another topic is war and the United Nations has always fascinated me. With Saddam Hussein still being stubborn with UN weapons inspectors it was incredibly easy to obtain information regarding this topic. The Los Angles Times; California; Feb 12 2000; The newest article I attained was from the February 12 edition of the Los Angles Times. It was entitled "Compromise Broached on issue of Arms Inspectors in Iraq". It discussed how Iraq is still refusing to allow the UN weapons inspector into the nation. It also talks about the UN feelings on the chance of inspectors ever being allowed to do their job. Apparently the Vice President has no intention of ever letting the inspectors into the country. Last Thursday he said, " There shall be no return of the so-called inspection teams. We reject the infiltration by spies using such cover." In my humble opinion it would make life in Iraq better if the inspectors where just allowed into the country. Most importantly sanctions the UN has placed upon Iraq would be removed. Apparently the really don't care about the sanctions according to their deputy foreign minister Nizar Hamdoun who said they can live without sanctions "forever". The UN has a different opinion they believe they cannot. I believe they can, they have done fine up to this point and I think they will continue to do fine. I think Iraq has many things they don't want the UN to know about such as chemical and biological weapons. They are a threat and need to be dealt with accordingly. New York Times; New York; Feb 8, 2000; Barbara Crossette The next article I choose was from the February 8 issue of the New York Times. This article was entitled "Iraq Suspected of Secret War Effort". This article sort of scared me. It was about in Britain, research and intelligence experts, also convinced that there are more germ warfare agents left in Iraq than previously known, have suggested that Iraq may have produced the organism that causes bubonic plague. But no evidence has been published in support of that theory, but American experts say, and United Nations inspectors found not trace of the plague in Iraq. This is only because Iraq not allowing them to inspect and when the UN inspectors where allowed in they where only allowed to inspect "certain" areas. This statement made by the so-called American experts was bull*censored*; they only said to comfort the American public. This expert Milton Leitenberg from the Center for International and Security Studies at the University of Maryland has been collecting information about Iraqi weapons sites and activities from two Iraqi defectors. Milton is really not sure if the new thing is a virus and not a bacterial agent but he said in an interview that Hans Blix, the new chief inspector for Iraq might need to focus his attention on Biological weapons. Milton and other British experts say inspector will have to be more aggressive in demanding access in Iraq. I think so to, biological weapons are illegal as a form of warfare since the Geneva Convention outlawed them. And the fact that there are not allowed to be used as a form of warfare should be reason enough to be more aggressive not to mention the fact that these weapons of mass destruction will be if not are already in the hands of a mad man! Also according to this article the eradication of biological weapons in Iraq may be as important or more important to the people of Iraq as to the outside world. Experts working with the United Nations Special Commission, the first disarmament task force created for Iraq after the Gulf War said some of the bacterial and viral agents Iraq was producing then had little application for war. Evidently a fungal agent called aflatoxin can lead to liver cancer, and rotavirus, which causes diarrhea in children and the elderly. This is just another reason for the inspectors to be more insistent in their attempt to gain entry into Iraq, their military compounds, and laboratories. World History Volume II; William J. Duiker & Jackson J. Spielvogel Pages 1136-1137 Duiker provided some insight on the history of this conflict. According to Duiker "Saddam Hussein, assumed power in Baghdad in 1979, then accused Iran of violating the territorial agreement and launched an attack on his neighbor." (1136) It seems
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock
â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†is an extraordinary masterpiece by T.S. Eliot. Eliot may possibly give us the essence of twenty-first century poetry. Through the â€Å"Love Song,†Eliot expresses exuberant writing technique via random comments deposited together. Certainly much of what he writes is unrecognizably queer, but it is all emphatically amusing. One cannot pretend to follow the drift of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," however every aspect woven together reveals the direct message. â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†is a lovely piece of poetry written to describe a young man’s attempt to find a common point with his date. The sentences are not at all lengthy. The verbiage might be somewhere around the lower collegiate level with understandable confusion. The stanzas hold no structure rather that the dawning and closure of each thought. This poem is composed in blank verse. Eliot is one of those clever men who find it amusing to pull the leg of a temperate reader. Rather than simply stating that two young people are out on their first date, Eliot finds the most roundabout way to explain just that. As the poem progresses, Eliot has the male counterpart rambling about while the female seems to show no interest. The young man expresses thought on a variety of themes, ranging from his appearance to classic literature to death. At the conclusion of the poem, it is distinct that the lady has exhaustively lost interest in her engagement. Through the â€Å"Love Song,†one might get the impression that all first dates go bad. However, the theme of this poem is that finding a point of joint concern might not always transpire in a fresh relationship. This could also be an explanation on how not to go about a first date. â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†explained the turmoil around courting in the early twentieth century. As in the day it was written the â€Å"Love Song†also has an effect on the â€Å"clicki... Free Essays on The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock Free Essays on The Love Song Of J. Alfred Prufrock â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†is an extraordinary masterpiece by T.S. Eliot. Eliot may possibly give us the essence of twenty-first century poetry. Through the â€Å"Love Song,†Eliot expresses exuberant writing technique via random comments deposited together. Certainly much of what he writes is unrecognizably queer, but it is all emphatically amusing. One cannot pretend to follow the drift of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock," however every aspect woven together reveals the direct message. â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†is a lovely piece of poetry written to describe a young man’s attempt to find a common point with his date. The sentences are not at all lengthy. The verbiage might be somewhere around the lower collegiate level with understandable confusion. The stanzas hold no structure rather that the dawning and closure of each thought. This poem is composed in blank verse. Eliot is one of those clever men who find it amusing to pull the leg of a temperate reader. Rather than simply stating that two young people are out on their first date, Eliot finds the most roundabout way to explain just that. As the poem progresses, Eliot has the male counterpart rambling about while the female seems to show no interest. The young man expresses thought on a variety of themes, ranging from his appearance to classic literature to death. At the conclusion of the poem, it is distinct that the lady has exhaustively lost interest in her engagement. Through the â€Å"Love Song,†one might get the impression that all first dates go bad. However, the theme of this poem is that finding a point of joint concern might not always transpire in a fresh relationship. This could also be an explanation on how not to go about a first date. â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock†explained the turmoil around courting in the early twentieth century. As in the day it was written the â€Å"Love Song†also has an effect on the â€Å"clicki... Free Essays on The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Philosophers recognize the harmony and duality of the universe with symbols like Ying and Yang. The title character in T.S. Eliot’’s poem, â€Å"â€Å"The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock,††has not. The poem is an internal monologue where Prufrock reveals himself as lonely and timid. Prufrock is a man in conflict with his duality, the society he has to live in, and the long lost dreams of his youth. Hot and cold, fire and water; duality is part of nature. Prufrock is not in harmony with his two sides. On the surface Prufrock is like a field mouse, frozen by fear who asks, â€Å"â€Å"Do I dare? And Do I dare?††Inside is a tiger that knows there is time to murder and create. Prufrock is a tiger in the body of a field mouse. Prufrock’’s field mouse is what society sees. Instead of cats and owls, ridicule and rejection are his natural enemies. Prufrock fears he is not able to meet society’’s standard. He fears societ y will have him â€Å"â€Å"pinned and wriggling on the wall.††J. Alfred Prufrock is afraid, not only of what they will say, but how society will look at him. Prufrock’’s inner tiger wants to ride â€Å"â€Å"seaward on the waves††and experience the passion of his youth. He is aroused by the perfume from a dress, but is held back by fear. Now, he only dreams of â€Å"â€Å"one night cheap hotels,††because he knows those times are past. He has seen his life pass by, teaspoon by teaspoon, and knows death is waiting; laughing at a life half lived. Some use the sun to measure days; Prufrock uses a coffee spoon. No longer the man he was, and unable to deal with the man he has become, Prufrock can not coexist with himself or society. The poem, an internal monologue, reveals the timidity and loneliness of J. Alfred Prufrock....
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Discussion of Philology
Definition and Discussion of Philology Definition Philology is the study of changes over time in a particular language or language family. (A person who conducts such studies is known as a philologist.) Now more commonly known as historical linguistics. In his book Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities (2014), James Turner defines the term more broadly as the multifaceted study of texts, languages, and the phenomenon of language itself. See the observations below. EtymologyFrom the Greek, fond of learning or of words Observations Hardly any academic research was taking place into grammar in the early decades of the [twentieth] century in Britain. And the academic work which was being donethe historical study of the language, or philologywas considered to be irrelevant to children whose primary need was literacy. Philology was particularly repugnant to teachers of English literature, who found it a dry and dusty subject.(David Crystal, The Fight for English. Oxford University Press, 2006) When Philology Was King of the Sciences- Philology has fallen on hard times in the English-speaking world (much less so in continental Europe). Many college-educated Americans no longer recognize the word. Those who do often thinks it means no more than scrutiny of ancient Greek or Roman texts by a nit-picking classicist. . . .It used to be chic, dashing, and much ampler in girth. Philology reigned as king of the sciences, the pride of the first great modern universitiesthose that grew up in Germany in the eighteenth and earl ier nineteenth centuries. Philology inspired the most advanced humanistic studies in the United States and the United Kingdom in the decades before 1850 and sent its generative currents through the intellectual life of Europe and America. . . .The word philology in the nineteenth century covered three distinct modes of research: (1) textual philology (including classical and biblical studies, oriental literatures such as those in Sanskrit and Arabic, and medieval and modern European writings); (2) theories of the origin and nature of language; and (3) comparative study of the structure and historical evolution of languages and language families.(James Turner, Philology: The Forgotten Origins of the Modern Humanities. Princeton University Press, 2014)- What was happening from about 1800 on was the coming of comparative philology, best described as the Darwinian event for the humanities as a whole. Like The Origin of Species, it was powered by wider horizons and new knowledge. By the late 18th century, conscientious British colonial administrators, who had had Latin and Greek drummed into them at school, found that they needed classical Persian, and even Sanskrit, to do their jobs properly. They could not help noticing the similarities between the Eastern languages and their classical counterparts. But what did these mean, and what was the origin, not of species, but of language differentiation?Comparative philology, tracing the history and development of especially the Indo-European languages, rapidly gained immense prestige, most of all in Germany. No discipline, declared Jacob Grimm, doyen of philologists and fairy-tale collector, is haughtier, more disputatious, or more merciless to error. It was a hard science in every sense, like math or physics, with a ruthless ethic of finicky detail.(Top Shippey, For Love of the Word. The Wall Street Journal, July 5-6, 2014) Henry Wyld on Cranks and Quacks (1921)The public is extraordinarily interested in all sorts of questions connected with English Philology; in etymology, in varieties of pronunciation and grammatical usage, in the sources of the Cockney dialect, in vocabulary, in the origin of place and personal names, in the pronunciation of Chaucer and Shakespeare. You may hear these matters discussed in railway carriages and smoking-rooms; you may read long letters about them in the press, adorned sometimes with a display of curious information, collected at random, misunderstood, wrongly interpreted, and used in an absurd way to bolster up preposterous theories. No, the subject-matter of English Philology possesses a strange fascination for the man in the street, but almost everything that he thinks and says about it is incredibly and hopelessly wrong. There is no subject which attracts a larger number of cranks and quacks than English Philology. In no subject, probably, is the knowledge of the e ducated public at a lower ebb. The general ignorance concerning it is so profound that it is very difficult to persuade people that there really is a considerable mass of well-ascertained fact, and a definite body of doctrine on linguistic questions.(Henry Wyld, English Philology in English Universities: An Inaugural Lecture Delivered in the Examination Schools at Oxford University, February 21, 1921) From Philology to LinguisticsIf the nineteenth was the century in which language was discovered, the twentieth is the century in which language was enthroned. The nineteenth century took language apart in several senses: it learned how to look at language as an amalgam of sounds and hence how to study sounds; it came to understand the significance of variety in language; and it established language as a separate study, not part of history or of literature. Philology was called the nourishing parent of other studies at best.It was when the other studies, notably new ones like anthropology, began in their turn to nourish philology that linguistics emerged. The new study became unlike its origins: as the century wore on, linguistics began to put language back together again. It became interested in the way sounds amalgamate to form words and words combine into sentences; it came to understand the universals beyond the apparent variety in language; and it reintegrated language with othe r studies, notably philosophy and psychology.(W.F. Bolton, A Living Language: The History and Structure of English. Random House, 1982) Pronunciation: fi-LOL-eh-gee
Thursday, November 21, 2019
U.S. Perspectives and Foreign Policy in Latin America Essay
U.S. Perspectives and Foreign Policy in Latin America - Essay Example The BBC asserted that while the U.S. government has been busy implementing its war against terrorism in Iran and Afghanistan, its relations with Latin America turned sour, from Mexico down to Peru. Strong anti-American feelings, or what one Peruvian leader called "the neo-liberal economic model that has failed to benefit our nation", converted into a string of electoral victories by what the West perceives as left-leaning governments. 2 A "leftward" drift is apparent in Latin America's southern hemisphere since the start of the decade. In Venezuela, leftist Hugo Chavez garnered 56.93% of the votes in 30 July 2000. In Brazil, center-Left Luis Inacio LULA da Silva won 61.27% in the second round of elections in October 27, 2002. In Argentina, left-leaning Nestor Kirchner was sworn in as president on May 25, 2003 to a four-year term of office after his rival, Carlos Menem, decided to stand down. In Uruguay, Tabar Ramn Vzquez Rosas of the Frente Amplio garnered 51.94% in the October 31, 2004 elections. In Bolivia, left-wing Evo Morales won a historic 54% of the vote in 18 December 2005. In Chile, center-Left Michelle Bachelet's second round votes of 53.49% beat Michelle Bachelet in 15 January 2006. In Peru, center-Left Alan Garcia beat Ollanta Humala in 4 June 2006. 3 Lula is again expected to win in the upcoming run-off elections this 29 October 2006. On December 3, Venezuela's Chavez will face liberal democrat Manuel Rosales. Elsewhere in the region, leftward shifts that are not necessarily anti-U.S. have also been observed in Honduras, Haiti, and Costa Rica. Former Nicaraguan Sandinista Party Chief Daniel Ortega will make another presidential re-election bid in November 2006. II. Independence, Regional Integration and Petroleum Politics Noam Chomsky, the renowned linguist and political analyst, noted in June 2006 that for the first time since the Spanish colonization, many countries in the hemisphere are "moving towards a degree of independence and towards a degree of integration." Petroleum-oil and gas-is a key issue. Chomsky adds that the United states is "terrified" considering that the largest energy producer in the hemisphere is Venezuela, which is one of the five founding members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Bolivia, with its vast gas reserves, is second to Venezuela. 4 Last February, U.S. secretary of state Condoleezza Rice accused Chavez of "Latin brand of populism that has taken countries down the drain," and that Venezuela's relationship with Cuba is "particularly dangerous." 5 A controversial figure next to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is Evo Morales of Bolivia. Last March 2006, Noam Chomsky said of Evo Morales's victory: "Morales' election reflects the entry of the indigenous population into the political arena throughout the continent. Along with other popular forces, indigenous people are demanding control over their own resources, a serious threat to Washington's plans to rely on resources from the Western hemisphere, particularly energy." 6 Otto Reich, former assistant secretary of state for the Western hemisphere and adviser to President George Bush, presents a different view however. In the same BBC interview with Noam Chomsky regarding Evo Morales challenge to the
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Past and Present Economical situation (Macroeconomics) of South Africa Research Paper
Past and Present Economical situation (Macroeconomics) of South Africa - Research Paper Example In the similar context, it has been stated by the scientists that the Late Stone Age people are living in southern part of Africa for a very long period before the blacks or the whites came into being to stay there. Furthermore, it can be stated that according to the evidences provided it can be observed that a sculpture of a rock is created by the Khoisan around 26000 years ago. The introduction of iron changed the African continent completely and it therefore provided a boost in the development of mankind. Agriculture has altered the lifestyle of the African people completely as South Africa largely is an agricultural country. The farming of agricultural lands provided an important aspect in the overall development of African population. Agriculture is a key contributing factor towards the overall economic growth in South Africa (The Early History of South Africa, n.d.). Short History about the Economic Background of South Africa South African economy has been a generally fluctuati ng economy. In the past few decades, it has witnessed a sustained growth in terms of real per capita income. However, in recent decades noticeable fall in real per capita income was observed primarily due to political instability as well as change in the country. According to the observation of World Bank, it can be idealized that in the middle income nations such as South Africa economic regress can occur as rapidly as economic progress. The global economic environment has been a major influence on the pattern of economic development in South Africa over its historical progression (Fedderke & Simkins, 2006). Figure: Real Per Capita GDP as well as Associated Growth Rate, A Historical Trend in South Africa Source: (Fedderke & Simkins, 2006) In the current context, the economy of South Africa is recovering from the earlier setbacks, but it has been weakened due to certain economic slumps. Moreover, with reference to the current trend of advanced economies, it can be recognized that du e to economic setbacks growth has become too low largely due to considerable depression in unemployment. In the related context, it can also be said that according to World Economic Outlook, it can be predicted that there was slump in the economic aspects from the initial part of 2012. Economy in the global context will remain at around 3.3 percent and 3.6 percent in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Productivity is expected to remain sluggish in advanced economies, providing no effect on the emerging markets and developing economies. Moreover, unemployment is likely to stay high in most of the parts in the world, with the financial conditions remaining delicate according to the reports presented by Global Financial Stability Report (GFSR) in October 2012. These factors have an impact on the overall economic scenario in South Africa in the coming years (International Monetary Fund, 2012). Demographics of South Africa Demography is the numerical study of prevailing human populations. It in cludes the study of the structure, size as well as distribution of varied dimensions of a country’s population which also relates to birth, age and death. The analysis can be incorporated in the context of certain societal or group aspects such as education, nationality and ethnicity among others. The demography of South Africa is estimated on the basis of the statistical information gathered
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Traditional Business Concepts Essay Example for Free
Traditional Business Concepts Essay Business concepts of marketing and economics have proven to be valuable to the success of many business organizations. This is due to the fact that business concepts know the techniques of understanding and reaching out to clients. Thus, it is useful to integrate some of these concepts into the healthcare industry, with the aim of further improving the delivery of healthcare services.            Understanding and application of economic concepts to healthcare are useful in solving many of the controversies in the field. Healthcare is an aspect of government that is always on crisis. For example, one recurring crisis in healthcare is the huge number of population that is uninsured. This crisis could be better understood and addresses through the application of the economic concept of demand. Thus, the number of people who wants healthcare coverage increases because they want to be healthy (Drummond, 2001). Moreover, there is a corresponding increase in incomes and improvements in medical technology, which affect their expectations on healthcare coverage. Since this understanding gives insight to the reason for increasing demand for healthcare, healthcare organizations would have a better starting point when dealing with their clients, thereby further increasing the care with which they deal with the latter.            Another important business concept that could aid healthcare organizations is Customer Relationship Marketing (CRM), which helps organizations manage their customers. CRM is useful because it would allow healthcare organizations to ensure that they could access customer information at any point and at any time within the organization. Having information at one’s fingertips would, without a doubt, help healthcare organizations personalize their services according to the specific needs of their clients. Thus, while CRM is initially a business concept, it would not reduce the caring aspect of healthcare organizations (Garcà a-Murillo Annabi, 2002). References Drummond, M. (2001). The Use of Economic Evidence by HealthCare Decision Makers.           The European Journal of Health Economics 2(1), 2-3 Garcà a-Murillo, M. Annabi, H. (2002). Customer Knowledge Management. The         Journal of the Operational Research Society 53(8), 875-884
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Hepatitis C Essay -- essays research papers
Hepatitis C has been referred to as a "Silent Epidemic," since it usually progresses slowly over many years. Most people who are infected with hepatitis C are not aware of any noticeable symptoms for as long as one to two decades after they are infected. In fact, by the time symptoms appear, the virus has probably already begun to damage the liver. If the liver is injured and stops functioning, death will always be the outcome (Lieber). Liver failure from chronic hepatitis C is one of the most common causes of liver transplants in the United States. Hepatitis C is an inflammation of the liver’s cells and tissues caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV). Hepatitis C virus is blood-borne, which means it is spread through blood and blood products (Grady). After the discovery of hepatitis A virus in 1973 and hepatitis B in 1963, any cases of acute or chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis without identifiable causes were placed into the category of non-A non-B (NANB) hepatitis(Palmer108) . In 1989, a major breakthrough regarding this mysterious and intriguing disease occurred, the hepatitis C virus was identified. Now, most hepatitis C viruses are believed to be the viruses responsible for about 90 percent of all cases of NANB. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 1.8% of the U.S. population, or 3.9 million Americans, have been infected with this chronic blood-borne virus. About 50,000 new cases of hepatitis C are estimated to occur in the United States each year. Without proper and effective treatment the death rate is expected to triple in the next fifteen years (Turkington 9). Seventy-five percent of those infected with the virus will develop chronic hepatitis and half of those people will develop cirrhosis of the liver Due to the fact that Hepatitis C is blood-borne there are many ways a person can contract HCV, and many types of people who are more prone to it than others. The most effective mode of transmission is when an infected persons blood gets into the bloodstream of another person. HCV can only enter the bloodstream by first getting through the protective covering skin, this is called percutaneous route. Common routes of infection include needle stick accidents among healthcare workers, shared needles that are used during body piercing, injecting illegal drugs, and tattooing (Turkington 19). Another common ... ...eek so many people ignore them and go back to their normal lives. Once most people become infected with acute hepatitis C and are untreated, patient will develop chronic hepatitis. In fact 85 percent of infected people develop chronic hepatitis C (Palmer 118). Chronic hepatitis can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, liver failure, and liver cancer (Hoofnagle). If Chronic hepatitis does not reverse itself, and a liver transplant is not done the liver will shrink, the kidneys will fail, and the patient will lapse into a coma (Bushie). The main symptom for chronic hepatitis in jaundice. The result is the yellowish appearance of the skin and eyes and the urine will become a brownish color (Leiber). Many patients have complained of red itchy rash on their bodies and pain in their lung and abdominal areas (Bushie). The limbs often swell, and many experience brain fogs, where they forget what is happening around them. There are many symptoms that hepatitis C shares with other viruses, this is what makes it difficult to diagnose. After the diagnosis is made from the necessary blood tests, the doctor will perform a liver biopsy to determine the extent of inflammation and damage in the liver.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Sample Police Report
The text below is an example of a police report. Notice the following points about it: * It is written in clear, simple English. * Dates, times and other details are recorded as precisely as possible. (Find some examples of these. ) * The â€Å"register†(i. e. the level of language) is formal. For example, there are no short forms such as â€Å"didn’t†and no colloquial words such as â€Å"nicked†. Similarly, the formal word â€Å"purchased†is used instead of â€Å"bought†. What other examples can you find? * The report is impersonal.The writer focusses on the events and the evidence, not on his own thoughts or feelings. Case Number: VT 05/04/01/3462 Incident: Vehicle Theft Reporting Officer: Constable Ranjit Singh Date of Report: 05 April 2001 At about 1040 hours on 5th April 2001, I met with Ms. Vanessa Price at 61 South Chorley Drive regarding a vehicle theft. Ms. Price said she parked her car by a parking meter outside Chorley Leisure C entre at about 0945 hours and went into a nearby shop to return a faulty torch she had purchased the previous day.She said that when she returned to the leisure centre at about 1000 hours, she discovered her car was missing. Ms. Price described her car as a maroon, 1999 Mitsubishi Eclipse with a black convertible roof. The car registration number is GTL-682-P. She estimated the value of the car at  £8,500 and said there were no distinguishing marks or items. Ms. Price told me she locked the car, but she does not have the keys. She now believes she may have left the keys in the boot lock after removing the faulty torch from the boot. Ms.Price said she gave no one permission to take her car, and she is up to date with her loan repayments. I conducted a survey of the crime scene but found no items of evidence. I saw no broken glass in the area, and there were no items to retrieve or photograph. I obtained a sworn statement from Ms. Price and provided her with the case number and Info rmation Leaflet 99/07 (â€Å"What to do when your car is stolen†). I entered the vehicle into the station database as a stolen vehicle. I also searched the area but was unable to find the vehicle.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Analysing Slyvia Plath’s “Mushroom†Poem Essay
The poem â€Å"Mushroom†discusses the persistent struggle as the central theme. The lines that depicts the struggle are â€Å"our hammers, our rams, earless and eyeless, perfectly voiceless†as personified by the mushrooms. Plath’s made use of allusions in the form of the last stanza â€Å"our foot’s in the door†The structure of the poem has 23 lines, with nursery rhyme quality along with many repetitions of phrasing and sounds to depict fertility. Plath used the style of poem for younger children. The persona of the poem is the author herself who had two failed suicidal attempts and re-evaluated by the persona in the poem either from a perspective of a rebellious present. The literary devices used in the poem are personification, metaphor and allusion. Plath personified mushrooms by giving them human characteristics, found in the lines of â€Å"earless and eyeless, perfectly voiceless†. The author also used metaphor of the mushrooms as tables, together with their meekness. The subject mushrooms, as a metaphor for people who are often underestimated people. The poem also showed the allusion of found in the last line â€Å"our foot’s in the door†based o the Beatitude â€Å"the meek shall inherit the earth. †It conveys the dilemma of the oppressed (or mushroom) wherein personification of the poor and voiceless are found as mushrooms. The overall meaning of the poem for contemporary reading audience is to know how to have a deep desire to gain power and control regardless of how oppressed, struggling these people are. Works Cited Plath, Sylvia, The Journals of Sylvia Plath, edited Karen V. Kukil, Faber and Faber, London, 2000.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For
How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For How Sustainability Achieved When Using Central HVAC And VAV System For A Building – Coursework Example ACHIEVING SUSTAINABILITY WHEN USING CENTRAL HVAC AND VAV SYSTEMS FOR A BUILDING The fundamental importance of central HVAC andVAV in a building cannot be overemphasized. The assumption is that heat, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) are straight forward when it comes to constructing a building that meets the relevant requirement. Achieving sustainability is of the essence when using HVAC in a building. To achieve sustainability it necessary to employ a high performance HVAC with an integrated building design. The integration of the two components ensures a reduction in the cost of energy. It is, therefore, important to select an HVAC that is capable of minimizing consumption of energy. An energy efficient design integrated with a high performance HVAC ensures sustainability in a building by saving on the cost of energy (Kaabouch & Hu 2012, P.165). Variable air volume (VAV) is a fundamental component required for building just as the HVAC. Achieving sustainability is critical wh ile employing VAV in a building. Most of VAV used in building have a single minimum control strategy that is employed in construction. However, single minimum control strategies do not ensure sustainability in buildings. The single minimum strategy does not ensure sustainability in the sense that when it reaches the set point, it does not cool or heat effectively making the VAV flow of air higher than the specified limits. To ensure sustainability, it is important to employ the dual maximum strategy (Appleby 2012, p. 313). This strategy ensures that as VAV get to the heating mode, it is broken down into two spheres. The approach ensures that airflow and reheating are significantly controlled effectively leading to reduction in energy loss (Appleby 2012, p. 313). BIBLIOGRAPHYKaabouch, N., & Hu, W. C. (2012). Energy-aware systems and networking for sustainable initiatives. Hershey PA: Information Science Reference.Appleby, P. (2012). Integrated Sustainable Design of Buildings. Routle dge.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Analyze a Free Falling Body Problem
How to Analyze a Free Falling Body Problem One of the most common sorts of problems that a beginning physics student will encounter is to analyze the motion of a free-falling body. Its helpful to look at the various ways these sorts of problems can be approached. The following problem was presented on our long-gone Physics Forum by a person with the somewhat unsettling pseudonym c4iscool: A 10kg block being held at rest above the ground is released. The block begins to fall under only the effect of gravity. At the instant that the block is 2.0 meters above the ground, the speed of the block is 2.5 meters per second. At what height was the block released? Begin by defining your variables: y0 - initial height, unknown (what were trying to solve for) v0 0 (initial velocity is 0, since we know it begins at rest) y 2.0 m/s v 2.5 m/s (velocity at 2.0 meters above ground) m 10 kg g 9.8 m/s2 (acceleration due to gravity) Looking at the variables, we see a couple of things that we could do. We can use conservation of energy or we could apply one-dimensional kinematics. Method One: Conservation of Energy This motion exhibits conservation of energy, so you can approach the problem that way. To do this, well have to be familiar with three other variables: U mgy (gravitational potential energy) K 0.5mv2 (kinetic energy) E K U (total classical energy) We can then apply this information to get the total energy when the block is released and the total energy at the 2.0 meter above-the-ground point. Since the initial velocity is 0, there is no kinetic energy there, as the equation shows E 0 K 0 U 0 0 mgy 0 mgy 0E K U 0.5mv2 mgyby setting them equal to each other, we get:mgy0 0.5mv2 mgyand by isolating y0 (i.e. dividing everything by mg) we get:y0 0.5v2 / g y Notice that the equation we get for y0 doesnt include mass at all. It doesnt matter if the block of wood weighs 10 kg or 1,000,000 kg, we will get the same answer to this problem. Now we take the last equation and just plug our values in for the variables to get the solution: y0 0.5 * (2.5 m/s)2 / (9.8 m/s2) 2.0 m 2.3 m This is an approximate solution, since we are only using two significant figures in this problem. Method Two: One-Dimensional Kinematics Looking over the variables we know and the kinematics equation for a one-dimensional situation, one thing to notice is that we have no knowledge of the time involved in the drop. So we have to have an equation without time. Fortunately, we have one (although Ill replace the x with y since were dealing with vertical motion and a with g since our acceleration is gravity): v 2 v 0 2 2 g( x - x 0) First, we know that v0 0. Second, we have to keep in mind our coordinate system (unlike the energy example). In this case, up is positive, so g is in the negative direction. v2 2g(y - y0)v2 / 2g y - y0y0 -0.5 v2 / g y Notice that this is exactly the same equation that we ended up with in the conservation of energy method. It looks different because one term is negative, but since g is now negative, those negatives will cancel and yield the exact same answer: 2.3 m. Bonus Method: Deductive Reasoning This wont give you the solution, but it will allow you to get a rough estimate of what to expect. More importantly, it allows you to answer the fundamental question that you should ask yourself when you get done with a physics problem: Does my solution make sense? The acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 m/s2. This means that after falling for 1 second, an object will be moving at 9.8 m/s. In the above problem, the object is moving at only 2.5 m/s after having been dropped from rest. Therefore, when it reaches 2.0 m in height, we know that it hasnt fallen very fall at all. Our solution for the drop height, 2.3 m, shows exactly this - it had fallen only 0.3 m. The calculated solution does make sense in this case. Edited by Anne Marie Helmenstine, Ph.D.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
School competitors ERCI Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
School competitors ERCI - Essay Example By comparing the positive and negative attributes, a comparative estimation was done which highlighted on the competitive strategies, objectives of the individual schools as well as the efficiency and defensive moves which can help ERCI to gain market share by attracting more students internationally. ERCI on understanding its competitors’ strategies would restructure and implement their own strategies which would work as an advantage to them (ERC Institute, 2015). A survey was executed where the students of ERCI sampled 100 odd students from varied background to fill in a questionnaire which they analyzed to determine the student’s demand for educational school and what were the features they are more reluctant on while selecting a particular school to study in. The sample group had individuals from countries like Singapore, Vietnam, Korea and China who are students in Singaporean school. The main focus was on the survey method where the students were questioned on their decision making on selecting the specific schools they study in. The focus of the descriptive analysis was on the fees structure, the satisfactory attributes of the schools as well as the educational programs and certificates provided by them. Most of the students surveyed were males and were interested in further studies. 68.5% of the students were aware of the educational programs and attributes of the schools through the agents. Further, the sales manager of ERCI wa s interviewed to judge the recruiting and managing procedures for the international students. It was found that those students from India and China show greater interest in further studies internationally. They tend to seek information about the global schools through educational agencies in their respective countries and hence the Singaporean schools contact these agents to promote themselves and attract greater number of candidates. On the other hand, there are part time educational facilities in Singapore
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Information Systems for Accountants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Information Systems for Accountants - Essay Example As the project progresses, some of these tasks may change due to unforeseen or miscalculated circumstances, therefore the original task duration, and its sequence must be modified. These methods diverge in intricacy from simple to-do lists to GANTT charts, to a more complicated network scheduling techniques such as CPM or Critical Path Method, PERT or Program Evaluation and Review Technique, and Precedence Diagramming. CPM and PERT charts consumes a lot of time to create manually thus outshine the real work to be done by the method used to represent the work. Precedence Diagramming is like CPM and PERT but it let different logic relationships to be signified in graphic form and it allows relationships to be represented in various ways making it more illustrative of the real life construction process. All of the above techniques when done manually are unfortunately very difficult. Project tracking or monitoring involves registering these various changes throughout the project, and making suitable changes to the projected schedule. Making constant schedule revision throughout the life of the project is an arduous task for the planner and the result may not be accurate and probably will not meet the deadline. Nevertheless, there are tools available to help plan and track projects more efficiently like Microsoft Project. Microsoft Project is a computer program designed to automatically plan, schedule, and track the progress of the project. An easy, powerful, and flexible project management tool that puts you in command of your projects, helps you keep everyone up to date and involved, and is well suited with the working style of today. Manage simple or multifaceted projects by scheduling and tracking all your activities so you can stay on top of their development. Sets up your plan swiftly, initialize your plan by creating and arrange your task list so you can simply validate details and overall
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example Political campaigns, religious leaders, and foreign press make quite a spectacle of how the United States legal system regularly sentences people to die for the crimes they have committed. As such, the United States is a bit of a novelty in the developed world as one of the last few 1st world countries in which the death penalty is not only still legal but employed in great numbers (Debrevnik, 2004). This short analysis is far too brief to provide the level of critique that a topic such as the death penalty deserves; however, this analysis will discuss a few of the strengths and weaknesses of the death penalty in its current form and weigh them against some of its greatest weaknesses to provide the reader with a clearer understanding and sense of moral responsibility with relation to whether or not the death penalty is a net good or a net evil in the criminal justice system and in our society as a whole. It is necessary to note that although this author is in favor of the death penal ty, there are many serious drawbacks to its application, the high economic costs it entails, and the oftentimes arbitrary nature with which it has been historically employed. Although these concerns are valid, the author maintains that notwithstanding many of the current drawbacks associated with the death penalty, the morality and ethics behind it are still poignant enough to merit its support. From a purely economic standpoint, capital punishment is an extraordinarily expensive form of punishment. As compared with life in prison, the average cost of execution is approximately the same cost to keep a prisoner housed and fed for over 100 years. Currently, the average cost of execution in California exceeds 4 million dollars per criminal executed. Comparatively, the average cost to keep a prisoner housed and fed as well as ensuring proper health care and medicine usually does not exceed $35,000 per year (Semeshenko et al, 2012). At such an exorbitantly high expense, it is clear that choosing capital punishment on the grounds that killing the criminal will somehow save the state money over time is entirely illogical. As such, the argument for execution does not hinge on economic savings; instead, it hinges upon the Judeo-Christian belief of â€Å"an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth†. In this way, the major supporters of the death penalty believe that certain crimes are so heinous that rehabilitation is not possible. As such, one’s life is forfeit for certain crimes if convicted. This further raises the tangential issue of the purpose of prison; whether it is it to rehabilitate or to punish. According to death penalty activists, prison’s primary objective is to punish with rehabilitation being a very distant second. A secondary issue with the death penalty in its current form is that they death penalty has been proven not to be a significant deterrent against the crimes it punishes. With the United States being a prime example, it is ob vious that murder rates in the United States are comparably higher than almost any other nation that currently does not have the death penalty as a legal option for a convicted criminal. Accordingly, the death penalty cannot be seen as adequate deterrent to dissuade would-be criminals from committing crime; however, it can be seen as a barometer of a society’s overall tolerance for violent crime and the clear and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Modulation And Demodulation In Gsm Marketing Essay
The Modulation And Demodulation In Gsm Marketing Essay GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is the most popular standard for mobile phones in the world . In GSM signaling and speech channels are digital and data communication is easy to build into the system GSM is a cellular network,and mobile phones connect to it by searching for cells in the immediate vicinity.There are five different cell sizes in a GSM network-macro, micro, pico, femto and umbrella cells. The coverage area of each cell varies according to the implementation environment. GSM networks operate in a number of different frequency ranges (separated into GSM frequency ranges for 2G and UMTS frequency bands for 3G). Most 2G GSM networks operate in the 900 MHz or 1800 MHz bands. Most 3G GSM networks in Europe operate in the 2100 MHz frequency band.900MHz GSM uses a combination of TDMA and FDMA. It uses eight time slots, hence one carrier can support eight full rate or sixteen half rate channels. Channel separation is 200kHz with mobile transmit channels in the range 890 to 915MHz and mobile receive channels in the range 935 to 960MHz. Peak output power of the transmitters depends on the class of the mobile station and can be 0.8, 2, 5, 8, or 20 watts. GSM is based on digital cellular networks which have some advantages as listed below Greater spectrum usage efficiency compared to analogue approaches. Improved service quality for users in the form of improved speech quality, improved security through inbuilt encryption (there is none at present), and higher connection reliability. Larger number of advanced user services and easier linkage to private and public ISDN networks. CHAPTER 2: GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GSM GSM uses multiple access technology like FDMA/TDMA and CDMA TDMA. With time division multiple access simultaneous conversations are supported by users transmitting in short bursts at different times or slots. FDMA. In frequency division multiple access, the total band is split into narrow frequency subbands and a channel is allocated exclusively to each user during the course of a call. One is used for transmission and one for reception. CDMA. Code division multiple access allows all users access to all frequencies with the allocated band. A single user is extracted from the mayhem by looking for each users individual code using a correlator. Although not selected for the current generation of mobile digital technologies, CDMA holds much promise as the future technology of choice for GSM replacement in the next century. †¢ GSM uses frequency division duplexing. †¢ Channel for uplink is from : 890 915 MHz †¢ Channel for downlink is from 935 960 MHz †¢ Distance b/w the frequencies used for uplink and downlink (duplex distance) is 45 MHz †¢ Frequency difference between adjacent allocations in a frequency plan(channel spacing) is 200khz. †¢ Total number of frequencies are equal to 124 †¢ Bit rate of each channel is 270.9 kbit/s †¢ Duration of data frame in GSM is 4.615 msec †¢ Number of time slots are 8 and each slot is of (4.615 / 8) 0.577 m sec Speech bit rate is 13 kbits /sec ARCHITECTURE OF GSM NETWORK The GSM network can be divided into four main parts: The Mobile Station (MS). The Base Station Subsystem (BSS). The Network and Switching Subsystem (NSS). The Operation and Support Subsystem (OSS). CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND OF GSM The first GSM system specification was published in July 1991 and was immediately followed by several false starts. This was brought about by a combination over-optimism, difficulties in type approval testing, and inevitable changes to the GSM specification. The first terminals appeared on the market in June 1992. A combination of high demand for mobile services and a lack of capacity in the installed analogue network, has made Germany the most advanced country for GSM deployment. In the UK, Vodafone have said that they now cover 60-70% of the UK population with their GSM service and expect 90% coverage by mid 1993. GSM has also been accepted for use by over seventeen European countries and several others including New Zealand and Hong Kong ending a period of diverse and proprietary standards. Some of the problems which were faced by the Europians when implementing these brand new technology were In many countries there is no overt demand or need for GSM. Analogue services are available and under employed. GSM coverage needs to be as wide as analogue before users will swap over. The current generation of GSM hand portables are not as small or as light as analogue variants. This will limit the interest of many users, even though a better service may be provided by GSM technology. Terminal prices for digital technologies are high compared to analogue. It is likely that it will be very difficult to get users to pay higher call charges for an improved service so GSM cannot be positioned as a higher quality/higher price service. CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION Modulation scheme which is used in GSM is GMSK which is based on MSK.MSK uses linear phase changes and is spectral efficient. Block diagram of GMSK generator: Some of the properties of the GMSK are Improved spectral efficiency Power Spectral Density Reduced main lobe over MSK Requires more power to transmit data than many comparable modulation schemes Before the GMSK can be explained, some fundamentals of Minimum Shift Keying (MSK) must be known. MSK (MINIMUM SHIFT-KEYING) MSK uses changes in phase to represent 0s and 1s, but unlike most other keying schemes we have seen in class, the pulse sent to represent a 0 or a 1, not only depends on what information is being sent, but what was previously sent. Following is the pulse used in MSK Where if a 1 was sent if a 0 was sent To see how this works assume that the data being sent is 111010000, then the phase of the signal would fluctuate as seen below In order to see the signal constellation diagram consider the following equations which can be simplefied as where and Thus the equations for s1 and s2 depend only on andwith each taking one of two possible values. Therefore there are 4 different possibilities therefore the signal constellation diagram will be Advantages of MFSK MSK produces a power spectrum density that falls off much faster compared to the spectrum of QPSK. While QPSK falls off at the inverse square of the frequency, MSK falls off at the inverse fourth power of the frequency. Thus MSK can operate in a smaller bandwidth compared to QPSK GMSK(GAUSSIAN-MINIMUM SHIFT-KEYING) Even though MSKs power spectrum density falls quite fast, it does not fall fast enough so that interference between adjacent signals in the frequency band can be avoided. To take care of the problem, the original binary signal is passed through a Gaussian shaped filter before it is modulated with MSK. The principle parameter in designing an appropriate Gaussian filter is the time-bandwidth product WTb.Following figure shows the frequency response of different Gaussian filters.MSK has a time-bandwidth product of infinity As can be seen that GMSKs power spectrum drops much quicker than MSKs. Furthermore, as WTb is decreased, the roll-off is much quicker In the GSM standard a time-bandwidth product of 0.3 was chosen as a compromise between spectral efficiency and intersymbol interference. With this value of WTb, 99% of the power spectrum is within a bandwidth of 250 kHz, and since GSM spectrum is divided into 200 kHz channels for multiple access, there is very little interference between the channels The speed at which GSM can transmit at, with WTb=0.3, is 271 kb/s. It cannot go faster, since that would cause intersymbol interference CHAPTER 5: FUTURE OF GSM The strong demand for GSM is continuing. Today, GSM is used by 2.3 billion people worldwide and the strong growth is expected to be maintained. Most of the expansion occurs in high-growth markets, where the cost of mobile calls and terminals is crucial. With the success of GSM and to meet the demanding requirements of the subscribers, GPRS, HSCSD and EDGE has been introduced which offer high data rates for the transmission. 3rd Generation (3G) systems will soon be introduced in Pakistan offering new and interesting services to the users and will bring internet to new levels In future strong focus of GSM operators will be on maintaining high quality of service, increasing usage and exploring new revenue streams on value added services, market visibility through various market initiatives to fulfill subscribers satisfaction and demand and above all to increase the value of investment for the shareholders. MATLAB CODE (IMPLEMENTATION OF GMSK) clear all; close all; DRate = 1; % data rate or 1 bit in one second M = 18; % no. of sample per bit N = 36; % no. of bits for simulation [-18:18] BT = 0.5; % Bandwidth*Period (cannot change ) T = 1/DRate; % data period , i.e 1 bit in one second Ts = T/M; k=[-18:18]; % Chens values. More than needed; % only introduces a little more delay alpha = sqrt(log(2))/(2*pi*BT); % alpha calculated for the gaussian filter response h = exp(-(k*Ts).^2/(2*alpha^2*T^2))/(sqrt(2*pi)*alpha*T); % Gaussian Filter Response in time domain figure; plot(h) title(Response of Gaussian Filter); xlabel( Sample at Ts); ylabel( Normalized Magnitude); grid; bits = [zeros(1,36) 1 zeros(1,36) 1 zeros(1,36) -1 zeros(1,36) -1 zeros(1,36) 1 zeros(1,36) 1 zeros(1,36) 1 zeros(1,36)]; % Modulation m = filter(h,1,bits);% bits are passed through the all pole filter described by h, i.e bits are % shaped by gaussian filter t0=.35; % signal duration ts=0.00135; % sampling interval fc=200; % carrier frequency kf=100; % Modulation index fs=1/ts; % sampling frequency t=[0:ts:t0]; % time vector df=0.25; % required frequency resolution int_m(1)=0; for i=1:length(t)-1 % Integral of m int_m(i+1)=int_m(i)+m(i)*ts; end tx_signal=cos(2*pi*fc*t+2*pi*kf*int_m); % it is frequency modulation not the phase modulating with the integral of the signal x = cos(2*pi*fc*t); y = sin(2*pi*fc*t); figure; subplot(3,1,1) stem(bits(1:200)) title(Gaussian Filtered Pulse Train); grid; subplot(3,1,2) plot(m(1:230)) title(Gaussian Shaped train); xlim([0 225]); subplot(3,1,3) plot(tx_signal) title(Modulated signal); xlim([0 225]); % Channel Equalization %load C:CASEDigital_Communicationprojectgmskalichannel.mat load channel.mat h = channel; N1 = 700; x1 = randn(N1,1); d = filter(h,1,x1); Ord = 256; Lambda = 0.98; delta = 0.001; P = delta*eye(Ord); w = zeros(Ord,1); for n = Ord:N1 u = x1(n:-1:n-Ord+1); pi = P*u; k = Lambda + u*pi; K = pi/k; e(n) = d(n) w*u; w = w + K *e(n); PPrime = K*pi; P = (P-PPrime)/Lambda; w_err(n) = norm(h-w); end figure; subplot(3,1,1); plot(w); title(Channel Response); subplot(3,1,2); plot(h,r); title(Adaptive Channel Response); rcvd_signal = conv(h,tx_signal); subplot(3,1,3); plot(rcvd_signal); title(Received Signal); eq_signal = conv(1/w,rcvd_signal); figure; subplot(3,1,1); plot(eq_signal); title(Equalizer Output); subplot(3,1,2); plot(eq_signal); title(Equalizer Output); axis([208 500 -2 2]); subplot(3,1,3); plot(tx_signal,r); title(Modulated Signal); % Demodulation eq_signal1 = eq_signal(200:460-1); In = x.*eq_signal1; Qn = y.*eq_signal1; noiseI = awgn(In,20); noiseQ = awgn(Qn,20); I = In + noiseI; Q = Qn + noiseQ; LP = fir1(32,0.18); yI = filter(LP,1,I); yQ = filter(LP,1,Q); figure; subplot(2,1,1); plot(yI); title(Inphase Component); xlim([0 256]); subplot(2,1,2); plot(yQ); title(Quadrature Component); xlim([0 256]); Z = yI + yQ*j; demod(1:N) = imag(Z(1:N)); demod(N+1:length(Z)) = imag(Z(N+1:length(Z)).*conj(Z(1:length(Z)-N))); xt = -10*demod(1:N/2:length(demod)) xd = xt(4:2:length(xt)) figure; stem(xd) title(Demodulated Signal); OUTPUTS TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 2: GENERAL PROPERTIES OF GSM CHAPTER 3: BACKGROUND OF GSM CHAPTER 4: IMPLEMENTATION MSK GMSK CHAPTER 5: FUTURE OF GSM CHAPTER 6: MATLAB IMPLEMENTATION
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Use of Intensity and Passion as Resources for Social Transformation
Baldwin saw his race lynched, beaten, and emotionally tormented, alongside white America’s indifference towards this social problem. He witnessed firsthand the shortcomings of his country. Meanwhile, his father obfuscated this intense reality, which likely paralleled a similarly hidden reality of white people his age whose parents repeatedly eluded such inequalities because it was easier than facing them head-on. For Baldwin, trouncing social injustice requires the white man’s knowledge of how to love the Negro, to love one must suffer reality by facing their fears of experiencing the wicked and unknown. Ironically, the only wicked and unknown is that of the white man’s private fears and longings projected onto the Negro, fear of the burdensome reality that life is tragic and death is inevitable. The Negro more or less accepts his eventual death, since throughout American history he was raped, tortured, humiliated, and experienced a loss of human identity and human authority from confronting the twisted beauty of suffering (Baldwin, 98-99). The Negro was forced to face sensuality, that which Anglo-Teutonic, anti-sexual Whites have not (Baldwin, 43 & 30). â€Å"The [white] person who distrusts himself has no touchstone for realityâ€â€for this touchstone can be only oneself†(Baldwin, 43). It is for this reason that the Negro must rise-up, assuming that any potential for social justice rests in his hands. The few relatively conscious whites and relatively conscious blacks must, â€Å"like lovers, insist on, or create, the consciousness of others†(Baldwin, 105). Up to this point in American History, blacks and whites have instead experienced universal joylessness (Baldwin, 43). To the white man’s benefit, love for the Negro absolves his ... ...rm their own lives, at the same time the members desire to learn from the students and from inspired self-reflection about how they can transform their own lives. On the other end of the spectrum, extremist examples of passion and intensity used as resources for transformation include groups like, Al-Qaida, and the Dove Community Outreach Center. Such resources may invoke the spirit of war, rebellion, and deceit, detract from societal progress and antagonize tensions already rooted in sensitive geopolitical relationships. However, we must recognize that outside the western world, many people see these resources as positive for social and personal transformation. Ascertainable from these diverse resources is that passion and intensity may be leveraged regardless of geographical, political, or social divides, to effect diverse social and personal change.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Internal Selling: “Putting Theory Into Practiceâ€Â
Mental Model: As mentioned by John Bradley Jackson, â€Å"internal selling can be the hardest sale†. A salesperson might feel that convincing the customers and winning the deal is the end to it, but that is not true. Convincing the people within the organization and specially the higher management is a tougher job to do. There is resistance and inflexibility to change. The internal sales cycle is almost similar to the process of selling to the end customers. A salesperson has to understand the process, his role in it and then communicate everything to everyone (From John Bradley Jackson). After studying the course â€Å"Internal Selling†, I have understood the importance of selling within the organization. Like a ray of white light consists of all the colors, behind any decision in a company, there are different persons involved. These people have different ideologies, mental models, constraints and resistances. To be a successful internal seller, one has to accept this fact and be adaptable to apply different approaches to convince these people with the help of three types of selling skills: strategic, tactical and self-management. Thus he will be able to network and effectively implement any idea or plan internally. Executive Summary: This report talks about the Super-Ware case and tries to analyze how different internal selling concepts can be used in such a scenario in real life. There are two challenges here. The first one is to win over the customer Australian Home and the second one is to convince the people within the organization to agree to the demands of Australian Home. SPIN selling techniques can be used to convince Australian Home. For the second part, six stage internal sell process is explained. For each of the stages, relevant theories and concepts have been used. The final goal is to convince both the companies to strike a deal so that a long term good business relationship can be started. Putting Theory into Practice: I will consider the â€Å"Super Ware†case and try to analyze it in the lights of the theories learnt in the course â€Å"Internal Selling†. First, I will describe the situation in brief. Then the two parts will be discussed separately. The first part, convincing the customer, Australian Home will have discussion on how SPIN selling technique can be used here. The second part, convincing the company people, will be dealt with the six stage internal sell process. Situational Analysis: Super-Ware is a cookware company. It designs products to simplify people’s lives. For more than 100 years, they are helping people to save money and time by keeping their food fresh for longer. Super-Ware offers a wide range of products for storing food, food preparation, cookware, storage and serving items. They have designed a new technology cookware. This is called Snap-Shut which has the patented Easy-Find technology. The first challenge of the sales representative is to win the deal from the most shopped general merchandise retailer of Australia, Australian Home. Then the second challenge is to convince the departments within the organization to agree to the needs of Australian Home. 1. Convincing the End Customer: Australian Home 1. 1 SPIN selling technique: First, I will try to apply the SPIN selling technique as proposed by Rackham, 1987 to be able to win over the customer, Australian Home. †¢Situation: Australian Home is one of the biggest retailers of Australia. It is part of Australian Home Corporation, Limited which operates in retail, financial services and petroleum. More than 25,000 Australians work across the company. It has 254 stores in a wide range of communities nationwide. Australian Home stores offer a unique mix of products and services through the leadership of three specialty stores under one roof- Automotive, Sports and Leisure and Home Products. The product in question, Snap-Shut is currently not listed in Australian Home but other products of Super-Ware are sold in Australian Home as well as other competitive products like Lite-Box and Snap-Tight. Snap-Shut is sold in three retailer stores in Australia currently: All-Mart, Wellworths and Dollarland. The objective of the salesperson is to secure full listing of the Snap-Shut product line before the key summer picnic season. It is known that the future relationship with Australian Home is dependent on successfully getting this deal. †¢Problem: Consumers cannot find the lids of their containers and the Easy-Find technology of Super-Ware solves this problem. But there are some issues. Super-Ware does not accept returns of products and there is no guarantee that the products will sell as it is a new innovative range of cookware. The shipping policy of Super-Ware is FOB (freight on board) to the retailer. This means Super-Ware’s responsibility ends once the products are on board and the retailer has to bear the responsibility from then onwards. To add to these, Australian Home wants the products to be delivered in boxes of 20 instead of the Super-Ware convention of 10. They also want the boxes to have red transparent lids and not blue. Moreover, they demand to sell below the MSRP (manufacturer’s suggested retail price) by at least 2 cents for each if the items. They do not want the FOB policy for shipping and want the products to be delivered directly to their Melbourne depot. Implication: Over 70% of consumers are routinely unable to find the lid that matches their containers and another 52% loose the lid completely. The Snap-Shut products solve two problems, leakage and easy organization. They have unique locking tabs for secure storage and the lid snap to the base so that it cannot get lost. The lids are transparent which means whatever is stored within the boxes can be seen easily. It will help the customers to find what they want in a time efficient manner. This Easy-Find technology is patented by Super-Ware. So these boxes will attract more customers than competitors. This will mean more business for Australian Home. The competitors of Australian Home: All-Mart, Wellworths and Dollarland currently sell Snap-Shut products. So not listing this range will result in competitive disadvantage for Australian Home. Moreover, after the Christmas season, customers will have many leftover foods and Summer being a picnic season, they will need more food storage boxes. These customers will be more than happy to buy the unique Snap-Shut products. These are some of the main reasons why Australian Home should store this new product range. Need-Payoff: Australian Home is convinced about the innovative Snap-Shut products. But they have raised some demands to be fulfilled before placing the order. Getting this deal is very important for Super-Ware. This will ensure start of a good professional relationship with Australian Home which can be turned into a long term one. Australian Home is the biggest player in Australia and having a good relation with them will help S uper-Ware to gain more profits. If the demands of Australian Home are fulfilled and they are given guarantee of sales, they will order the products. This will mean gaining their trust and future orders. To make it a success, the sales representative has to use his selling skills to convince the people within different departments in the organization to accept the demands of Australian Home. 2. Convincing the Internal People of the Company: Super-Ware I will use the six-stage Internal Sell Process as proposed by Friesen, M. E. , 1998 to describe how the people within the organization, Super-Ware can be convinced to agree to the demands of Australian Home so that the deal comes to a successful end. The sales representative has to use the three selling skills of Strategic, Tactical and Self-management to do this task. 2. 1 Identify the Problem: There are four demands of Australian Home which is related to four departments. †¢The Marketing/Brand team has to be convinced that supplying red lids will be beneficial and cost effective †¢The Production team has to be convinced that changing the pack box quantities from 12 to 20 is viable †¢The Sales, Finance and Marketing teams are to be convinced that selling 2 cents below the MSRP will benefit the company †¢The Supply Chain team should agree to ship the products to the Melbourne depot 2. Generate Ideas: People are different. They have different mental models. These models influence how they observe and understand the world and finally how they take actions and behave. They have different constraints and resistances. To convince these people, one has to accept that they are different and try to think in the same w ay as they do. Different approaches are needed to accomplish this. One has to be ready to apply them and be effective at gathering information to successfully apply them (Spiro, & Weitz, 1990). This is called Adaptive Selling. As explained by John Bradley Jackson, â€Å"Internal selling can be the hardest sell†, one need to explain the unique attributes of the new customer agreement and don’t expect people to seek out the details about the new agreement. The people within the organization should be specifically communicated about the importance of the deal. They should be involved to generate ideas about how to meet the demands. The four departments can be given the following four reasoning: †¢Marketing: As Christmas is coming and red is a popular colour in Australia, changing the lid colour from blue to red might become more beneficial for the company. The department people might argue that changing the colour of the lid will confuse the end customers. The end customers can easily identify the colour blue with the Super-Ware brand name. This is part of their brand recall. And doing something which may affect the brand loyalty is a very risky decision. But the counter argument here can be that Australian Home and Super-Ware will engage in cooperative advertising which will feature both the companies. This adds will carry the message that Super-Ware has brought new Christmas special red lids exclusively for the Australian Home customers. This will help to increase the brand loyalty rather than affecting it. Another argument from the department can be that there is no guarantee that customers will like these red colour lids and buy them. The reasoning here can be that Australian Home, being the biggest retailer has more knowledge about the customer preferences and they have the confidence that the red lids will attract more and more customers during this festive season. †¢Production: Australian Home wants the products to be delivered in pack of 20. The Production department will say that doing this will mean different packaging process for Australian Home. Currently, the products are delivered in cases of 12 for all the other customers. Changing the packaging process only for one customer will result in more cost. Super-Ware might outsource the entire packaging process but that will mean losing the control over it. And if Super-Ware decides to standardize the process and package all products in cases of 20 for all customers, then the other customers might disagree to it. The sales representative can try to address these concerns by saying that packing in cases of 20 instead of 12 will save packaging material and thus save cost. The other customers can be convinced to accept delivery in packs of 20 with the reasoning that this is an environment friendly manner of business. †¢Finance: The Finance and Sales teams are to be convinced that selling below the MSRP will be beneficial in long term. They might say that if Australian Home is sold at 2 cents below the MSRP, then the other customers will also demand the same. But the counter argument here can be that, Australian Home is one of the biggest retailer and they have the biggest customer base. Profit = quantity * price. The reduction in price will result in more quantity being sold and thus more profit. If the other customers also demand same reduction in price, then Super-Ware can say that Australian Home gives the guarantee of more quantity, if they are also ready to buy more products and confident to sell them then they can also be given this privilege. Thus in long term, this will mean more Super-Ware products being sold and more profit for the company. †¢Supply Chain: Currently Super-Ware has the FOB shipping policy. The products are shipped from China and it is the responsibility of the buyer once the products are on board. Australian Home is worried about this responsibility, they are not worried about the money i. e. they are ready to pay the shipping prices but do not want the hassle of customs and other responsibilities. The Supply Chain department may say that changing the policy will mean new agreements and more legal costs and moreover the other customers will also start demanding the same. But they can be convinced saying that Australian Home is a major key account and they mean more business for the company. And they are not concerned about the money. Super-Ware only has to arrange for the responsibilities. All they have to do is to contact some outsourced expert shipping company for this. The expenses will be paid by Australian Home. If the other customers demand this, then they can be asked to enter into a long term business contract to avail this service. 2. 3 Network the Ideas: After talking to different departments, convincing them and asking them for suggestions, the ideas have to be communicated to all within the company to gain support from top management and others within the organization. The sales representative has to use his networking skills in this stage. He has to understand that people have different ego states from which they can communicate. This is the transactional analysis proposed by E. Berne, 1986. There are three ego states: †¢Parent †¢Adult †¢Child And there are three types of transactions possible within people: †¢Reciprocal/Complementary †¢Crossed †¢Duplex/Covert While communicating with someone, one should try to analyse the ego state of that person and try to guess the type of transaction he is trying to do. Accordingly, the sales representative should behave with that person to perform a successful friendly communication. Everyone in the organization should be convinced about the importance of the deal with Australian Home and the new ideas thought of to meet the demands of them. The sales representative can use his different powers, coercive, utility and honour, to influence and convince people. Influence is termed as the highest level of all human skills. The sales representative has to identify the most influential persons within the company or the opinion leaders. If these people are convinced, then they can motivate others to agree to the changes required to meet the demands of Australian Home. The other people who should be targeted first are the people with knowledge, people who have good connections in the company and also who are trustworthy. These people might help to get support and cooperation from others. People do not like changes. They are resistant to changes. And the worst part is, if one process succeeds then people become more resistant to change it. Meeting the demands of Australian Home requires some serious changes in the company policy. So the sales representative has to be very careful to make sure everyone is convinced that these changes are good for the company in the long term. Everyone should be involved in this process. People feel more obliged to agree to changes if they are engaged in and part of the process. The sales representative should keep in mind that there is the ladder of inference as proposed by Peter Senge. These are the stages that one goes through while inferring something. One decides what information to select from the pool of available information, and then he describes this information to himself and makes the interpretation. After that he evaluates it based on his views and opinions. Then finally he theorises it and concludes. This is the complex procedure behind any inference. People do these steps in mind without knowing that he is doing these. So, it is important to know that everyone has their own different ladder of inference. To convince someone and sell some idea to him, the seller has to act in a friendly way so that the person infers the exact thing that the seller wants him to infer. The ideas generated by talking to the four departments should be networked within the company with these theories kept in mind to ensure effective communication and generating support. The sales epresentative has to use his powers and influence skills to successfully convince everyone in the company. He should use his four types of influence styles depending on the situation: †¢Involving: He should use this style with people who are friends and trustworthy. It should be used to build collaborations based on the same goals. They can form a team together and work towards motivating and convincing others in the com pany. †¢Inquiring: He should use this style of influence with people who have some other needs. He should talk to people and try to identify their objectives and goals. Then he can try to convince them about his ideas and in turn he will help them to get success on their respective issues. †¢Leading: He should use this influence style to let everyone know the importance of this deal and the importance of Australian Home as a major long term key account customer. If the employees within the company are convinced about the importance of the issue then they will shed their resistance and come forward to make the deal a success. †¢Proposing: This style of influencing involves proposing various options and solutions with rationalizations. It is a structured style. This style might be used with people within the four departments. The sales representative should try to get these people involved in the whole matter. He should ask for their suggestions and they should work together towards a win-win solution for both the companies. 2. 4 Close the Deal: This is the hardest of all the stages. Getting the commitment from the top management can be as hard as possible. They can be convinced still not committed. The sales representative might have to use different closing techniques depending on the situation and the persons involved. While closing, the sales representative can use the concept of co-opetition, Brandenburger and barry, 1996. It is not necessary that one party has to be defeated for the win of the other party. It can be a win-win situation for both Australian Home and Super-Ware. The top management has to be convinced that. The solutions should be made in such a way so that they benefit both the companies. 2. 5 Implementation: This is the stage once commitment is gained from the top management. The ideas should be implemented. The sales representative should personally ensure that all the four departments can successfully implement all the olutions. He should be involved in the entire implementation process. He should also ask the Australian Home representatives for their feedbacks. He is the middle man between the two companies. He has the responsibility of maintaining the interests of both the companies and keeping both of them happy and thus helping to grow the inter-organizational relation. In t his stage also he has to use his people skills to ensure that everything is going smooth. 2. 6 Sell the Results: This is the final stage of this six stage internal sell process. The results of the deal, the final success story should be communicated to everyone. The sales figure of Australian Home, the growth in revenue and other financial figures should be communicated to everyone. He should also not forget to thank everyone and mention their contributions everywhere. This can be explained with the help of the Double Loop Learning concept as proposed by Argyris, 1976. Single loop learning is only problem solving and is a one way approach. This helps only in improving the system as it exists. But double loop learning is more than just solving the problems. This involves questioning the underlying assumptions and beliefs behind the techniques in which we do something, goals and values. The final outcome is the result that we get. We should analyse this result and try to learn from it. This learning can help in building the underlying assumptions which explains why we do something. This will also help in the techniques, goals, values and strategies which explain what we do. The outcome of building a successful business relation with Australian Home should be considered as a learning experience for the company Super-Ware. The results should be communicated to one and all within the company. This will help in internal sell process in future for other decisions in other situations. References: †¢John Bradley Jackson, â€Å"Internal Selling Can Be The Hardest Sale††¢Rackham, 1987, SPIN Selling Technique †¢Spiro, & Weitz, 1990, Adaptive Selling †¢Jennifer McFarland, 2001, â€Å"The Inside Sales Job††¢Friesen, M. E. , 1998, â€Å"The Internal Sell Process††¢E. Berne, 1986, Transactional Analysis †¢Peter Senge, Ladder of Inference †¢Brandenburger and Barry, 1996, Co-opetition †¢Argyris, 1976, Double Loop Learning
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